Mission Eagle Infiltration 2: The Servant of the dark Countess

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Re: Mission Eagle Infiltration 2: The Servant of the dark Countess

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Veronika and Sachiko entered the "arena" and greeted the "crowd", consisting of the dark countess and her two servants who dealt with Leona at her first day at castle Karnstein. But now the knights of Theresia von Karnstein were about to show their leige how they would handle things with the sexy Blonde waiting for them in the ring.

Leona got uncuffed as Heart Connection entered the ring, wearing elaborate clothes that underlined the meaning of this match. A sadistic beat up for the agent if she was'nt able to turn things and surprise both the countess and her knights. Veronika chuckled as she and Sachiko walked up to meet with the scantly clad blonde in the middle of the ring, both members of heart connection bearing a striking resemblence of the two evil siamese cats from Lady and the tramp as they oggled their prey all over.

"Hmmm... Say Sachi, isnt that one of the most amazing bodies you have ever seen... And Leonas is'nt bad too... ", the Queen of Hearts quipped while she pressed her body into Sachikos. It was hard for the two of them to let go of each others, much too addicted were they both to each other and soon they started to kiss and make out in front of the Blonde with Sia smirking. She could start the match now, giving Leona an advantage but seeing the confused looks on the agents face as she was basically ignored while Heart Connection was eager to suck each others face off.

It was Sia who broke the fun tough as she stood up and took a mic in her hand. "Girls, Girls, please, save something for later, we are here now for a wrestling match. My two knights vs my favourite toy. This one is a big one Leona.", Sia said and gave her a big smile. "If you manage to beat one of my knights, you shall regain your freedom!", she promised and then turned to her two lusty servants. "If you beat her, I shall reward you plentyfully. Veronika, Sachiko. Don't dissapoint me.", she said with a slight warning tone in her voice.

Then she let the bell ring and Veronika did'nt waist any time to sucker punch Leona in kicking her between her legs. She laughed and turned to her bluehaired partner. "I take it from here babe, but don't get too comfortable. You'll be needed soon...", she smiled and gave her another kiss before sending her out with a slap to her butt.

Veronika then turned around and her beautiful face turned into a grimace of sadistic glee when she dug her hand into Leonas hair and made her look up." Alright, Fräulein...shall we start?", she grinned and lifted the agent to her feet before spiking her knee into Leonas unprotected belly with full force!
Last edited by RedShinigami on Wed Jan 25, 2023 10:30 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Mission Eagle Infiltration 2: The Servant of the dark Countess

Unread post by CaptainL »

Sachiko's heart was beating faster and faster by the minute. She had been wowed by Sia's presence; merely being at her side was enough to send a tingly sensation down her spine. The thought of doing this all for her - having her attention and her adoration heaped upon her - was an honor, and it was one that Sachiko couldn't possibly turn down. Perhaps Sia was hopelessly far above her means, yet it was just that fact that made her seem that much more enticing. It gave her an exotic air of mystery - and if a filthy delinquent street brawler like her could be deemed the knight of such an esteemed countess, she just might have a chance of walking away from this encounter with even more.

Of course, pipe dreams aside, this match still offered plenty of excitement to look forward to. Leona wasn't half bad herself - and when her outfit left absolutely nothing to the imagination, it only left Sachiko all the more eager to get a feel of her bountiful curves all to her own. And then, of course, there was Veronika - the girl Sachiko never thought she would ever be this eager to work with, yet who was quick to show her the error of her ways. Everything Veronika did exuded sex appeal, and now that they'd formed a team, Sachiko was closer to her than ever, lost in her spell. Just watching Veronika was going to make this worth it - getting to fight alongside her made her heart soar. Even before the match had started, they came to one anothers' arms, joining in a passionate embrace.

She chuckled to Veronika's comments, her ravenous grin growing wider and wider. "No need to flatter me, babe...but I appreciate it~ Save some of Leona for me when you're done, mmkay?" When the two joined in a kiss, Sachiko pressed her body in close against Veronika's, pushing her chest against hers, feeling the warmth radiating through wherever their bare skin touched, and brushing her hips against Veronika's as she rolled them from side to side. They had grown so close, so desperate to feel one another, that Veronika could practically feel the thumping of Sachiko's heart through her breast. Soon the sukeban's mind was awash with pleasure. She didn't want to stray far from this spot - she practically forgot that they had a match awaiting them, when everything seemed to fall away in favor of the rush she got from being right here, pressed body to body with Veronika. In fact, she it was only when Sia reminded them of the match that Sachiko was at last shaken back to reality.

Her eyes went wide as her gaze turned to the countess. A second later, Sachiko pulled away from Veronika, her cheeks flushed and an awkward smirk on her face as she cleared her throat. "Ah, heheh, yeah...the match, right!" Nodding her head, she listened to Sia name the stipulations. It certainly caught her attention that Leona would be fighting for her freedom - that would make things interesting, ensuring that the agent would be all the more motivated to do her best. But what really piqued Sachiko's interest was the offer of a reward. She didn't know what it could be, and the rational part of her knew it was probably money or something; Sia surely had plenty to spare. But when the rational part of Sachiko's brain came into contact with the horny part, everyone knew which would win out. And the very thought of what might await her was all the motivation she needed.

"You got it...we're gonna make you proud!" She winked to Veronika, and laughed as soon as the dancer kicked Leona in the groin just after the match began! She could already tell that Veronika had things covered, and she nodded her head in agreement. "Certainly looks like you've got 'er under control, heh. But don't worry, I'll be ready! You really think I'd turn down an offer like this?~"

Sachiko exchanged another slap back at Veronika's rear before she turned and left the ring, slipping out onto the apron. There, she raised a fist, cheering her partner on!
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