A huge Challenge

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Re: A huge Challenge

Unread post by TheManVan »

Rei smiled again as she saw how Karin was acting with her as she raised her hand, ruffling the hair of the younger girl. “It’s okay, just relax. I’m not going to eat you alive you know. At least…not in the normal sense.” She let out with a laugh before her hand trailed down to clasp onto Karin’s shoulder. “I think, we’re going to really see how you handle in a variety of situations. So how about we do....hmmm yeah I like the sound of that....a Five Stages of Sexfight Hell?" She smiled, pulling the girl closer to her so that their faces were mere inches apart.

"Unless you don't think you're up for the challenge?"
Last edited by TheManVan on Sun Oct 17, 2021 7:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A huge Challenge

Unread post by xalex »

Karin would be shocked and blush a bit when Rei pulled er face in close to hold them two together. She would soon catch herself though. “I will give all I got as always! I promise you won´t be disappointed.” She needed to hold herself back from kissing rei right here. “I will do my best to eat you alive until you beg me to stop, giving you the best time you ever head inside the ring!” would Karin say hoping to sound confident as she felt how her knees began to shake, slowly realizing she might be in over her head with a champion like rei. Karin wanted to pull back and take one step backwardsi not the shower cabin, accidently bumping into the button to turn it on… The small girl didn´t knew what made her back up, rei wasn´t a huge monster or overly muscular. But still the confident way she talked and handled herself… it somehow was scary…
Karin would feel how the arm water began to run over her head and cover her whole body.

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Re: A huge Challenge

Unread post by TheManVan »

Rei let out a laugh at the boisterous proclamation from the young girl, letting go of Karin to allow her to back off with little resistance. "Hmmmm~ I'm looking forward to it you know." With such a claim from her soon to be opponent, how could she not be interested to see what kind of fight that Karin was going to bring to her. But through the bravado she could see that Karin was still nervous with the prospect of fighting her.

The Champion would not pick at this, but rather encourage the young girl as she reached up to pat her on her head. "Don't worry. Just come out and do your best and no one can fault you for that."

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Re: A huge Challenge

Unread post by xalex »

Karin would feel the hand of rei being placed on her head and she would smile happily staring up at the woman. She would do step forwards and bounced her bust against the bust of rei in a playful way. “I will give my best and try to take you down!” would she not noticing how the towel came undone and fall to the floor. She would stand there with her hands behind her head and blushing…
Karin would look down on herself for a bit and then just shrug… “fuck it… want to join me in the shower?”

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Re: A huge Challenge

Unread post by TheManVan »

Rei smiled seeing the resolve in Karin’s face with such high stakes, giving the Champion a little show as she watched those lovely breasts bounce up and down in front of her. “That’s the spirit.” She cooed, patting Karin on the head before turning around to leave the girl to prepare herself for the big match. But then, she was the one who had thrown a big thing at the Champion right as Rei was about to leave.

Her ears perked up at the offer as she stopped in place, turning her head over her shoulder. She didn’t reply immediately, her eyes once again looking at all that Karin’s body had to offer and there were plenty. Finally her smile grew, turning back towards Karin. “Ha. All right. I’ll join you.”

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Re: A huge Challenge

Unread post by xalex »

Karin would just smile and open her arms wide inviting Rei over to her:
“Show me what the champ can do!” would Karin say with a wink waiting for Rei to join her…


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