The Phoenix and The little She-Devil - Blaise Cameron vs Sierra Velvera

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Re: The Phoenix and The little She-Devil - Blaise Cameron vs Sierra Velvera

Unread post by reini »

At first, Sierra feels stuttered back by this larger frame hovering over her, and eventually reaching out to grab her. Now, if it was any other opponent, she would get crushed by now. But since Blaise decided to toy with Sierra despite her obliviousness towards it, there would still be some time before that happens.

She immediately locked up with him, her small hands gripping onto his shoulders as she pushed back with everything she had—which, in all honesty, wasn’t much. Her big brown eyes locked onto his piercing blues, filled with determination… and absolutely no awareness that duel wasn't a serious match of power.

To anyone watching, it looked like a heated contest between two wrestlers evenly matched in power. The audience was amazed by the little girl standind her ground to a sronger opponent.

She bit her lip, her face sweating gave away just how much effor she's pushing into "standing her ground". The amount of strength she had gave Blaise perfect control over how the struggle was going, and as dim-witted as she could be, Sierra still could feel that it isn't easy for her to overpower the stronger man. With the struggle turning more and more exhausing, her arms were geting weaker, but she wouldn't just let go!

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