Aella remained impassive towards Kyoko as she droned on, insulting Alizeh, insulting Kate, and insulting her and her relationship to Ayane. Much the same and she wouldn't let it bother her. Not in a way that would show to the champion.
"I will call it exactly as I see it and no less, and what I see is a cheat, arrogant and quickly disillusioned with her own accomplishment, and has thus become reliant on her little squad who's scared. Scared that she couldn't beat my daughter fairly, scared to beat Kate one one one, and now... scared because she's standing across from the woman who has come closest to taking that title from you." Aella said with a confident smirk, letting her words sink in for a moment before continuing.
"Don't remember Gold Rush selectively now dear. Remember, for a brief time I had the title in my hands, and I was moments from winning it for good had it not been for you interfering, not by pinning me, or submitting me... or anyone else for that matter. But by running down the clock... What's wrong? Is it that you know you'll lose when against just me with no time limit to fall back on?" Aella said to the woman full of confidence, not backing down in the least against Kyoko, even turning her words around on her.
Death to the Old Guard
- Fairy Dragon
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Re: Death to the Old Guard
Aella was getting too comfortable insulting the Queen just because she was keeping the rest of the group away. This kind of disrespect was the exact kind of thing Kyoko needed to punish more. She didn't know what kept her from giving the order anymore, even the weapon she had wasn't going to stop all 4 of them if they wanted to get to her. "You keep coddling Alizeh with that bullshit and we'll keep seeing how it fails her when she refuses to learn that she simply wasn't good enough to beat me." Kyoko said and started to raise her hand as if she was about to tell the group to shut her up for good, until she tried to bring up her actions at Gold rush, mainly that Aella got a pinfall during it on Kyoko herself. And by the end was close to getting the championship back until a last minute intervention by the Belly Queen allowed her to keep the submission from working and kept the belt around Kyoko's waist after the scramble was over.
"That's called winning by the rules of the match Aella, Once I got my pin I have no interest in letting you or anyone get the belt back. Getting a lucky pin off of me doesn't make you the no. 1 contender especially after I still walked away with my hand raised not you. You could put me in any stipulation out there and I'd still beat you, hell it might even be easier than beating Alizeh..." Kyoko said back, her hand stayed for the moment in her anger. Kirie seemed to notice that Kyoko was getting agitated by Aella, either from her mentioning Ayane who Kirie learned quickly was not someone you brought up around Kyoko or because of Aella bringing up her near victory. She decided to step in. "You done old lady? We got your message about wanting Kyoko's belt no pick a number and go home until it's your turn." She said stepping a little closer and pointing at the green haired wrestler.
"That's called winning by the rules of the match Aella, Once I got my pin I have no interest in letting you or anyone get the belt back. Getting a lucky pin off of me doesn't make you the no. 1 contender especially after I still walked away with my hand raised not you. You could put me in any stipulation out there and I'd still beat you, hell it might even be easier than beating Alizeh..." Kyoko said back, her hand stayed for the moment in her anger. Kirie seemed to notice that Kyoko was getting agitated by Aella, either from her mentioning Ayane who Kirie learned quickly was not someone you brought up around Kyoko or because of Aella bringing up her near victory. She decided to step in. "You done old lady? We got your message about wanting Kyoko's belt no pick a number and go home until it's your turn." She said stepping a little closer and pointing at the green haired wrestler.
- Bare
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Re: Death to the Old Guard
There it was. Without even realizing it Kyoko had given Aella her in and she was going to make full use of it. Even with Kyrie starting to pipe up she casually ignored it as if the young lioness hadn't even talked. "Sorry Kyoko did you hear something? Must have been the crowd." Aella said, as an official dismissal of Kyrie's words before focusing on Kyoko. "As for you... Use any excuses you'd like, but it doesn't change the fact that I. Pinned. You. In any other circumstance that would grant me a title shot, and it should here. You say you were working with the stipulation? Fine, doesn't change the fact that you never pinned or submitted me back. So why then Kyoko? Why not put you title where your words are? You say you can beat me in any stipulation? Then face me, prove that you can beat me, name the match type, and lets see just how well the former will do one on one against the Queen of the Skies." Aella said in a fierce, competitive tone, leaning ever closer to Kyoko till they were near fore head to fore head, trying to make it practically impossible for the middleweight champ to back down.
- Fairy Dragon
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Re: Death to the Old Guard
Aella ignoring Kirie did not go unnoticed by the rookie who seemed to get even more annoyed at the growing disrespect she got just because everyone saw her as a lackey. She was close to doing something again when Kyoko brought a hand up to stop her, sensing her anger simmering behind her. Kyoko however wouldn't let that go unaddressed. "When one of my teammates speaks you listen Aella, the next time you don't you better be prepared to use that weapon." Kyoko warned, making it clear what would happen if she did it again. She stood her hand longer for Aella's final speak or plea for a title match, one that involved the fact that she pinned her in a match and that Kyoko didn't do it back even though it wasn't required. But the thought of her running her mouth about it for months or weeks was already annoying enough that Kyoko was tempted to see the offer through.
"Name the match type? Why? So you have another excuse when you lose? That's all the trainees of my grandmother are good for and hearing both you and Alizeh bitch and whine shows that you took that lesson to heart and passed it on. You think pinning me in a match with multiple participants makes you the next one in line when you still came out the loser? I'll enjoy showing you and everyone here just how flawed that bit of logic is when I beat you in a match type that you get to choose. The only caveat is that you can't decide who gets to be at ringside for whatever match you pick. Don't want you bringing any extras while banning me from bringing my own." Kyoko said while Kirie looked annoyed at the thought of Aella getting a match at all. She briefly glanced back at Tara and Da Xia, wondering if they agreed with her on this or not by looking at their faces.
"Name the match type? Why? So you have another excuse when you lose? That's all the trainees of my grandmother are good for and hearing both you and Alizeh bitch and whine shows that you took that lesson to heart and passed it on. You think pinning me in a match with multiple participants makes you the next one in line when you still came out the loser? I'll enjoy showing you and everyone here just how flawed that bit of logic is when I beat you in a match type that you get to choose. The only caveat is that you can't decide who gets to be at ringside for whatever match you pick. Don't want you bringing any extras while banning me from bringing my own." Kyoko said while Kirie looked annoyed at the thought of Aella getting a match at all. She briefly glanced back at Tara and Da Xia, wondering if they agreed with her on this or not by looking at their faces.
- Bare
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Re: Death to the Old Guard
Well now, Kyoko was a bit more defensive of her team mates than Aella had expected, claiming that if Aella ignored Kyrie again there'd be a issue. Not that the older woman was particularly worried still. None the less Kyoko would accept her challenge, but refute the chance to set the match type, instead turning that honor to Aella with one caveat. "Very well then, if you need your emotional supports for you when you lose I understand but in that case..." Aella said before pausing for both dramatic effect and to let that burn sink in before continuing. "It will be a Texas, Bul lrope, Death Match. Victory by submission or knockout only, and team mates nearby or no, you'll never be too far from me." Aella said with a wink after that last sentence as she made her match type known. "Sound good to you Kyoko?" Aella asked to finalize the match between them,.
- Fairy Dragon
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Re: Death to the Old Guard
The group was waiting on Aella to make her choice while listening to her egg Kyoko on more. Then when she finally did speak on it her big challenge was a Texas Bullrope Death match, not a match Kyoko had done many times. Then again it wasn't a very common match type anyway, just the right kind of match for a brutal fight where you couldn't escape from anything. "It also means that the Queen of the Sky won't have much space to get her precious air, especially when I start kicking her ass. Fine, go ahead and make that match and see what happens." Kyoko said, accepting the match to the delight of the fans. "Now that you've made your bed go home so you can prepare to lie in it, I look forward to wiping that smirk off your face." Kyoko said letting Aella leave if she would actually do so, her mood ruined from celebrating Abdominion's success.
Outside of the ring the action inside had many observers, and one of them was an observer that had increased interest in what was going on. Ayane Yamamoto heard her granddaughters words and could only simmer in annoyance at the complete disrespect she was being fed by Kyoko, she almost stopped listening until Aella appeared in her defense, one of her past students and one of the brightest of many of them who had respect for her. She wasn't sure if she was here for her her daughters honor or hers but seeing her needle her granddaughter full of holes was a satisfying moment in this dull promo Ayane had to listen to and when she made the match she knew she had to make sure to get a better eye on this, and potentially make her point through Aella's unintentional help. "I want an eye kept on when this match happens. I want a close eye on this...Hope you know what you're doing Aella." Ayane muttered, curious and eager to see what happened next.
Outside of the ring the action inside had many observers, and one of them was an observer that had increased interest in what was going on. Ayane Yamamoto heard her granddaughters words and could only simmer in annoyance at the complete disrespect she was being fed by Kyoko, she almost stopped listening until Aella appeared in her defense, one of her past students and one of the brightest of many of them who had respect for her. She wasn't sure if she was here for her her daughters honor or hers but seeing her needle her granddaughter full of holes was a satisfying moment in this dull promo Ayane had to listen to and when she made the match she knew she had to make sure to get a better eye on this, and potentially make her point through Aella's unintentional help. "I want an eye kept on when this match happens. I want a close eye on this...Hope you know what you're doing Aella." Ayane muttered, curious and eager to see what happened next.
- Bare
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Re: Death to the Old Guard
Aella had made her challenge to Kyoko and the match type for it which in turn made the crowd go wild in excitement for the potential of what this battle between them would likely end up as. Smirking brightly at this Aella would continue to stare Kyoko down for the time being as she raised the mic back up to her lips. "That may be... But I'll be able to make up for it by brutalizing you as much as I want." Aella said confidently before moving in suddenly to close the distance between them and give Kyoko a peck on the lips before backing up in case Kyoko retaliated. "See you in the ring... soon to be former champ." Aella said confidently before moving to turn and exit the ring, making sure to watch her back as she did so, not knowing that a familiar set of eyes were watching this from home as well nor would she as she'd need to focus solely on preparing for this match.
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