Ryu Hiroshi vs Sheena Akan II- Belly match

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Re: Ryu Hiroshi vs Sheena Akan II- Belly match

Unread post by Teenwrestler »

The crowd were cheering for both wrestlers as they smacked each other, trading blow for blow in the chop battle until it was Sheena that decided it was enough. She wasn't backing down from the fight nor did she lose but she wanted to get the advantage before her opponent so she quickly ducked under his last attempts to strike her and got behind him. From there, Ryu was left flat footed as Sheena grabbed him by the waist and slammed him down as hard as she could with the suplex, leaving him sprawled out under her.

She would get back up to her feet and glare directly down on the Dragon who was laid out under her, making it a sight to behold as the upcoming star towered over the veteran. Sheena would drop down and smack her foot against the side of his face, making him cry out loud as he rolled away from her and fell out of the ring and onto the floor from under the bottom rope.

"Ughh" he cried as his back hit the cold mats on the outside!

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