Sea Turtles, Supernovas, & Stardom: Akari Ito vs Kanako Sawatari

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Re: Sea Turtles, Supernovas, & Stardom: Akari Ito vs Kanako Sawatari

Unread post by Misfit_Alien »

The Flying Clothesline was an impressive display, no one would doubt that. It was obvious to those familiar with the spectacular Supernova that this wasn't the same Kanako as before. This woman hadn't gone away as a means to run from problems, allowing fear to overtake her dreams and passion. She stepped away from the ring to train and develop herself, discover who she was as a wrestler, and find her shine again. Even without knowing Kanako's past, Akari had nothing but respect for someone so energetic...and now, she was about to experience a full crash course on how bright of a star Kanako was as the purple-clad woman would soon follow up with a stylish Moonsault, leaping over after a great kick-off to send herself twirling around before crashing down like a meteor on top of Akari, landing with a sizable impact as the Sea Turtle would grunt in response.
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Re: Sea Turtles, Supernovas, & Stardom: Akari Ito vs Kanako Sawatari

Unread post by pikazard »

After knocking Akari down to the mat with a Flying Clothesline Kanako would be quick to follow up, dashing to the ropes so that she could rebound off of them and leap upon Akari's prone body with a Moonsault! After landing such an impactful move Kanako was almost tempted to hook Akari's leg for a pinfall, but she knew that she hadn't dealt nearly enough damage to actually put a woman like Akari down, and there's no way she would want to end the match this early even if she could. Kanako had a feeling that this match was her best chance to show the people of LAW what the new her was all about, and that Akari was the best opponent she could ask for for such a bout.

Instead Kanako would get up off of Akari and take a few steps away to allow the Turtle to do the same, eyeing her up closely. Only, when Akari was up to her knees Kanako would abruptly break off into a dash, closing the gap in an instant before jumping into the air while swivelling her hips around so that she'd turn around in mid-air while thrusting her hips out in an attempt to smack Akari in the face with a flying hip attack. Or as Kanako liked to call it; The Peach Comet!

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Re: Sea Turtles, Supernovas, & Stardom: Akari Ito vs Kanako Sawatari

Unread post by Misfit_Alien »

The stunning, excellently delivered Moonsault would leave Akari a little breathless. Not enough to put her away, of course, but definitely piling on the pressure and pain to her core as her torso served at the Japanese brunette's crash pad. Kanako was smart enough to avoid going for an early pin, not seeing any benefit in doing so, which Akari respected. A kick-out could force a foe to expend more stamina, but it could just as easily put you into a bad position if you aren't careful. Akari would roll over onto her front, picking herself back up and trying to recuperate as quickly as possible, only to feel the canvas of the ring shaking as Kanako made a beeline straight for the Sea Turtle, leaping up and twisting around in order to hurtle herself ass-first toward the raven-haired Joshi-wrestler, smacking the woman upside the head with a solid Flying Hip Attack that saw Akari stumble backward into a roll, leaving her slightly dazed as she wound up sitting in the corner, back to the turnbuckle!

The crowd was growing ecstatic over Kanako's display, seeing her showcase such rapid speed and potential, especially against an opponent of Akari's caliber. This shaped up to be a splendid return match for the bright Supernova, but time would tell if Kanako's growth was legitimate or if this early start lead was nothing more than a mere fluke.
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Re: Sea Turtles, Supernovas, & Stardom: Akari Ito vs Kanako Sawatari

Unread post by pikazard »

As Akari tried to rise to her feet Kanako would cut off her ascent by smashing her in the face with her signature Peach Comet; a flying hip attack! The move might have looked a little silly to onlookers, but the momentum of Kanako's run-up and the mass of her rear made it a strike that was capable of sending Akari rolling back and crashing against the turnbuckle! Kanako gracefully landed on her feet following the move, and would take just a single moment to look into the cameras and point at them dramatically before taking another run at Akari.


If Akari couldn't get out of the way in time then Kanako would leap up and spread her legs out so that she would land on the Turtle's chest, straddling it while holding the ropes on either side of her head. The Supernova would then start bouncing up and down on Akari's chest for a Bronco Buster! While it wasn't the most effective move in the world it would still serve to drive the wind out of Akari, and aside from that the suggestive-looking nature of it got a great reaction from the crowd!
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