A Slippery Challenge (Angel vs Persephone Kamenis)

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Re: A Slippery Challenge (Angel vs Persephone Kamenis)

Unread post by DSX93 »

"I've knocked a few people out with mine." Angel admitted, referring to their shared practice of big booty smoother KO's. Those were some good nights, the memories of which getting a little laugh out of her while she worked. "Just not in the ring. I know it's not the same experience, but it still feels safe to assume that at least some of those ladies would line up for seconds, if they aren't doing that already."

Angel's smile broadened at the compliment Persephone gave her. And as for that playful accusation..."I could say the same thing about you, hon." As a final touch to this pre-match preparation, she slid further up along the blonde, stopping once her head was in between the girls. Just for a few seconds. "Oops, almost missed a spot." Just a few delicious seconds to hopefully have her thinking, "What if?"

What if she were on her back and facing in the right direction? What if they spilled out of her bra at that very moment?

Oh yes, Angel was definitely trying to get her guard down. But now that Persephone was oiled up, she couldn't keep the tease going for much longer. And so she stood, taking a step over to her side and offering her a hand up.
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Re: A Slippery Challenge (Angel vs Persephone Kamenis)

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

Her opponent was plenty nice, and so Persephone felt good enough to let her guard down as she did what Angel asked, laying down and allowing the busty beautiful woman to rub atop her, gently spreading the oil along her body using her own curves! Persephone was able to close her eyes and enjoy the closeness that she felt with her fellow competitor, all while Angel gave her a few teasing remarks, confirming herself as a fellow booty KO artist, though not inside the ring, before responding to Persephone's teasing! But with one final rub up against the greek, Persephone would suddenly feel Angel slide off of her body and get up, the heavyweight turning to spy the hand that offered her help up, reaching out to take it!

"Why thank you... I think we're both oiled up enough to start, don't you agree?" Persephone said to Angel with a smile, taking a few steps backwards from her opponent to create some space between them! And after she had done so, she'd give the ringside officials a nod, signaling that she was ready to begin, before lowering herself slightly and raising her hands to get properly ready!

"Alright dear, let's see what you've got! I hope you're able to move around in all this oil!" Persephone teased, before motioning Angel to come to her, letting her foe make the first move, but also judging just how comfortable she was on the slick surface!

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