"Ladies and Gentlemen! The following match is scheduled for first fall! Introducing first, from Detroit, Michigan! Weighing at one hundred and nineteen pounds! She is the second coming of Rose! The Beautiful Fighter! CLOVER ROSE!" The ring announcer said, introducing first competitor, Clover Rose as her entrances music began to play: Turn It Up by CFO$ as the audience begins to cheer.
Clover was in the gorilla position waiting her cue to be called out as she breathes in and out. Clover would hear the ring announcer say her name and her entrance being played which means that's her cue to come out as she walks out from the curtains to the entrance ramp. She would strike a pose while the pyro goes off which received a huge pop from the live LAW crowd.
After her pyro dies down , Clover walk down towards the ring while high fiving the fans as she did so. She climbs up the steel steps and enters the ring by the middle rope. Once in the ring she would stand on the second turnbuckle, waving to the fans as they waved back before she jumps off and went to the center of the ring as her entrance music dies down and now waits for her opponent.
The lights cut out as the electronica of 'Gold' pulses through the arena. The stage fills with smoke, obscuring it. As the vocals kick in the directional lights flare to life, cutting through the darkness in dramatic swathes. They scan the ring and audience, offering a momentary reprieve from the darkness. Tiny flecks white, pink, and gold confetti sparkle brilliantly within the arena.
The lights all assemble on the ramp and trace their way up it. Among the smoke and glitter, the shapely silhouette of a woman waits. Her head down and arms at her sides. Statue still. And the music stops for a few beats. The lights cut once again. However, they flare back to life with the beat drop!
The lightweight competitor reveals herself. Her expression is grim and determined. Her normal attire had been cast aside. No longer was she garbed in playful, flirty, and provocative pink and white. Instead she dawned an outfit of entirely black. An outfit that matched her new heel persona. She threw a fist in the air, letting the audience know. Rose Gold was here! Black Rose
"And her opponent, fighting out of Hokkaido, Japan, weighing in at 119lbs. ROSE GOOOOOOLD!" cried the ring announcer dramatically!
Rose leapt onto the ring apron and then would vault over the top rope and into the ring proper! She'd run and jump on the opposite corner from Clover and throw her arms in the air! Her music pulsing in time with the gesture as a second rain of glitter fell! Her pose would give Clover a fantastic view of Rose Gold's backside. Plump, round, and firm. Her ass was built to be put on faces like Clover's.
With the drama of her entrance over, she'd hop down from the corner and move to the center of the ring. There she'd wait for her opponent, looking her over. She was pretty at least. She didn't look a day over eighteen. She hardly deserved to share the same ring! Rose was going to enjoy turning this pretty young thing into a pretzel!
Last edited by SuckerPunch on Mon Jan 13, 2020 5:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Clover watched as her opponent, Rose Gold makes her entrances and it was quite a flashy one at that as her own entrance can't compare with just simple fireworks. Then Rose Gold would her way to the ring, leaping onto the ring apron and vault over the top rope to the enter the rope.
Rose Gold ran and jumped to the opposite corner from Clover as Rose Gold pose for the fans. This would be allow Clover to get a good at her opponents rear. And damn! She...was...THICK! Her ass looked so plump, so round, so thick, and so firm! She bets that it was probably big enough to cover her entire face. And OH GOD! Did Clover wanting that to happened so bad as she was mezmerize by Rose Gold ass!
Clover was snapped out of it when Rose Gold jumped down from the corner and made her way to Clover in the center of the ring. Clover was able to get a better look at Rose Gold now as Clover stare at her opponent. Rose Gold was a very beautiful girl, Clover at least had a one inch over, and could tell that Rose Gold wasn't that much older her than.
"Hey there Rose! I hope you and I have a good match!" Clover said enthusiastically as she stuck out her hand for a shake. But her eyes was kinda shifting to somewhere else as they started to look at Rose Gold's nice hot ass again, though Clover wasn't aware of doing it but just her eyes couldn't help but look at DAT ASS!.
Rose approached her opponent. A blind woman could see thag this Clover was enamoured with her. Every spare second had been given to staring at her backside. She didn't blame her of course. Her ass was fantastic. She'd worked hard to shape it into the firm and round magnificence it had become. Even so:
"Eyes up here pervert." She spat, indicting the woman. She stared at her outstretched hand. She let it linger, before moving her own hand to her hair, brishing a few stray strands back into place.
"A good match? That'll depend on whether or not you can keep up, eh Rookie? If you like my ass that much, go ahead and lay down. I'll give you as close a look as you like while the ref counts you out. Doesn't sound like the worst way to lose, hm? I'll even let you worship me." Her tongue was sharp as a knife as she wielded it to cut into her opponent's pride.
When Clover opponent, Rose Gold entered the ring, Clover greets her and then extends a hand out hoping for two of them have a good match. But while she was doing that she was also unconsciously staring at Rose fantastic round firm ass! But Rose soon called out Clover out on it. "Huh? What? OH! Sorry I'm about that. It just that you look so good in black! Couldn't help herself. [Awkward laughing]" Clover apologize as she rubs the back o her head.
Clover watched as Rose stared at her hand extended for a good and clean match before straighten a few strands of her hair, then speaking to Clover again. Clover smirks at hr opponent proposal as she rubs her chin,"Well, admittedly that does sound awesome! But afraid I'm going have to decline that offer. But after I win I will make sure to dig into that dat ass!" Clover said confidently as she then smack Rose Gold on the booty with the extended hand she offered for a friendly shake.
SMACK! Clover watched as Rose perfect round ass jiggles as she giggles. But on the inside, Clover was unsure about what Rose said about her keeping up with the girl in black as Clover didn't have the greatness of a winning record so Clover would be able to put up a fight and win...or once again fall and lose to a superior opponent. "Alright ladies! Wrap this up so I can start the match." The female ref said, wanting to start the match pretty soon.
Rose Gold's eyebrow twitched once as her face furrowed into a rather uncute grimmace. This woman was akready getting in her last nerve. And the bell hadn't even rang yet! The passing compliment did little to placate the brutal blonde in black. The only woman allowed to objectify Rose Gold was Rose Gold!
She resisted the urge to stomp her foot and visibly seethe. That was until the woman lashed out. Her palm smacking against her barely covered backside. The skintight leotard shook with the rest of her generous butt and Rose had seen and heard enough!
"How dare you!" She screamed as she stomped a foot on the mat! With her other foot she stepped into the woman and past her arm that had already found a home on her backside! Rose's right shot up to deliver a similar smack! This one however sent directly to Clover's pretty young face and meant to floor her if it landed!
"Ring the goddamn bell so I can crush this nobody!" She turned her attention away from Clover whether she'd hit or not to point her finger authoritatively at the referee!
Clover, trying to get some confidences in herself as she has wrestling career haven't started off the best and was unsure if she could keep with Rose Gold, slapping Rose's amazing ass and watched it shakes as she laughs for a bit. But Rose didn't that funny....not one bit! As she screams at Clover and stomping her foot on the canvas before returning favor by slapping Clover back...in the face.
"Ouch!" Clover cries as Rose slap connected with her face and sent to the floor as she rubs her cheek that was slapped by Rose. "Damn that hurts! But I guess kinda deserve that!" Clover thought to herself, admittedly that was her fault why she got slapped as Rose wasn't paying attention to Clover, demands to the ref start the match so she crush Clover...or in Rose's own words "This nobody!" Which the ref did as Clover quickly got back to her feet with a bit irritated and serious look on her face after getting slapped, then took a grappler stance as the bell rings.
Clover lunges at Rose looking to the start off with a match collar and elbow tie up,"Haaa!"
Rose Gold couldn't help but smile at the buzzing sting emanating from the palm of her hand. The mark that her blow had not only landed, but had sent her younger foe reeling to the canvas. She looked down upon Clover as she picked herself up off the mat. Clover wasn't laughing anymore. It seemed she understood that Rose Gold wasn't here to joke around. The caustic cutie was focused on dismantling her red headed rival, with prejudice.
*Ding Ding Ding*
The bell rang and Clover immediately sprung into action! The two women locked up, their arms entangling and their nubile bodies leaning against one another. The shit-eating grin had never left the black clad blonde's face. "What, one slap and all that sass is gone? Or is this the first time you've been hit by a real woman?"
The two women weren't too different in their physical strength. In a contest of pure lifting ability, Rose Gold might have had her beat. But in a this lock-up where they were vying for position, the two women seemed as equals. They were at a stand-still... for now.
After Clover had smack Rose Gold on the butt; Rose kindly returned it by also smacking Clover....but on her faces! Which sent Clover down to the mat as Rose Gold demands the ref to start the match as the ref did while Clover getting back to her feet and a bit more serious look on her face while admittedly at herself that she deserve that slap as she lunges at Rose for a collar and elbow tie up!
Clover gets annoyed as she had to look at Rose's grin while listening to her taunt, "Grrrr....Shut up!" Frustrated with the blonde girl taunts and how equally in strength they were! Clover had to do something about stalemate so she raised her knee up and looking slam it into Rose's gut.
The black clad blonde's grin spread wider as Clover demanded she shut up. If she was so easily frustrated, Rose Gold was going to have a field day with her! As the two women closed, they entered into a collar and elbow tie up. A test of strength and skill. Strength being something Rose did not possess in exceptional quantities. However, it seemed the women were evenly matched! Something that only served to frustrate Clover more... But for Rose... It was a relief. She wouldn't be getting rag dolled around the ring.
However, she had become somewhat absorbed in her own thoughts. The error allowed Clover to bring her knee up into Rose's taut belly. Her abdomen surrendered to the harsh bone and her eyes widened as her breath escaped in a puff! "Oof!" She winced. It seemed that her opponent was a more proficient striker than her... Again, not one of Rose's stronger points.
However, Rose didn't release the collar and elbow tie up. Not yet. Clover had initiated a grapple with her, and it was something she was happy to be a part of. With her body already bent over from suffering the knee, Rose attempted to slide her hip beneath Clover's. Then, with a converse motion of her leg sweeping back and her arms dragging her forward, Rose attempted to toss the young girl over her hip and onto her back in a standard Judo hip throw!