Bikini Attire
Victory Decided When One Woman Can No Longer Continue Due To Hentai Manuever
Korakuen Hall was the largest sporting arena in all of Japan. It had hosted a number of legendary events. From boxing, to wrestling, to concerts and conventions. None were more loved however than LAW. A women's wrestling league where the rules fell upon the competitors to decide. A league where oral stimulation was just as common as a suplex. Tonight hosted one such match. A hentai bout between an up and coming Lightweight and a fresh Middleweight.
The lights all assemble on the ramp and trace their way up it. Among the smoke and glitter, the shapely silhouette of a woman waits. Her head down and arms at her sides. Statue still. And the music stops for a few beats. The lights cut once again. However, they flare back to life with the beat drop!
The nubile competitor reveals herself. A single fist is raised triumphantly to the sky, to the fans, and to the league as a whole. Her head raises, slowly, taking in the moment before opening her dazzling amber eyes and meeting the attention of all the fans in Korakuen Hall. The fans who had gathered to watch her and another woman vie for sexual dominance. Only one would leave with her pride intact.
Rose Gold would wait in the ring, leaning against the corner facing the ramp to witness her rookie opponent's arrive. Her arms crossed under her breasts, lifting the firm orbs flaterringly. Rose Gold was garbed in a two piece bikini with a pink and blue cotton candy stripe pattern as the attire rules had demanded. She preferred the black of her bodysuit, but tonight was a special occasion. Forcing another woman to drink their own cum always brought our Rose Gold's more feminine side...