Karen Starring vs Karin Shin(d): Cross Division Murder

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Karen Starring vs Karin Shin(d): Cross Division Murder

Unread post by xalex »

Match Type: Standard
Winning conditions: via Pin, KO, Submission or DQ
The poster for the Match

Karin was standing backstage and stretching herself a bit. The Japanese girl was wearing her typical underwear like ring outfit and had a towel over her shoulders. On her feet she was wearing a pair of light, red sneakers sneakers. She was sitting on the cold floor of the backstage arena, while her legs spread to the left and the right as far as she could. At the same the Japanese woman was trying to bring her upper body forwards as far as she could, trying to touch the floor with the tip of her nose. She would hold it that way for some time, before putting her hand against the floor, pushing herself straight upwards. The small girl would pull her legs closer to her body before putting her feet against the floor and to get back up into a standing position. There she would raise her arms into the air before putting one hand behind her back. In this position she would walk over to her looker room pulling out a big bottle of green tea.

She would take a big swallow out of it before putting it back into the looker. After wishing over her face with the towel, the girl would put it in there as well and closed it. The girl would turn around on the tips of her feet and would start jumping out of the looker room with a big smile on her face. Tonight her first match would take place…that was meaning two great things. First she would have some fun between the ropes… and second… her first paycheck from the LAW, and she knew it wouldn´t be a small one! She was looking forward to this a very long time.

The girl was jumping through the backstage area, and start to whistle a happy song. As soon as she reached the entrance area she would stop. She would look into a mirror checking her outfit one more time. She would pull her bra into the right position, getting sure it wasn´t showing too much and not to less!

Then one of the crew workers was telling her that she could go out whenever she wanted. She would throw him a kiss before, walking closer to the entrance. There she would jump off her toes up and down, before stepping out into the open. When she did the first step to the outside her music hit: 21st Century Digital Girl. The small girl would walk to the outside letting her hips move to the left and the right. Trying to let her body look as good as possible. She knew that she wasn´t the best wrestler inside the ropes. So she needed to impress with something else. On the top of the ram Karin would stop and put one hand against her hips while bowing forward and blowing a kiss to the ring. The small girl would then start walking down the ramp, still letting her hips dance a bit more. While walking down she was throwing kisses to the fans where ever she saw a cute boy or girl. When the girl reached the ring she would walk up the stairs and over the arpon a bit before stopping on the middle. First Karin would step over the rope with her left leg and then she would bow down pressing her butt out… she would start shaking it a bit. When she was entering the ring she would start walking round a bit lifting her hands up high. While walking around she would try to look for her boyfriend Kay…. Unluckily she wasn´t able to see him anywhere, but she knew he was here somewhere!

Karin would walk into her corner... now she just needed to wait a bit... while she was standing there she would shake her butt abit...

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Re: Karen Starring vs Karin Shin(d): Cross Division Murder

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One match in, and Karen was already overstepping her boundaries. Or more, her division.

Apparently seeking alternative opponents after her hellish back and forth with Alison Seong, along with her countless attacks on women of similar stature within the heavyweight division, Karen had already found herself the unlikely foe of a middleweight competitor. Whatsmore, one that was just starting out.

"Oh well.." Karen pondered, having one last deep thought about the match, as she sat back in her chair. "Sunk before she even got past the shallows..." Adjusting her glove, pulling at her attire one last time to ensure it was completely attached, Karen would head to the ramps, after being alerted to the fact her opponent tonight had already made her appearance.
Emerging to an unusual mixture of horrendous boos and wolfwhistles, Karen's teeth would bare as she realised the latter most likely came from herself being rendered topless in her own debut match. Eager to prove such was a one off, and remind everyone just what kind of woman she actually was, she would make note of their reactions, keen to compare them later to screams of mercy for the woman she intended to break.

Finding herself in the ring, having slid through the ropes the moment she had closed the distance with them, Karen stood, giving one last adjustment to her gloves as she put fist to palm, eyes on the beauty she'd soon be 'helping' debut.

"Your a fucking idiot..you know that?"

Ever the warm greeter.

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Re: Karen Starring vs Karin Shin(d): Cross Division Murder

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Karin would see her opponent entered the arena… and she needed to swallow a bit, while her eyes were widen. WHAT THE FUCK! Was running though her mind. She knew that she would face a woman about her weight class. But that wasn´t a woman that came down the ramp. No that was a monster that eat her opponent and was now about to eat her.
Her knees imminently started to shake when she first got a look on this black haired giant. Everything inside of her was screaming that she should run away right now and get as far away from her. But just as much as everything inside her wanted to get away Karin would stay and fight.

As soon as Karen has entered the ring the muc smaller woman would stop closer to her and would stand right in front of her looking up to her with a smile on her face.
“Hello there.. how you doing? My Name is Karin Shin… nice to meet you?” Karin would reach out with her hand offering her opponent a handshake. Her hand was shaking a bit in front of her, she really hoped no one would notice. “Can I ask you why you think I am an idiot… I thought we maybe could get along. Maybe go drinking one or two after this match is over… how does this sound to you?”

Karin would look Karen right into her eyes, alone her look was powerful enough to almost bring her down onto her knees.

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Re: Karen Starring vs Karin Shin(d): Cross Division Murder

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Karen, to Karin's luck, didn't notice the shaking hand before her. No, Karen's own gaze was forced purely upon her soon-to-be opponents eyes, as she tried to bore a hole through the girls skull with her eyes alone.

Whats-more, what she was hearing she simply couldn't believe, or understand. Nor did she want to. Simply she'd respond to it the same way she responded to everything else. With outright aggression.

"Are..are...are you fucking nuts?" She'd roar, stuttering from her own building rage, as her hands came from her hips down to their sides, as her shoulders tensed up. "I'm not going fucking drinking with you. I'm going to fucking break you...you...you...I've already forgotten your fucking name!"

The referee closing herself in-between the raging amazon and her trembling opponent, she'd soon opt to remove herself from the theatre of conflict altogether, as she signalled for the bell!

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Re: Karen Starring vs Karin Shin(d): Cross Division Murder

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Karin needed to swallow… seemed like her opponent wasn´t in the best mood right now. The small girl wasn´t really sure if Karen was ever in a good mood, how does someone like her make any friends at all… Karin would back away from the big woman only to get back into her corner to get ready for the match to start… This was her first match she needed to make a good impression.
So as soon as soon as the bell started to ring Karin would start running out of her corner and over to the way bigger opponent. Karin not even thought about going for a lock up with her because this would be simply the stupidest thing she could do… No instead Karin would try to launch herself into the air in the very last moment, right in front of her opponent, before trying to pull her legs right in front of her and send both of her feet against the chest of Karen with all she got, trying to perform a drop kick. Karin would try to put as much force into this as she could… but she didn´t knew if that would be even enough to make the big woman stumble…  

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Re: Karen Starring vs Karin Shin(d): Cross Division Murder

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Karen was fuming. Never had an opponent pissed her off so much all without even muttering a vulgar word in her direction. There was simply something about Karin; her stance, her carefree attitude, or perhaps just her face. Or perhaps that Karen did not believe she was not giving the raven haired amazon the respect she felt she deserved. Namely, falling to ones knees, and begging for mercy.

Still, there was time to make Karin do such.

With the bell ringing, the slow and heavy Karen didn't even have an opportunity to step forward before she found two feet rising, aimed in her direction. As opposed to her more vulnerable face however, it seemed her foe had picked a more distinct target somewhat lower. Or rather, a pair of targets.

A pair that somewhat rebuffed the attack, not because Karen had something similar to an unbreakable bosom, but purely because of the staunch posture held by such a strong, fresh figure when the attack hit. Albeit, being as stacked as she was certainly didn't hurt.

"You...have got to be fucking kidding..." Karen muttered, as she watched Karin fall to her back after the kick landed, but with little success. Apparently still pondering if this was a complete joke, she'd nonchalantly look to step to her 'opponents' side, before extending a leg.

Nudging her opponent roughly on the ground, as she repeatedly asked the beauty if she was serious!

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Re: Karen Starring vs Karin Shin(d): Cross Division Murder

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Karin put anything she had into this drop kick, all her momentum and the power of her legs all combined into this kick right against the chest of the way bigger Karen. That was the best Karin could do right now… but when her feet were connecting with Karen it felt like she was kicking against a solid wall of bricks. The big woman wasn´t even moving one bit!
Karin would rip her eyes open while she was falling down to the floor. WOW what was this woman made of?

Karin hopped that after she just messed up the first attack so badly her opponent would let her get away… but luckily just at the moment Karin wanted to jump back to her feet she felt a heavy boot placed right onto her chest pressing down onto her, and pressing her ribcage together. A painful scream was driven out of the girl when the boot was pressing down onto her, giving her small view of the pure power of her opponent…
To humiliate the small girl Karen was asking her if she was even serious… After all Karin just fired one of her best shoots against her… to escape this humiliation position Karin would try to roll away on the side and then tired to jump right back to her feet turning around to Karen, staring at her. After a short moment Karin decided to go for another good short of herself…

Luckily for her Karen was still standing pretty close to the corner… So Karin was running toward the corner only to jump up into it trying to bounce of the ropes to launch herself out of it again and spin around. She would try to perform a Sprinboard roundhousekick, sending the kick right against the chest of Karen. This should have some impact on her… if not… Karin would try to roll out of the ring just to get sure to be on the safe side… or at a safe distance.

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Re: Karen Starring vs Karin Shin(d): Cross Division Murder

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Karen's push barely had force attached, yet it seemed to earn a scream from the beauty. Shoving again regardless of Karin's reaction, Karen's fury only built at the sight before her.

"Are...you..for fucking...real?!" She'd roar again, circling around her downed foe, before she found Karin motioning quicker than she expected. Straightening up so that her eyes were no longer on a blank space on the floor, Karen would slowly pursue her foe with arms raised with her ever-usual terminator-like pace, keen to see how her lighter foe would respond next.

Seemingly, in a similar way to her first attempt!

This time somewhat prepared, Karen would throw both legs as that forceful kick came towards her. Whilst not possessing the power of both limbs behind it as opposed to Karin's first, Karen still found a great impact nonetheless, as her foe put momentum instead into the move. Not that it made any difference.

Watching as her foe fell to the ground with Karen's strong mitts on that leg, the busty amazon would roar again in frustration as she swung her leg out. Then in, directly at the thigh of that caught foot!

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Re: Karen Starring vs Karin Shin(d): Cross Division Murder

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Karin's kick was coming towards her giant opponent. She really hope that she would be able to deal out some damage to the Amazon.... but this time it was going a bit different.
The bigger woman was catching her leg in midair after it was smashed against her chest... Karin would stare at her while falling down to the floor...
Karin would fall down to the mat hard and moan out loudly arching her body a bit

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Re: Karen Starring vs Karin Shin(d): Cross Division Murder

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Karen took the first bit of satisfaction from grabbing her foes attack in mid-air, yet it was not to be the last. The quick, loud and heavy collision of her leg against Karin's own made the brutal amazon smile, as her leg bounced off back to a standing posture, still holding that leg.

"Too late to fucking regret your match choice.."

Spoken as usual with a nonchalant tone, Karen took to seamlessly hooking that grappled leg over the top of her leg, before heaving her foe clean off the canvas with it. Bending it over her neck, the amazon roared out in laughter, as she looked to near tear that foot in half in a stretch muffler!

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