Winning conditions: via Pin, KO, Submission or DQ
The poster for the Match

Karin was standing backstage and stretching herself a bit. The Japanese girl was wearing her typical underwear like ring outfit and had a towel over her shoulders. On her feet she was wearing a pair of light, red sneakers sneakers. She was sitting on the cold floor of the backstage arena, while her legs spread to the left and the right as far as she could. At the same the Japanese woman was trying to bring her upper body forwards as far as she could, trying to touch the floor with the tip of her nose. She would hold it that way for some time, before putting her hand against the floor, pushing herself straight upwards. The small girl would pull her legs closer to her body before putting her feet against the floor and to get back up into a standing position. There she would raise her arms into the air before putting one hand behind her back. In this position she would walk over to her looker room pulling out a big bottle of green tea.
She would take a big swallow out of it before putting it back into the looker. After wishing over her face with the towel, the girl would put it in there as well and closed it. The girl would turn around on the tips of her feet and would start jumping out of the looker room with a big smile on her face. Tonight her first match would take place…that was meaning two great things. First she would have some fun between the ropes… and second… her first paycheck from the LAW, and she knew it wouldn´t be a small one! She was looking forward to this a very long time.
The girl was jumping through the backstage area, and start to whistle a happy song. As soon as she reached the entrance area she would stop. She would look into a mirror checking her outfit one more time. She would pull her bra into the right position, getting sure it wasn´t showing too much and not to less!
Then one of the crew workers was telling her that she could go out whenever she wanted. She would throw him a kiss before, walking closer to the entrance. There she would jump off her toes up and down, before stepping out into the open. When she did the first step to the outside her music hit: 21st Century Digital Girl. The small girl would walk to the outside letting her hips move to the left and the right. Trying to let her body look as good as possible. She knew that she wasn´t the best wrestler inside the ropes. So she needed to impress with something else. On the top of the ram Karin would stop and put one hand against her hips while bowing forward and blowing a kiss to the ring. The small girl would then start walking down the ramp, still letting her hips dance a bit more. While walking down she was throwing kisses to the fans where ever she saw a cute boy or girl. When the girl reached the ring she would walk up the stairs and over the arpon a bit before stopping on the middle. First Karin would step over the rope with her left leg and then she would bow down pressing her butt out… she would start shaking it a bit. When she was entering the ring she would start walking round a bit lifting her hands up high. While walking around she would try to look for her boyfriend Kay…. Unluckily she wasn´t able to see him anywhere, but she knew he was here somewhere!
Karin would walk into her corner... now she just needed to wait a bit... while she was standing there she would shake her butt abit...