Orochi vs. Anastasia "The Phantomess" Bockworth - Luscious Serpent

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Orochi vs. Anastasia "The Phantomess" Bockworth - Luscious Serpent

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Standard Match
Victory Conditions: Gained by either pin, KO, or submission from the opponent.
Normal rules apply.

There was a match announced between Anastasia "The Phantomess" Bockworth and a newcomer. This newcomer didn't have a big achievement prior to joining LAW, only that she had wrestled in some indie and underground circuits and promotions. And now, she would make her appearance in a much bigger stage, which was LAW.

As the crowd anxiously waited for the wrestlers to come out, an unfamiliar music was played before a lone figure emerged from the entrance. Clad in a rather form-fitting outfit which accentuates her curvaceous figure, the newcomer seemed to be wearing a domino mask which didn't really cover her identity.
The announcer introduced her as Orochi as she made her way down the ramp, smiling enigmatically. She seemed to be deliberately making sure that the people would focus on her figure as she walked down the ramp, and it was clear that the crowd was loving the sight of her voluptuous body, which was clad in something that definitely left nothing to the imagination.

Soon, she arrived in the ring, and she would make a rather risque pose in the middle of the ring before moving towards a corner, seemingly waiting for her opponent to arrive. Like before, an enigmatic smile could be seen on Orochi's face as she waited for her opponent to arrive. While many were wondering about this newcomer, others were waiting for the other wrestler to show up.

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Re: Orochi vs. Anastasia "The Phantomess" Bockworth - Luscious Serpent

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Anastasia "The Phantomess" Bockworth adjusted the striped briefs on the outside of her skin-tight purple bodysuit as she waited for her moment to enter, watching the beauteous newcomer make her way to the ring on the screens backstage. Her brown hair was neatly tucked beneath her purple cowl and a black domino mask extended down to cover the top half of her face, concealing her true face from the crowds.
The Phantomess
So far her return to the ring in an attempt to deliver justice had been problematic, already suffering a pair of embarrassing losses, but she was eager to put those behind her. She would not give up in her quest because of a couple of hurdles. She would defeat this enigmatic rookie and the Phantomess would begin her rise to be feared by LAW's heels.

The first notes of Nightwish: Nemo filled the air and she stepped out onto the ramp, ignoring the jeers that came her way from fans who had clearly witnessed some of her previous failures. Head held high, she strutted imperiously down to the ring. She climbed up and stepped over the top rope, before stepping to the centre of the ring, hands planted on her hips as she struck a heroic pose, staring at this Orochi woman who would be facing her.

"Prepare to face the wrath of the Phantomess!" she declared confidently, trying to convince herself as much as Orochi. "I stand for all those who would fight fairly in this ring. Those who would cheat and break the rules will fall to me!"

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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Re: Orochi vs. Anastasia "The Phantomess" Bockworth - Luscious Serpent

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Orochi couldn't hold back her smirk when she saw her opponent. She couldn't help but be amused by the appearance of the opponent she would face in this match, and she was wondering what she actually had in store besides that ridiculous appearance of hers. Placing her hands on her hips, the tall woman would wait for Anastasia to enter the ring.

Soon, Anastasia entered the ring, and when she heard what her opponent had to say, Orochi could no longer hold back her laughter. Covering her mouth with her hand as she laughed, Orochi would then speak to her opponent, "Me? Break the rules? Now, now... don't be ridiculous..." She said as she would step away from the corner, confidently approaching the Phantomess. "That notion is as ridiculous as your appearance..." she added as she would wait for the bell to be rung. All the while, she had a confident smile on her face, seemingly trying to unnerve the other woman before her.

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Re: Orochi vs. Anastasia "The Phantomess" Bockworth - Luscious Serpent

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Anastasia was taken aback as Orochi started laughing at her proclamation, clearly not intimidated by the purple-clad defender of the ring. She scowled behind her mask as Orochi approached her, the other wrestler clearly unconcerned at the prospect of wrestling the Phantomess. So much so that she took a moment to insult Anastasia's attire!

"Nngh... you won't be mocking my outfit when I defeat you!" Anastasia quipped shrilly, feeling her cheeks flush from Orochi's remarks about her suit. She kept her hands on her hips and met Orochi's gaze, determined not to show how nervous she was starting to feel! "Let's begin, and you will learn to show others respect!"

The referee called for the starting bell, and quickly Anastasia tried to grapple with her tall opponent, stepping forward with the intention of locking into a standard collar-and-elbow tie up to start the match in a clean and professional manner!

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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Re: Orochi vs. Anastasia "The Phantomess" Bockworth - Luscious Serpent

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Orochi huffed and folded her arms under her ample bust. "Respect? Please, I respect the bottoms of my boots more than I respect you..." she told Anastasia as she kept her gaze on her. When the bell was rung, Orochi would get into position, seemingly preparing herself to lock up with her opponent.

When she saw Anastasia stepping forward, Orochi would try to enact her plan. She would also move forward, seemingly trying to do the same thing as her opponent. But when she was getting closer, she would try to slip past her opponent before moving behind her, looking to wrap her arms around her waist from behind. From there, she would try to fluster her opponent by grabbing onto one of her breasts.

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Re: Orochi vs. Anastasia "The Phantomess" Bockworth - Luscious Serpent

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Anastasia scowled beneath the cowl mask as Orochi continued her dismissive remarks, but the defender of the ring was undaunted, advancing towards her opponent. Orochi appeared to be doing the same, looking ready for the grapple and she reached out, eager to get to grips with this unrepentant wrestler!

Suddenly Orochi wasn't there, swiftly slipping past Anastasia's attempted grapple. The Phantomess floundered for a moment before strong arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her backwards as the heel gained position on her.

"Ngghh-NO!" Anastasia gasped indignantly as Orochi suddenly clasped one of her breasts through the skin-hugging purple body suit. "GAAH! Unhand me!" she demanded shrilly, feeling herself blushing furiously at the unexpected treatment, her hands flapping at the grip on her breast. However, flustered and off balance already, she had no real purchase as she struggled to get free of Orochi's devious grasp!

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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Re: Orochi vs. Anastasia "The Phantomess" Bockworth - Luscious Serpent

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Sneaking past her opponent and moving to her back, Orochi wasted no time to wrap her arms around Anastasia's midsection before she went to grope one of her breasts. Orochi chuckled upon hearing her opponent's reaction, and she would give her breast a squeeze before clasping her hands together in the rear waist lock, making sure that her opponent wouldn't be able to get away. Orochi would also press her own bust against her opponent's back just to tease her before she heave her up, looking to throw her over with a German suplex.

And she would simply let her opponent's body go upon impact. Straightening herself up, Orochi would take a look at her handiwork, admiring the position that Anastasia might end up in after being thrown over with the German suplex.

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Re: Orochi vs. Anastasia "The Phantomess" Bockworth - Luscious Serpent

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"Unnh... gnnh... stop!" Anastasia whined as Orochi continued groping her, much to the fans' delight! The purple clad woman struggled in vain, before Orochi released her, wrapping her arms fully around her waist. She felt Orochi's impressive bust squeeze against her back, and her arms flailed aimlessly as she tried to think. Before she could get her head back in the game, however, the defender of the ring found herself heaved backwards in a German suplex!

"AGGGHHHH!" Anastasia wailed as her body was pasted into the canvas by Orochi's suplex. When her opponent released her grip, the Phantomess crumpled flat on her back, stunned and confused by the sudden turn of events. She grasped at her breasts where Orochi had groped her, feeling a flush of embarrassment at how the woman had treated her to start off the match. She let out a weak moan of pain, still vulnerable as she tried to gather her thoughts!

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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Re: Orochi vs. Anastasia "The Phantomess" Bockworth - Luscious Serpent

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Orochi smirked as she looked at her downed opponent after throwing her over with a German suplex. She placed her hands on her hips as she strutted around her downed opponent's crumpled body, and she looked amused by what she was seeing. Like a serpent rearing for the kill, she would then close in, standing over Anastasia's body before reaching out to grab her opponent by her head and arm, looking to pull her back up onto her feet. Judging from the look she was giving to her opponent, it was clear that Orochi had a nefarious plan in store for her.

"Aww... poor baby... tell me, did it hurt?" Orochi asked her opponent as she place herself behind her, snaking an arm under her opponent's armpit before bringing her hand to the back of her neck, putting her into a half nelson. This would leave her other hand free. "I'm only just starting..." While trapping Anastasia in the half nelson, Orochi would then give Anastasia a spank right on her backside, looking to hear a meaty slap while doing so. She was looking forward to have her way with her, whether she liked it or not.

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Re: Orochi vs. Anastasia "The Phantomess" Bockworth - Luscious Serpent

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The Phantomess lay groaning as Orochi strutted around over her, the purple-clad beauty rocked by the opening salvo of the match. Before she could recover she found herself grabbed by her devious adversary and hauled to her feet, with Orochi once again positioning herself behind the defender of the ring, mocking her as she went.

"Gnnhh! Unhand me!" Anastasia blurted desperately as she wriggled in the woman's grasp. However, Orochi had no intention of doing so, snaking an arm up under Anastasia's and round the back of her neck, hooking the Phantomess into a half-nelson.

"OHHH!" Anastasia gasped in shock as Orochi contemptuously spanked her shapely buttocks as she was held in place, but there was little she could do about it but struggle uselessly, trapped in the painful half-nelson with the fans jeering as she began to lose control of the match.

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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