Ingrid Fuentes Vs. Anna Harris - Rising Talent

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Ingrid Fuentes Vs. Anna Harris - Rising Talent

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Standard Match Rules
Victory Via Pinfall, DQ Or Submission.

It went without saying that in the early days of any wrestling company, excitement was abound with the collection of new talent all aiming to make their debut. Having only just made her own, Anna Harris would now find herself in the role of 'debut assistant,' as she was tasked with giving another middleweight a chance to leave a strong impression on the LAW crowd. And perhaps, pick up her own first win.

Outfit wise, today she would go for a much more modest approach than a revealing bikini outfit of the likes she used to fight Tina Armstrong. Clad this time in her workout gear, hat included, Anna would find herself making an entrance to a modest reception; the girls efforts in her first bout, despite her overall loss, apparently earning her such.
Descending the ramp with a skip to her step, she'd be sure to greet as many as she could, with smiles all around and high-fives where she could.

"Let's see if I can win this one, right guys?" She'd say to a small group of fans, who seemed particularly behind her. Finding herself quickly in the ring via a roll-in, only then would the Australian beauty remove her hat. For a moment pondering whether to give it to the referee or to simply dump it outside, a smile would come across her face as she opted for a third option; throwing it straight into the crowd, who seemed keen to cheer for her once again!

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Re: Ingrid Fuentes Vs. Anna Harris - Rising Talent

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With her red cape wrapped around her, Ingrid Fuentes made her arrival and entered the arena not long after Anna came to the ring and began to posture for the crowd.

There was a serious look on the dark-skinned woman's face. There was an air of arrogance, and seriousness about her, and with every step her made down the long entrance ramp towards the ring, the audience grew quieter and quieter. This was not a woman who was here to have fun. This was not a woman who was here for the crowd. It was obvious that Ingrid was a woman who was here entirely for herself, and didn't care about anyone else in the arena.

When she reached the ring, she climbed up the steps at ringside, and bent over, passing through the ropes and moving into the ring properly. She stepped to the center of the ring, and with arms folded over her chest, looked towards Anna, eyeing the younger girl over. After a few seconds of inspecting her, Ingrid's lips curled upwards, a light tsk moving past her lips.

This is what they give me on my first night here? She thought to herself as she stared at the girl. Pathetic. I'll end this fast and move on.

She reached up, unhooking her cape, letting it fall to the mat at her feet, and the referee was quick to gather it up, removing it from the ring, handing it to an official at ringside. Ingrid then turned away from Anna and headed to her corner, waiting for the sound of the bell to ring, so that she could begin the match and show everyone in the new company just what she was made of.

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Re: Ingrid Fuentes Vs. Anna Harris - Rising Talent

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The moment Anna had completed her motion to the crowd, the lights began to flicker again as her opponent was evidently making her entrance. By no means a rude woman, she'd turn fully with hands to her hips, keen to give the beauty the greeting she felt she deserved and of course assess the one she'd soon be fighting!

Smiling, a modest reaction from the crowd too seemed to be awaiting Ingrid, with the wolf whistles aimed at the debuting star audible even above the cheers. Anna too found herself oogling that figure, albeit much less obviously than some of the perverted crowd members in attendance tonight it seemed.

The moment the beauty had placed both feet upon the mat, Anna found herself extending a hand as she skipped towards the girl, akin to a child towards an ice cream van.

"Hi! I'm..Oh~"
Before her words even became audible to comprehend, Anna found Ingrid offering her own greeting. A much, much ruder one. Immediately, her hand found itself coming back, both hands to her figure as the debuting star made the Australian beauty feel somewhat inadequate. Like she didn't even look to be a threat. Stepping back with eyes nervously darting among the floor, Anna seemed completely stunned.

Evidently, she had no comprehension of what a heel was.

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Re: Ingrid Fuentes Vs. Anna Harris - Rising Talent

Unread post by Lunaspark »

Ingrid returned to her corner, keeping her arms folded over her sizable chest as she leaned back against the turnbuckle and continued staring at Anna. The woman seemed deflated by Ingrid's actions. Not that the Spaniard really cared. She honestly did not give a damn about hurting Anna's feelings. After all, soon she would be hurting a lot more than her feelings.

Ding ding ding.

When the bell rang, Ingrid stepped forward, to the center of the ring, and lifted up her arms in the direction of Anna. She was inviting the buxom green-haired woman to a lock-up, and she was interesting in seeing how Anna would react and what she would do.

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Re: Ingrid Fuentes Vs. Anna Harris - Rising Talent

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Anna had no time to mope. The instant her back found itself against the corner, the bell had rung, signalling that time now spent sobbing like a hurt child was time Ingrid could add to the 'emotional damage' with the physical sort. With a mild sniffle to hand, Anna stepped forward with a pose matching Ingrid's; her face turning a shade more serious as she opted to try and make the pink haired beauty eat those words of insult. After all, this was the way to start a match in her eyes; a test of strength was a move that personified Anna's greatest traits; namely, her vast physical strength. She simply hoped it was greater than her opponents, an unlikely feat given the confidence coming off of Ingrid.

She didn't seem the sort to opt for a competition she couldn't win after all.

Fingers locking, Anna immediately exerted great force upon her foe as her eyes latched onto Ingrid. Holding her feet wide, she appeared determined to not only stress her foe, but make it a task nigh impossible to force Anna back!

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Re: Ingrid Fuentes Vs. Anna Harris - Rising Talent

Unread post by Lunaspark »

Their hands, their fingers entwining together, and Ingrid began to lean into Anna, staring down into the woman's eyes with an unimpressed and stoic look on her own face.

Anna was strong, there was no doubting that, but while the two women began their clash, the muscles of her forearms began to flex. Her biceps started to bulge, and the taller woman started to shove forwards, holding her own feet solidly against the mat. Anna was strong, but so was Ingrid, and the mocha-colored woman knew she could hold out in this struggle longer than her bustier opponent. Anna would break first, Ingrid just had to keep pushing until the girl began to relent, and Ingrid had a feeling that it would be sooner rather than later.

She pushed, and she leaned in, waiting to see if a crack would appear in Anna's attempts.

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Re: Ingrid Fuentes Vs. Anna Harris - Rising Talent

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Anna was convinced that the day she was overpowered, especially by a woman in her own weight class, was a good long while off. Whats more, after her strength was no longer surprising, so that her opponents would have a chance to prepare themselves for such. Ingrid neither had preparation against Anna specifically, nor had even met her. And here she was. Forcing Anna's arms to shake.

"Ghh..Gh..not gonna..not gonna.." She'd mutter to herself, clenching her eyes shut as she bared her teeth, holding her posture firm. Feeling her arms slowly begin to bend, Anna found what she believed a rarity happening quickly into her LAW career, somewhat disheartening her!

Desperate to regain control against a foe evidently possessing strength over her, if by a small margin, Anna would attempt to twist her right free of the pink haired beauties grip. From there, she'd try to hook it forward and around the sides and back of her foe, as she tried to pull her against her for a unique clinch!

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Re: Ingrid Fuentes Vs. Anna Harris - Rising Talent

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Even with her confidence, Ingrid wasn't sure if Anna would eventually move or not. Despite how pathetic she looked, Anna did possess a surprisingly large amount of strength. It didn't matter though. Ingrid was just as clever as she was strong and she still had a pocket full of surprises in store for Anna.

She began to move, to change her method of attack, but Anna began to move just a little bit faster than she did. Taken aback by Anna's sudden twisting and changing of positions, Ingrid soon found herself caught up in the woman's interesting clinch.

"Release me!" She ordered, as she began to twist her own body, trying to squirm and wiggle free from Anna's grip before the woman could put her large stores of strength to proper use on her.
Last edited by Lunaspark on Fri Jun 02, 2017 10:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ingrid Fuentes Vs. Anna Harris - Rising Talent

Unread post by Devilish53 »

One hand still tied with the beauties, the other now essentially hugging her, Anna would have laughed at the odd tango-like position the two had adopted, if she was still not wheeling from that personal insult upon Ingrid's entrance to the ring. Now with the woman snarling that vicious tone once more upon her, Anna felt all the more the need to go completely full-on with the girl, knowing now that such a figure deserved it.

"!" She''d roar, rotating her hips as she turned towards that still clenched arm. Pulling on that waist she now held, Anna would attempt to bring a leg under and around her foes own before forcing it up. Essentially, trying to flip her busty foe onto the canvas, with a flip reminisce of a judo throw!

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Re: Ingrid Fuentes Vs. Anna Harris - Rising Talent

Unread post by Lunaspark »

Still taken aback by Anna's strength and her sudden ferocity, it came as no surprise that Ingrid would be easily flipped over and onto the mat.

The ring vibrated, visibly shaking and a loud audible thud echoing out to the first row, as Ingrid was slammed down into the mat by the judo-styled flip. Ingrid ended up lying on her back and staring upwards, blinking in slight surprise at the lights hanging above the ring. She wasn't feeling so much hurt as she was shocked, finding herself to be quite confused about Anna taking the advantage over her and planting her down onto the mat so easily and with so much anger and authority.

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