Misty S. Vs Mizaki T. - Biggest Head Turners!

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The Ominous Future
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Re: Misty S. Vs Mizaki T. - Biggest Head Turners!

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Mizaki had never kept a tally, but she often considered doing so. A knockout with her chest would most certainly be the top request. The use of her rear not far behind. Hell, she was even frequent to using her legs to squeeze opponents out of it. But the use of her arms, at least in a standing sleeper? Mizaki may have heard that request before, but seldom so. Each to their own, she figured.

"Good girl..." She'd promptly respond, snapping her hands to Misty's shoulders as she released her grip, to roughly shove the girl to her back. She had not misheard the girls request for a standing variant, but Mizaki wasn't going to simply move about into that hold, presenting Misty with chances galore to suddenly fight back. On her back and even more disorientated, Misty would find her frizzy hair pulled shortly enough, with Mizaki first looking to get her foe dead centre of the ring before getting her up. With the bluenettes jugs already to her back.

Arm wrapping tightly as could be, to ensure it would be a hell of a squeeze on Misty's neck even when she wasn't actively flexing.

"Like I said...never stood a chance..."

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Re: Misty S. Vs Mizaki T. - Biggest Head Turners!

Unread post by Luncha_Libre »

“Mmmm …” Misty moaned, slightly as Mizaki’s incredible bust loomed over her. The young model was partly shocked at herself, not just for giving up but for giving up in such a strange manner. Mizaki had offered Misty her choice of ways to lose, and Misty actually picked one! She felt humiliated and tiny as Mizaki shifted her around into a standing sleeper, and let her head sink back into Mizaki’s incredibly lush breasts.

“Ooooh~” Misty moaned again, cheeks blushing as her head settled between Mizaki’s pillows. Misty never would have admitted it, but she began to feel a legitimate thrill as her limbs grew heavy. Her eyes were impossible to keep open, and everything around her started to fade. Misty could remember the first time it happened to her, how it felt, as she just let the darkness take her. Except now, it was happening in front of a full audience, and in the arms of a woman who had managed to finally get Misty to succumb.

Misty said nothing else. Her full lips were in a pout, as her head slumped forward. Her body sagged in Mizaki’s arms as she finally let herself give up the ghost. The ref came by, checking Misty by lifting an arm. It flopped to her side, bouncing off a jiggly thigh. A second time, with the same result. When Misty’s arm flopped lifelessly for the third time, the ref motioned for the bell. Misty had let out one final shudder, a slight moan of pleasure that only Mizaki could hear. Misty’s last thoughts were a hope that this wouldn’t awaken anything in her, and a deep burning shame at letting herself be seduced into her own defeat by this woman!
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The Ominous Future
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Re: Misty S. Vs Mizaki T. - Biggest Head Turners!

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Mizaki wasn't exactly trained in the art of disarming chokes, nor did she know any submission beyond the simplest for that matter. Having effectively put her arms around Misty's neck and hugged, Mizaki was intent on giving the gal what she wanted regardless, as she pulled back to try and shove her own front harder into Misty's rear side. A feat that had the natural effect of making her chokehold all the tighter, as Misty was forced to teeter into her arms.

Hearing what sounded to be groans and moans of somewhat satisfaction, Mizaki licked her lips almost at the feeling of another satisfied customer. Usually to get a response like this, her opponent would be face deep in either her rear or cleavage. But what Misty wanted for her demise, Misty would get.

"You tried your best...and you didn't even come close..." Mizaki fired yet another goad, despite barely doing well herself in this match, with the encounter now officially a win for her. Slowly lowering her frame down, she'd only have Misty halfway to the ground before carelessly releasing her, watching her ebony skinned foe hit the canvas relatively painlessly side-on. Not that it mattered, given she was choked out.

And in a state in which she couldn't stop Mizaki posing over her, as the bluenette raised a foot to press it on her rear, with her right arm raised for a flex!

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Re: Misty S. Vs Mizaki T. - Biggest Head Turners!

Unread post by Luncha_Libre »

The match was totally over now, and there was no room left for doubt as to who the better woman was. Misty lay there, totally limp and lifeless, as Mizaki planted a foot on her ass and staked her claim as the victor. Fans cheered for the busty Japanese woman, the lights going bright to show off her total domination! Misty, meanwhile, would only doze beneath her conqueror, breasts heaving in her flimsy top as she let out a final, defeated sigh.

Later that night, Misty would come to and have to face the humiliation she just suffered. Not only had she lost, but she’d been forced to beg for it! The poor model-turned-wrestler certainly hadn’t convinced anyone that she was a badass after that display, even if it she had dominated early on. Tearfully, Misty would wonder what she’d done wrong, why she’d let herself not just lose, but totally give herself up to Mizaki like that. Misty’s thick body sinking into the ring canvas, there was nothing to figure out right now. It was clear as day- Mizaki hadn’t just won, she’d made Misty her bitch!

WINNER, by Submission: Mizaki Tantka
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