Old And New

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Old And New

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Alaina was backstage, dressed in her one piece tiger print swimsuit, matching kneepads and matching boots after having been told she was not going to wrestle. She wanted to be ready to step in for someone else in case they got hurt, weren't able to wrestle or something. While she had a fair share of matches lately she hadn't quite performed as well as she would have liked in all of them. The older veteran was making her way about the halls when she saw a familiar figure ahead. Alaina picked up the pace to get closer and verify that it was in fact the tall young Astrid!

"Hey kid, long time no see! How have you been?" Alaina called out as she approached waving and smiling as she walked up. She was happy to see Astrid, who clearly impressed her during their first meeting as Astrid defeated Alaina at the gym in a spar. "What is new? How have your matches been going?"

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Re: Old And New

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At the same time, backstage at the arena, another woman of similar build was in the halls - one Astrid Ostberg, Norwegian heavyweight and aspiring challenger to the LAW Heavyweight Championship. After a strong showing, she had been ready to take on Linda Halloween, and she was intent on keeping herself in tip-top shape for when the day would come! Astrid wasn't booked for a match tonight, nor was she in gear to - but it still never hurt for her to keep herself warmed up at any given time. She might just have been here to schedule things with the booking office, but she'd make use of her time in the building one way or another.

The Norsewoman straightened herself with a huff, brushing back her hair. As she shook herself out, looking around her, she saw a familiar face approaching her, that of Alaina Sanders, who she had previously bested in a sparring session at the gym not long before. "Alaina! Hello!" She waved to the veteran, stepping closer and offering her hand for a shake. "Funny I should meet you here! I have big plans..." She grinned, already looking forward to telling the elder heavyweight all about what her future held.
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Re: Old And New

Unread post by Highfly »

Alaina was happy to see Astrid that Astrid was pleased to see her. "Big plans huh? Hopefully ya got more going on in the ring than I do tonight haha.... What do you have going on in the near future?" Alaina asked, eager to hear the news Astrid was beaming about. She figured it had something to do with a big match or something of in-ring consequence given the hot start she had in LAW as well as her insane ability between the ropes. Either way Alaina couldn't wait to hear what it was.

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Re: Old And New

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Astrid shrugged to Alaina at her comment about the two womens' plans for in the ring. "Well, by the looks of you, I would have thought you were the one who'd be seeing more action!" she laughed. "I'm just here to set up a match for the future...but I'm going after the Heavyweight Championship!" Recalling her prior experiences tying up with Alaina in an impromptu sparring session, Astrid flexed a bicep to show off her strength. "And I would wager I have what it takes, yeah? Surely you can back me up on that!"
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Re: Old And New

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"I always dress for every show in case they really need someone to step in but tonight it looks like they didn't need me." Alaina said with a shrug. She smiled once she heard that Astrid was officially in title contention, and Alaina felt like she did deserve it.

Still,part of Alaina did wish she were the champion Astrid was gunning for. "I am very happy for you Astrid, if anyone in the heavyweight division deserves a title shot it is you!"

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Re: Old And New

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Astrid nodded in agreement to Alaina as she related the reasons behind her attire. "I see!" It made enough sense, and so too was it an encouraging thought to feel that Alaina was so willing to step in at any moment. She showed the dedication and commitment to the sport that made her worthy of the boots she wore. "Even still, it's good to know you're ready, yeah? I'm sure if anyone did have to fill in for you, they would be glad for it."

The Norwegian offered a handshake, stepping closer to the veteran she had come to know and respect enough to be on friendly terms. "Hearing that from you is a great honor, to be sure," she said. "But...you shouldn't sell yourself short, either. You went toe to toe to me when we last sparred, and I would deem you a worthy opponent!" With a smile, she nonetheless looked back up towards the Amazon. "I wonder, though...would you happen to have any plans for your future?"
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Re: Old And New

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"Thanks Astrid, that is really nice to hear from someone on the rise like you!" Alaina said cheerfully as she accepted the handshake. Astrid seemed like a good kid, and her dad was polite when he was a competitor so Alaina was not surprised Astrid was like this. "Plans for the future? Well I'm 44, and I want to win one belt before I retire again. Heavyweight or Openweight it doesn't matter. I just want to validate my decision to come back by showing everyone that I can still win at the highest level." Alaina said to Astrid as the two stood in the back. "Why do you ask?"

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Re: Old And New

Unread post by CaptainL »

Astrid nodded to Alaina with a smile, shaking her hand with a firm and vigorous grip; even in a friendly setting like this, the Norsewoman's strength was undeniable. "Thank you, thank you!" she cheered. Hearing such words of encouragement from Alaina, someone who had been such an inspiration to her, meant much to Astrid. She felt even more eager to win the title now, knowing that her hero was cheering her on for it!

The topic then turned to Alaina's plans for the future - and, as Astrid heard her plans for retirement, she had to nod, taking a moment to consider this. "Well, I suppose that's true, but in my experience, you're still a worthy contender! If you could wrestle me nearly to a draw, I would think you could do anything!" She clapped Alaina on the back in a gesture to show her support. "Still, a title run?" Given Astrid's own plans, this could potentially...be awkward. "I have no doubts that you could do it! But you do realize...you may have to face me for it?"
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Re: Old And New

Unread post by Highfly »

"Haha, oh I am well aware of that. There are a lot of women I will end up facing and could face to get the belt as well as defend it against should I get it." Alaina said with a laugh.

"I will get gold around my waist again though no matter who I have to go through." Alaina added, looking up at Astrid as she spoke.

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Re: Old And New

Unread post by CaptainL »

Astrid nodded to Alaina at that statement, and she let out a chuckle at her saying she would meet any challenge to reach her goal. As someone with similar thoughts, she could appreciate the tenacity she saw in a fellow wrestler, and she met it with a nod, standing tall with her hands on her hips as though she was already in the ring and facing down an opponent. "That's the spirit!" she cheered. "It's that sort of willpower that makes you such an inspiration to me..."

Though, another thought did cross Astrid's mind, as she lifted an arm from her side to flex her bicep. "Even me, though?" she said, grinning. In truth, the thought excited Astrid. To be facing her hero again, but this time in the ring, with so many eyes on them, and with the title on the line...she could feel her heart beating faster at the thought; it was like a dream come true.
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