The start of something bad

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The start of something bad

Unread post by Tiamat »

YOUR WINNER BY PINFALL, YANG XIAO LONG!!! The crowd erupts into cheers and applause for Yang in her win. While not the main event, this match was certainly carrying around a lot of hype. Hype upon which Yang surely delivered on, move after move, it was a spectacle to be sure. Oof that was a rough match, hey I'd be willing to fight you again, that is if you are okay with losing again. You aren't beating me Yang said chastising her already downed opponent, added while also a kiss of the bicep
GOD DAMN IT!! Echoed in the backstage of the law arena on this fine evening. It was during a live event, matches are currently taking place. But who would be screaming right now? Well to answer that question, the answer is Raven Branwen. As to why she would be screaming. Well, that answer to that some context is needed. Her daughter Yang Xiao Long is an avid wrestler, fighter would be a better term because she's been around many scenes. Even the illegal ones, like her mother. That aside Yang was to have a match today against an "acquaintance" of Raven's. Acquaintance being the operative word because if it were up to Raven she would never speak to the woman. But the crux of the issue is that Raven put money on the match. Yes, she bet on the match, and no she did not bet on her daughter. The exact opposite actually, she bet against her own daughter.

So Raven was naturally upset by the fact that she lost money. Raven was thrashing about backstage making a scene, it was composed though. It had to be, soon enough her daughter would be passing through these halls. Raven felt like she needed to relieve some stress with violence
Last edited by Tiamat on Mon Nov 18, 2019 2:28 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The start of something bad

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In contrast to the pure anger and vitriol that poured out of the elder woman inside the LAW arena, the two other women nearby were quite the opposite, feeling happy and peppy, though things were soon to take quite a turn. Ducky and Swan had been in attendance tonight for the match, and after the show they had headed backstage for a little bit of training. The last thing that they expected to run into, however, would be the rampaging mother of the winner of the match they just viewed!

They heard the shouting and destruction of random objects far before anybody came into view, but as the noises became louder and louder, the source would soon be revealed to them as they rounded the corner to find Raven Branwen on a rampage.

"Uh... hey lady, are you alright over there? Is there something you need help with, or...?" Swan called out to the black haired woman, curious as to what the commotion could be about. Ducky shot her a look, but was also somewhat concerned about the mess this woman was making. Though it wasn't until they got closer that she happened to recognize the woman.

"Wait a second... you're Raven. Raven Branwen! What are you doing here... uh... making such a mess?" Ducky questioned, unsure as to what why she'd be in this foul of a mood!

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Re: The start of something bad

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She just had to go and lose...IT WASN'T EVEN CLOSE TO BEGIN WITH Raven screamed. Evidently still angered by the victory of her daughter. It was also evident that Raven was not your typical mother, or that her relationship with Yang was normal. Actually it was anything but normal. That was beside the point though, Raven just needed something to throw, punch, destroy and maybe burn. Seeing as how the last option was unavailable the first three would do fine

Some of the other people backstage kinda felt bad for the people that had to clean up this mess. It wasn't like this was a part of some bit or promo, nope this was just someone angry as hell. Raven would be seen tossing some tables here and there along with breaking some other objects. If one thing one could see where Yang gets her anger.

That was when a voice would inquire about Raven asking her if she was okay. Huh? What do you want? Raven said to the approaching duo as she did not hear the first question. Raven though was able to hear the second coming from the blonde of the pair. Yeah that's me... Oh nothing just upset about how my drink got messed up Raven said sarcastically

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Re: The start of something bad

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With Ducky and Swan approaching the raging mother, both women were somewhat concerned about what had happened to cause Raven to be like this, but her earlier yelling and the match that they had just watched seemed to give the two women a clue. Still, while Ducky and Swan were not looking to cause an issue, both of them couldn't help but find it odd, sharing a look before Swan decided to tentatively pose the question that was on the minds of both her and Ducky, at risk of pissing Raven off even more.

"Uh... isn't Yang... your kid? And you're mad that the OTHER wrestler lost? Are... are we missing something?" Swan asked, far too curious to just leave Raven be about the whole topic!

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Re: The start of something bad

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Dealing with a lost bet was enough, now Raven had to deal with a duo just here to annoy her. Maybe it was divine punishment. That was one the black-haired girl of the pair spoke up. It was after they shared a look and wanted to ask the same thing. As if they shared some sort of mental connection. Of course, they had to ask about Yang.

Yang? Yeah, she's my kid, what about it? Let's just say I wanted a different outcome for this Raven said before quickly turning around in an attempt to end the conversation. Now the question was how is she supposed to get past this feeling of anger.... without getting arrested.

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Re: The start of something bad

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Ducky and Swan were equally confused, not quite understanding the relationship between Raven and Yang, but knowing that something was definitely off between the two women, only making Ducky and Swan more curious to find out what was up! The two wrestlers would find Raven's answer to be a bit lacking in explanation, and while Ducky was more hesitant to press the issue, Swan was always the bolder of the two, once more stepping forwards and pushing the topic.

"So what gives? I mean, rooting against your daughter is pretty weird, so what's the deal?" Swan asked, Ducky shooting her a look but not stopping her, both women curious about what the problems between Raven and Yang were!

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Re: The start of something bad

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Raven would raise her eyebrow at the duo in front of her. Why were they asking these questions? What does knowing the truth about the relationship with her daughter has to do with them. Honestly, for some reason their pandering has calmed Raven down from her tantrum from before. While not giving them a straight answer that explained it all Raven would simply respond Listen just call it tough love alright? Raven said shrugging, not willing to so much more on that.

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Re: The start of something bad

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With Raven's dismissal of the topic, Ducky and Swan would both give a small shrug of the shoulders as they would have no choice but to accept Raven's explanation, though it didn't quite mean that their business with the older woman was done yet! In fact, Ducky and Swan both seemed to be thinking a similar thought, unbeknownst to one another, and Swan would take the initiative and further press Raven with what she had slowly come to wonder while talking to her!

"Understandable... but now that we've settled that... how about a match! You vs me, let's go!" Swan proposed with a smirk, partially looking to test this woman, another part of her ready to show her what tough love really felt like!

"Hey, wait a second! I was about to say that I wanted a match with her! Not everyday you get to take on someone like you!" Ducky said with a smirk, following Swan in requesting a match from Raven! It seemed that after they had settled the mystery of what was wrong, they both wanted a crack at the other wrestler, competitive as always!

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Re: The start of something bad

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Whoa now aren’t you excited I think I’ll pass on that offer for your sake Raven said waving off Swan like she was nothing. Raven would only turn back around and start to gather her things to leave

That is when Ducky issued her challenge. Ugh and there goes the other one wanting another loss on her record. Listen if you wanna match with me you got to spice it up for me. Idk make it a handicapped match, some fun for me at least. Raven said grinning while she shrugged, though she was indeed serious, Raven looked for that adrenaline rush in a match. Only she did not think Swan or Ducky could give it to her solo

Anyways I have a bad headache that comes and goes so I’m gonna head out before it comes back spoken like a bad omen. Yang would come from the back of the room into the same area that Raven was in
So I heard we were making bets on the match today? Ain’t that right Raven
And my headache is back....
So what do we have here? What do you two want with this deadbeat Yang spoke plainly

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Re: The start of something bad

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As Ducky and Swan continued talking to Raven, they were unaware that the very woman who had caused this whole conversation to begin would be headed their way at this very moment, her presence only made known as she called out to the trio of women! As Yang spoke up, Raven showed visible signs of distress, as Ducky and Swan turned to face the blonde woman now making her way over to them, exchanging a few terse words with her mother as Ducky and Swan watched on the sidelines.

"Well, we were actually pretty done talking to-"

"We were asking your mom here for a match. She's trying to find any way she can to say no, so how about you?" Swan said with a smirk, cutting off Ducky in order to cause a little trouble!

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