Michiko Shimizu vs. Hayleigh Hayashibara [D]

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Re: Michiko Shimizu vs. Hayleigh Hayashibara [D]

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Michiko let out a low groan, slumped in the corner as her head spun from the impact. She had been desperate to finish this match at all costs, taking out her opponent before her own strength failed her - but Hayleigh had been able to turn that fatigue against Michiko, and now she was suffering the consequences! One last time, Michiko was hauled up by her ponytail, hissing in pain as she did so. Her balance shaken by her landing, Michiko could only proceed over to the center of the ring with a staggering, dazed gait, in no shape to do much to resist what was befalling her. Then, she felt Haleigh's thighs clamp shut around her head, and her arms yanked backwards. She clenched her teeth, shuddering from the pain of her shoulders being wrenched backwards - but of course, this was nothing compared to what she was really in for!

The crowd let out a gasp as they saw Hayleigh hoist Michiko straight up into the air; while they may not have liked the Spider Woman, they were certainly amazed by the degree of strength she commanded. But they also felt sympathy for Michiko as the lilac-haired woman was hurled down to the mat, neck-first! There she landed with a loud thud, shaking the canvas as she did, before she flopped onto her back, her arms dropping limply to the mat at her sides. That blow had taken the last bit of strength out of her!
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Re: Michiko Shimizu vs. Hayleigh Hayashibara [D]

Unread post by Devastated »

Lifting Michiko up as the crowd gasped in amazement, Hayleigh would hold her there for a moment a smirk growing on her face as she then drove Michiko down! Slamming her down neck first into the canvas and getting quite a loud impact from the canvas as she did. Michiko's body seemed to then lifelessly slump down against the canvas as Hayleigh panted and looked over her wounded prey.

Licking her upperlip the villainous arachnid would try and push and roll Michiko over onto her back, aiming to lay herself across her chest and shoulders while hooking Michiko's dominant leg up and trying to go for a tight pin attempt on the lilac haired heroine.

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Re: Michiko Shimizu vs. Hayleigh Hayashibara [D]

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Michiko had been taken completely by surprise. Caught up in the excitement of the match, she had assured herself that she was on top of things and that she was only building towards a memorable finish, as she would take out her opponent with a bang. But Haleigh had more in her than the lilac-haired girl had given her credit for, and she had the cunning too to steal the upper hand. Now Michiko was paying for it, as she had come crashing down, and the blow had left her in a daze as she was spread-eagled on the mat.

Only a low groan escaped Michiko as her head slumped to one side, her eyes glazed over and half-lidded. Already tired from the match, the landing had taken the last bit of energy from her, and even when Haleigh came down for the pin, Michiko lay there limp and heavy, making little effort to resist. The ref, then, had plenty of time to count. "One! Two! THREE!"

Even after the bell rang, Michiko still lay there, the slow rise and fall of her chest the only indication she was even conscious. Hayleigh's victory had drained all the will to resist from her!
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Re: Michiko Shimizu vs. Hayleigh Hayashibara [D]

Unread post by Devastated »

The referee had slipped and in to the crowd's disappointment the heroine didn't move as the count of one, two and then finally three came. The heroine defeated as the few people in the crowd that were on the side of Hayleigh cheered out for the Villainous Arachnid. Hayleigh would soon rise up to her feet, covered in sweat from head to toe as this had been one difficult debut herer in LAW....

She looked down at the limp and heaving Michiko as she stood tall over her. Leaning forward as she would look down at her face and sought to give it a condescending pat on the cheek. " Good job little heroine, you performed admirably until the end...however you were simply no match for the likes of me." Hayeligh cockily proclaimed as she would then stand up straight and flick her hair back over her shoulder. Turning around and walking out of the ring, she would slip out and start to head up the ramp as the winner.

Though she doubted this would be the last she would see of Michiko, given how valiant and stubborn the woman was.

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Re: Michiko Shimizu vs. Hayleigh Hayashibara [D]

Unread post by CaptainL »

Even if Hayleigh might have had a few supporters in the crowd, they would be drowned out by the boos that came when the Spider Woman's ultimate victory had been declared. Michiko had practically promised a strong finish, bringing the newcomer to the brink of defeat and rallying their support behind her as she was almost ready to land the last blow - but in Hayleigh's devious trickery, she was able to sweep victory at the last moment, taking the wind out of Michiko's sails.

Michiko wouldn't be ready to recover even as the referee counted to three - it took the pat on her cheek to finally bring her back to her senses, as she slowly and groaningly blinked awake, looking up at the blonde with lidded eyes. Despite being as groggy as she was, though, Michiko could tell from the smug look on Hayleigh's face that she had emerged victorious, and it was enough to make her shoot her back a glare, clenching her teeth and tensing. She didn't enjoy such an open display of mockery - but, for better or worse, Hayleigh had won. Michiko was in no place to resist now, especially after the fall she'd taken.

She rolled up onto her knees, watching as Hayleigh left the ring and stepped away. But, sucking in a breath, Michiko pushed herself back to her feet, turning to face the crowd as she pounded a fist to her chest. "I'm sorry I couldn't win this match," she said. "I tried my hardest, even if it wasn't enough. But I'm not going to let it keep me down! I promise you, it isn't over! I won't let this evil triumph - and this Spider Woman won't have the last laugh!" Urged on by the conviction in her words, the crowd only began to cheer Michiko on louder! She might have lost this match, but it was only the beginning.

Winner by Pinfall: Hayleigh Hayashibara
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