the first defense of Aoi (aoi vs yuki

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Re: the first defense of Aoi (aoi vs yuki

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Aoi guessed right as soon as She stepped out of range she could see that Yuki wasn't happy about it. she would smile at the yellow clad girl. she knew she was faster and that she could think on the fly. she had to use both those if she wanted to keep her title. She would see yuki come at her and send a kick to her. "bring it!" Aoi said as she would catch the kick and groaned in pain as it still connected but she would catch it just before Yuki could bring the leg back.

Smiling at Yuki a pained smiled she would slam her arm into yuki's leg to hurt her abit and to make that leg more sore. after a few punches she would put on of her legs hooked behind Yuki's and she would pull it back to trip the raven haired girl down onto her back. Aoi would then straddle the girl and smile at her as she pressed her arms against yuki's chest for a pin fall.

The ref would come in and start counting "ONE!"

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Re: the first defense of Aoi (aoi vs yuki

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She knew it was a gamble, but it was one she was willing to take. If Yuki could strike Aoi with enough force, and hopefully before the champion had time to retaliate, she might be able to keep the momentum going in her favor - and the alternative was to sit there and take it, which she certainly had no intentions of doing. But once again, Aoi proved too quick, as she reached out to catch Yuki by the leg just before it hit her! Yuki gasped, her eyes going wide at witnessing such reaction time - but then, Aoi slammed an arm into her leg, causing Yuki to groan and double forward. Thus winded, Aoi would be able to bowl her over, bringing her onto her back.

From there, the blue-haired girl mounted Yuki, pushing her down to secure the first pin count. Yuki started to pant to catch her breath, looking up towards her opponent through the strands of hair that had fallen over her eyes. But she didn't intend to be down for long, and she looked to kick out, trying to knock Aoi off before the count of two!
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Re: the first defense of Aoi (aoi vs yuki

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Mayori could see what made a champion successful in LAW by watching Aoi.

To the Hachijo girl, Aoi was seemingly unpredictable and quick. She had the rushing speed of the bullet train that brought her to Tokyo all those months ago, but the pivoting ability and flight of a dragonfly. Yuki was getting frustrated and Mayori could see that on her face. Such expressions and body language were all she had to rely on when her friend Choki was not around to translate for her.

Mayori's boots came together and she grasped the bottom rope centimeters from the corner turnbuckle and squeezed with each sweep of Yuki's leg, anticipating it to connect so that she could follow up with something more momentum-killing in her favor.

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Re: the first defense of Aoi (aoi vs yuki

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Aoi would smile as she had alot of experience fighting she knew that trying to over think every move and every situation wasn't the best Aoi taught her self to feel rather then think thanks to her friend shadow who had taught her the basics of fighting. sure she could never beat him but she could beat most people that were pretty skilled at wrestling thanks to her training. Once Yuki kicked out of the pin attempt, Aoi would get off her and grab her by the arm and then flung her as hard as she could to the ropes.

She would wait for Yuki to come back at her as soon as Yuki got close Aoi would side step her and wrap her arms around the raven haired girl's waist and lifted her up again for a german suplex. Aoi planned to disorienting the girl by making her move back and forth at a quick pace. "rah!" she cried out slamming yuki down. Letting go Aoi would run to the ropes to keep up her momentum she planned to wear out Yuki wanting to push the girl to her limits.

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Re: the first defense of Aoi (aoi vs yuki

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The cracks were starting to form. While Yuki had tried to stay ahead of the game by monitoring Aoi and trying to anticipate what she would do next, the champion was acting on instinct. This contrast in strategies may have worked well enough for them so far - but Yuki was beginning to lag behind as a result. Even after she had kicked out, Aoi wasn't done with her. The blue-haired girl would manage to grab her by the wrist, hoisting her to her feet and hurling her to the ropes in a swift motion. Yuki landed against the ropes, in the process inadvertently letting her rear end bump into Mayori as she bounced off with a yelp.

The momentum wasn't about to slow down for Aoi, though, as she was already ready to catch Yuki on the way back, effortlessly swinging her overhead and into a German Suplex! The blow sent her head down into the canvas, shaking her as the canvas rumbled beneath them. Slowly, Yuki was left to push herself back up to her hands and knees, groaning, but Aoi was already coming back to her. This time, though, Yuki thought she would try and throw Aoi off her game. Not realizing that she was making things up on the fly, the yellow-clad challenger thought she could disrupt her foe's patterns and gain an edge by keeping her guessing! Even though the pain hadn't quite left her head, she still came charging back toward Aoi, moving to roll over her back as she passed and to keep running in the opposite direction. She hoped that would be enough to confuse her enough to make her next move!
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Re: the first defense of Aoi (aoi vs yuki

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Having taken yuki down Aoi thought the girl was gunna lay there for abit only to be pleasantly surprised that Yuki would rush Aoi. Aoi was about to mount a defensive but The girl had duck under her. "shit.." Aoi said as had to turn around fast or get taken on her back. She didn't like people two get behind her sometimes knowing full well they could get an advantage on her if they struck her back and kept her unable to Fight back well.

Turning to face Yuki Aoi watch her as she would stand there waiting for yuki to attack so she can counter or defend. Aoi confidence was good but shew as getting abit over confident something her friend told her to avoid at all cost. As she watch Yuki get closer Aoi would try to do a super kick at Yuki hoping ot hit her square in the chin.

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Re: the first defense of Aoi (aoi vs yuki

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She'd managed to dodge the first blow; that was good. Yuki knew from experience by this point that if Aoi hit her, it wouldn't be pleasant - but avoiding getting hit was the hard part. She hoped this would change it, however. If Aoi was as analytical as she was, throwing off her momentum by performing such a dodge would force her to adjust in the heat of the action, and that might just buy Yuki some time to turn things to her favor. All she had to do was to keep the pressure on Aoi; maybe then she could make this work.

Continuing on her momentum, Yuki ran past Aoi, going to the ropes opposite her and bouncing back toward her. As she neared Aoi, she saw the champion raised her leg - but Yuki felt adrenaline grab her body, and she wouldn't let herself go down like that! Snapping into action, she ducked under the kick as it sailed over her. Then, looking to use this for leverage, Yuki made a move to grab at Aoi's leg and yank back on it, trying to pull the blue-haired girl off her feet now that she had compromised her balance in order to bring her down!
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Re: the first defense of Aoi (aoi vs yuki

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Aoi could move on the fly she had no problem with that but when she tried to super kick Yuki the girl ducked under her leg and would pulling it taking Aoi off balance and would then get pulled into hte ground. "damn it..." Aoi said as she hissed trying to push Yuki off of her and get the momentum back to her. She at least knew how to fight fight on the ground thankfully and as she tried to grab Yuki's arm attempted to roll them around. "well then Yuki lets see how well your ground fighting works!" Aoi said as she felt sore on her leg that was raised up in a weird way.

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Re: the first defense of Aoi (aoi vs yuki

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Even when taking Aoi down, Yuki didn't have a moment to rest. Aoi's greatest weapon was undoubtedly her mobility, and she was putting that to good use now - in one fluid motion, as she was falling back with Yuki pulling her leg out from under her, Aoi grabbed her opponent by the arm, swinging them over so that the two would go rolling over the canvas together!

Yuki groaned as the two girls settled, Yuki on her back with Aoi on top of her. She heard Aoi issue her challenge, and for a moment she stopped. She had never been particularly good at her ground game, though at least she was reasonably better at doing submissions than she was in taking them. But she couldn't let that keep her back - this was a title match! Too much was on the line for Yuki to not give her all, and she had to try something!

Gritting her teeth, Yuki steeled herself to fight back as best she could. She went to raise her hips up from the ground, attempting to get her legs around Aoi's waist to hold on in a bodyscissor as best she could!
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Re: the first defense of Aoi (aoi vs yuki

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Mayori tensely placed her chin on the back of her hands, leaning against the ring apron as Yuki was trapped under Aoi.

Her friend's legs were busy trying to counter the rollover from the champion and if she kept thwarting the titleholder like this, Yuki was in prime shape to take it.

Control earth...then retake heaven...I know you can rule both...

The Hachijo girl slid on her forearms and eased a little closer to the action, but went back to her spot when the referee glanced in her direction. She wasn't trying to distract anyone, but this battle was engrossing.

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