Danielle Degardin vs. Serafima Snezhana - Bra and Panties Match

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Danielle Degardin vs. Serafima Snezhana - Bra and Panties Match

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Match Type: Bra and Panties Match
Rules: Wrestlers will compete in civilian attire; will be eliminated upon being stripped to their bra and panties
Danielle didn't particularly care about being booked in a match like this, one way or another. It wouldn't be the first of such bouts she competed in, but after her opponent at the last of such contests put up an absolutely miserable effort to prevent her humiliating defeat, Dani was sure things would go just as well this time. It wasn't particularly difficult to strip some detestable upstart before the world, and those she did it to tended to learn their place was beneath her. That was as Danielle wished. Of course, she wasn't one to dare risking any harm to her designer clothes, but when no one could so much as touch her, she had nothing to worry about.

She would admit, she knew nothing about this...Sera-what Snezza-whocares person. When the bookers had tried to explain it to her, she had berated them multiple times for sneezing in her presence before they were able to inform her it was simply her opponent's name. Whatever. Some no-name loser. Dani wouldn't have any trouble besting them.

"And now, coming first to the ring, from Cannes, France! At 5'7, and weighing 125 pounds! Danielle Degardin!"
Danielle emerged from the back with a careful and measured stride, her arms folded behind her back as she looked up with a haughty huff. People booed her, as usual. And even after so many times, she never quite got over such a treatment. The ex-model turned up her nose as she came to the ring apron, stashing her high heels under the ring. "Filthy peasants, all of them...they don't understand grace when they see it." She then proceeded to climb into the ring, leaving against the ropes as though she was bored. In truth, Danielle just wanted her opponent to show up so that they could get this business over with. Whoever came down the ramp next, Dani was sure it was someone she'd be able to dominate easily.
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Re: Danielle Degardin vs. Serafima Snezhana - Bra and Panties Match

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‘’And her Opponent from Moscow Russia, weighing in 203 pounds standing at whopping 6’2 SERAFIMA SNEEEEEEEEEEEZHANAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA’’
Snezhana would walk out onto the stage when her music played and would look at danielle with the look of a beast ready to kill
She hated being this match And she is gonna get some stress relief from this match. She would walk into the ring and stand right in front of danielle saying ‘’so You ready to become another victim in the arms of mountain’’

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Re: Danielle Degardin vs. Serafima Snezhana - Bra and Panties Match

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For a moment, looking at the woman who next entered the ring, Danielle froze. Her eyes went wide, and something dropped in the pit of her stomach. Whatever she was expecting for an opponent...it definitely wasn't this. Even someone as confident as Dani usually was was intimidated by the sheer size and ferocity on display, enough to make her grow pale as she stared up towards Serafima. This had to be some mistake...

She soon, however, took in a gulp, straightening herself to look Serafima in the eye. "I...understand you try to intimidate me," she shot back, "but it isn't going to work! If you're matched up with me, then...then you can't be as good as you seem, or else this would simply be unfair!" Danielle's comment got a few laughs from the people who picked up on how the redhead had unintentionally insulted her own capabilities; while she was referring to the discrepancy in size, and insinuating Serafima had to be weak to be allowed to face someone almost half her weight, many of the fans chose to interpret it at Dani's expense instead. Nevertheless, to Danielle, she was growing in confidence; even the audience seemed to be behind her! That almost never happened!

"I hope you're ready to be brought low. A barbarian brute like you doesn't even deserve to be in my presence!" she shot back, taking a stance.
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Re: Danielle Degardin vs. Serafima Snezhana - Bra and Panties Match

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She would would try to grab danielle’s Neck and say ‘’ the only reason I am fighting right now is because... they are afraid I will beat Linda into mashed paste... you will not take my undefeated streak especially not in something like this’’
As then she would try to choke slam her if she was able to grab her neck

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Re: Danielle Degardin vs. Serafima Snezhana - Bra and Panties Match

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Even faced with Serafima's towering form, Danielle did her best to remain defiant. She crossed her arms, looking up towards the Russian woman with a huff as she tried to make herself look more imposing than she actually was. Which, of course, was rather difficult when she was next to a titan like her. And hearing of her exploits didn't make things much easier for her. "Hmph! Undefeated streak, you say? Well...I also happen to have an undefeated streak! In...matches of this type." Danielle strategically chose not to disclose that she had only been in one such match before.

All of her claims to talk up her skill, however, meant little as soon as the bell rang, because Serafima was already upon her. The next thing Danielle knew, she had already reached out and grabbed her by the throat, causing her to gag and sputter. "G-Guhh..?" And from there, Dani was lifted skyward before being spiked down hard into the mat, causing the ring to shake on impact! She was left stunned then, weary from the landing.
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Re: Danielle Degardin vs. Serafima Snezhana - Bra and Panties Match

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The crowd went nuts from that near picture perfect chokeslam. Snezhana would then pick up danielle and irish whip her towards the corner. As soon as she hit the corner Serafima would run towards her and start punching her as fast a possible almost like a boxer would. The crowd would again go nuts saying ‘’another squash match’’ *clap * *clap* *clap clap* ‘’another squash match’’
*clap* *clap* clap clap*

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Re: Danielle Degardin vs. Serafima Snezhana - Bra and Panties Match

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Danielle was still recovering from a rough landing, picking herself back up with a few ragged coughs and gags, but Serafima was far from done with her. She hoisted her back to her feet, and before Dani could find her center of balance she was already rushed straight into the corner, where she crashed against the turnbuckle. She braced herself against the ropes, but that did nothing to stop Serafima from rushing her down, and then from delivering a barrage of fast punches that knocked her from side to side. "Ah! Guh-! Mmff..! Ow, not in the face-!"

It seemed that despite the stipulations of this match, Serafima was more content with hurting Danielle than stripping her. But the redhead was humiliated all the same. It was downright insulting to hear the crowd cheering, when such a travesty was going on! This brute had the gall to turn her fists against an artist - no, a work of art! - like her, and they were going to cheer her for it!? Danielle clenched her teeth in frustration. This wouldn't do! Desperate, she attempted to roll herself through the ropes, trying to escape before she could take any more damage.
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Re: Danielle Degardin vs. Serafima Snezhana - Bra and Panties Match

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Danielle would go to the ropes but snezhana would trip her up and cause her to fall.
Serafima would then try to take the skirt of Danielle

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Re: Danielle Degardin vs. Serafima Snezhana - Bra and Panties Match

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Realizing that facing off with a monster of a woman like Serafima was was a losing game by any stretch of the imagination, Dani decided her best bet was to get out of here as fast as she could. She tried to roll out through the ropes, hoping that if she got out of the ring she'd be able to keep away from her opponent enough to plot out her next move without fear. But Serafima wasn't one to extend that kind of mercy to her. She swept her feet out from under her, and Danielle fell against the ropes, then crashed down on her side with a groan.

From there, Serafima grabbed her by the hem of her skirt and tried to pull. The ex-model clenched her teeth from where she lay on her side, hissing through them with a fiery glare. "If you rip that, I swear-!" Her range of motion was limited with the traction applied to her skirt, but she tried to swing a kick at Serafima's ankle to try and slow her down, hoping she could at least escape with her skirt.
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Re: Danielle Degardin vs. Serafima Snezhana - Bra and Panties Match

Unread post by Slayer »

Serafima was fighting to take danielle’s Skirt with Danielle kicking Serafima but to no avail as then she would pull down her skirt and take them to a corner and gently toss them to ground in a neat fashion. As then she would look to the crowd seeing them chant her name

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