Gender: Female
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Height:5, 5ft
Weight:119 lbs
Nationality: British
Alignment: Jobber/Face
Sexuality: Bi
Entrance music: Push it by Salt-N-Pepa

Strength: 1/5.
Speed 2/5.
Agility: 3/5.
Endurance: 1/5.
Wrestling Stats:
Strikes: 1/5 – Will use it a lot but will not be very effective most of the time
Submissions: 1/5 – Not skilled, barley knows any moves
Powerhouse: 1/5 – Very small, easily overpowered
Aerials: 3/5 – Best trait, able to do some dives
Counters: 2/5 –Can reverse if the move is only starting if it's too far in she can’t
Fighting Style: Strikes, Aerial attacks
Tactics: Try to dodge as much as she can, try not to get caught, trying to make her opponent hurt themselves or damage with kicks before attempting other moves.
Preferred Attacks: Strikes, kicks, dropkicks, roll up pins, Splashes, Leg Drop, DDT, High Flying Moves, hip attacks
Signatures/spot moves:
Diving Crossbody


Foxy Kick (Scissor Kick)


History: Brooke always liked LAW, wanting to become a wrestler just like all her idols did. She was able to get into the business and was able to get a contract. However, this would lead to her starting to develop masochistic feelings as she would start to be beaten so much that she started to enjoy losing, only winning a few matches by count outs or rolling the opponent up. She still tries her best and found some success in tag teams which were how she was able to get noticed by LAW in the first place, but even with her skill she is still not the best when fighting one on one, known for being more of a plaything then an opponent for some wrestlers to be slapped around until her partner would be tagged in. She was supposed to go into LAW in a tag team but her partner had a disagreement with the contract and left before they debuted, leaving her all alone. She is now alone, desperately trying to get past her fetish for losing, but at the same time...not really
Available for:Squash/Smother/Humiliation/Mixed/POW/Hentai
Difficulty- 2/5
Record: 0-0-0