Rebecca vs Prudance. Slippery hentai fun

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Rebecca vs Prudance. Slippery hentai fun

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Prudance Hall vs Rebecca Watasumi
Hentai oil match
First to cum loses

Prudance hoped her second match would not be as embarrassing as her first one since she be competing in another hentai match.As at first she was an bit more optimistic as she had bin approached about competing in an oil wrestling match. Now she did not jump up and down with excitement at hearing this , but at least it was not hentai. Well that hope got crushed today as here she was wearing her yellow bikini as she waited for the moment when she could walk onto the entrance ramp.

Finally she got the signal as the Prude would walk onto the ramp as the fans began to cheer at first. Only to suddenly go quiet as it was clear they knew who she was. As her performance in the last hentai match she bin in had bin terrible to say the least. As the Mahjong princess dominated her rather easily as she blushed brightly at the memory of her last match.

Halfway their she would hear the announcer say ''Now entering from Banbury, England.Weighing in at 109ibs , Its Prudance Hall'' as the blue haired teen would slide into the pit under the bottom rope. As she struggled to stay on her feet she would have to hold onto the ropes as she looked at her ramp to await the arrival of the other wrestler
Last edited by anime_hentaifighter on Thu Oct 31, 2019 9:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Rebecca vs Prudance. Slippery hentai fun

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Rebecca came out into the arena as she smiled at the crowd waving wearing a pink two piece swimsuit as she walked down the ramp and into the oil ring and looked at Prudance. "Helllo!! im Rebecca nice to meet you!" she smiled at the blue hair girl. "wow your hair reminds me of Aoi my best friend i can't wait to get lewd with you" she smiled giggling even though her and the girl were different in height. Rebecca was worried she might be over powered.

scooping up some of the oil Rebecca would lather it on her body and make her nice and shiny as she looked at Prudance. " its gunna be on our bodys any ways so might as well" Rebecca said as she would slowly make her way to the middle of the ring trying her best not to slip.

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Re: Rebecca vs Prudance. Slippery hentai fun

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Prudance would blush when she got an compliment , but ended up becoming pale when she heard Rebecca finish her sentence. As she would quickly yell out ''why am I being forced to keep fighting perverts. Can't I fight an normal person just once''as she would watch as the other wrestler scooped up some oil as she could not help , but stare as the oil dripped down Rebecca's body as she did the same as the other wrestler did have an point that it would be on their bodies soon enough anyway.

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Re: Rebecca vs Prudance. Slippery hentai fun

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Rebecca laughed hearing Prudance cry out her complaint. " i mean this league is full of perverts might as well join them and accept being a pervert then hope not to get beaten cause they would get perverted on you. " Rebecca admited as she was pretty perverted now since she really enjoyed hentai matches and got excited to do them. As they lather their bodies with oil "hehe you look very shiny im ready when you are." Rebecca stated.

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Re: Rebecca vs Prudance. Slippery hentai fun

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''I have noticed that fact , but I will never become like you. Also why would an champion of an serious division be friends with someone who seems to be actually enjoying these Hentai matches''muttered Prudance under her breath as she blushed at the compliment she received. With the pair of them now all oiled up the referee would waste little time to call for the bell.

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Re: Rebecca vs Prudance. Slippery hentai fun

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"what was that?"Rebecca asked unable to fully hear what Prudence said. she looked at the girl confused. "you should speak up you know it better then mumbling or mutter hard to hear you " she stated as they were oiled up and the bell rang. Rebecca would lock up with Prudence as she groaned trying to push the girl into the oil but it was taking all she had not to slip in the oil. "damn very slippery..." she laughed a little.

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Re: Rebecca vs Prudance. Slippery hentai fun

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''I said that I will never become like you. As you should be disgusted as well that we have to compete in an match like this. Still it seems you enjoy rolling around in the oil like some kind of bimbo''replied Prudance an little louder then her earlier statement as she could not believe someone like this was friends with an champion of any kind besides the hentai one.Still she would quickly realize she had an disadvantage in this match as Rebecca was clearly in her element as the prude was easily being pushed back .

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Re: Rebecca vs Prudance. Slippery hentai fun

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"bimbo? wow are you that much of a prude we are in a league where people can get into Sexual matches if you can't handle it then i suggest you have a different career choice." Rebecca said as she would push Prudance back, she would move her leg behind the blue haired girl's leg and tried to trip her with one push. if the push was successful Rebecca would straddle the girl's waist and pin down her wrist befor lowing her large Assist onto Prudance's face.

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Re: Rebecca vs Prudance. Slippery hentai fun

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''Shut up as I came here for the actual wrestling. As when I signed the contract it was said that the chances of me actually wrestling in one of those matches was small''as the blunette had learned an lesson that day. Always make sure that stuff like that was on paper as she would yelp when she ended up tripping over her opponent's leg as she got pinned down.

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Re: Rebecca vs Prudance. Slippery hentai fun

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"why should i? your the dummy that didn't read the contact are you an idiot or somethign?" Rebecca said annoyed. "And i can wrestle to but im short so hentai matches are much more up my ally!" Rebecca said as she stradle prudance and would then grope and squeeze her breast. " Your very annoying you know that? is prude short for you name Prudance' Rebecca said as she would looking really annoyed

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