Round 1
Soledad Vega vs. Bianca Valentine
Win by Knockout
Tournament Bracket



Soledad Vega checked her ring gear over one last time, tightening the tie-off on her top as she stepped through the entrance ramp. The Latina street fighter got a mixed reaction from the fans, all familiar with her rough tactics and crappy attitude. In a tournament like this, however, Sola knew those would be her greatest assets.
The first round of the tournament, Sola was feeling fresh and ready. She sauntered down the ramp, hips saying with her music as she flashed a grin to the fans. She brushed a hand across the chest of a lucky young fan in the front row, climbed the ring steps, and stepped between the ropes.
Sola straddled the middle rope, flipping her long hair over her shoulder as she swung into the ring. There, the Latina street fighter raised her hands to the fans, leaned back in her corner, & waited for her first opponent!
"Hmph!" *With an aggravated sigh, Bianca finally laced up her boots and readjusted her jumper. She had been summoned to take on an entirely new adversary, someone by the name of Soledad. While she wasn't the most pleasant individual to be around, The Queen Bee thought nothing of it- Just another body to crush between her voluptuous frame. Once she was finished here, she could finally reignite her career and propel herself back to the top of the rankings!
Her theme dropped, and instantly, the crowd began applauding their sumo slamstress! While she wasn't adored or beloved by any particular fan, she was certainly welcomed wherever she went. As the busty bee strode down the ramp and gradually made her way towards the occupied ring, she pointed her trademark "Stinger" scepter at the woman who currently stood inside of it. Her eyes narrowed, making it abundantly clear that she and she alone was going to become the champion of this tournament.
Once her point had been made, Bianca ascended up the metallic staircase and slid her gargantuan frame through the ropes. "I sincerely hope you're capable of impressing me. If not, then you better get used to these~" She gestured towards her healthy breasts with a twinkle in her eyes. "Because that's the only thing you'll be seeing by the end of our little scuffle!"
Sola touched two fingers to her lips as she watched Bianca make her entrance. Sola raised an eyebrow, watching the big girl make her way to the ring. "Nice!" Sola smirked, turning her head as she let her eyes roam up and down her foe.
"I could get used to those for a night, chica," Sola replied, with a smirk. "Of course, that'll have to wait for another night, since I'm going to be sending you home pretty disappointed, tonight!" With that, Sola stepped forward. She extended her arms, as if to offer a grappling challenge to the sumo mistress. If Bianca took the bait, Sola would open the contest with a harsh stomp to the bigger girl's foot!
Bianca noticed her foe thoroughly eye humping her, and needless to say, she was genuinely flattered by the attention. Bianca strode towards the center of the ring with a confident flip of her bouffant of hair.
"Ohoho, is that so? I'm intrigued by that notion~" The Bee snickered, reaching forward to reciprocate Sola's sportsmanship. However, her generosity was soon met with ire, as she felt the detestable woman's foot slam against her own!
"aaahhh! The hell?!" She banshee screamed, staggering backwards from the unprecedented pain shooting through her foot.
Sola brought her foot down hard, and the cheap tactic seemed to pay off. Bianca was reeling, the cheap shot leaving the bigger girl staggering.
"Hah!" Sola scoffed. "You gotta with for it, chica! I don't even go down that easily!" Sola looked her opponent up and down again, wondering if Bianca might still be so inclined, when the first had settled ...
With Bianca screaming, Sola ran her tongue across her palm, grinning. Then, the Latina street fighter would step in, swinging down to bring a hard chop down across her opponent's ample breasts!
While distracted with the stinging pain coursing throughout her injured foot, Bianca tried to recuperate before any more extensive damage could be inflicted.
However, it seemed as though Sola was obstinate on dominating this skirmish without falter, chopping her perky tits with the side of her hand!
"Unngh! You bitch!" Absolutely refusing to absorb the shot without retaliation, Bianca lurched forward with a menacing right hook to the feisty chica's jaw!
"Woo!" Sola hollered as she heard the echo of her chop echo off of Bianca's generous chest. The Latina street fighter was clearly in a good mood going into this, playing up her rough, brawling style.
Bianca would take it lightly, however, and quickly she was coming back hard with a right hook to the jaw! With a "clock" sound, Bianca's fist met Sola's jaw and sent her reeling.
"Damn, girl!" Sola spat, wiping her jaw. The blow has snapped Sola's had back, and she looked wide-eyed at her opponent. "You're going all in, aren't you?" Squaring up, Sola smirked. Turning her hands up, she wanted the bigger girl in, wanting to see how Bianca would take the fight to her
"That's what you get for trifling with the Queenpin~" Bianca took in a deep breath, allowing her nerves to disperse while she began to cool down, quietly analyzing the situation.
"But allow me to show you the true, unstoppable might that I possess!" With a confident grin beaming ear to ear, Bianca charged toward her foe, attempting to bowl Sola over like a runaway bulldozer!
Sola had raised her hands, ready for a lock up. What she wasn't ready for, was a sumo wrestler to come barreling in on her with so her might!
"Hoofff!" Sola grunted as Bianca meet with her body, knocking the wind out of her! Sola went high, going up into Bianca's shoulder in an attempt to not be utterly crushed. Unfortunately, that did mean she was off her feet ...
As the powerful maneuver connected almost flawlessly, Bianca felt a surge of energy begin to overwhelm her- She hadn't felt this level of unbridled confidence in quite a while, and knew she could capitalize on her wounded opponent with some fast thinking!
"Aww, did I hurt you too badly?" She tilted her head quizzically, giving a boisterous "Hmhmhmhm~" As a triumphant chuckle, before leaning down and hoisting Sola to her feet. She intended to clasp the woman by her shoulders to deliver a devastating clothesline, only to send the woman to the canvas once again!
Sola gasped for she after the impact, the bigger woman having rocked her body hard after the impact. Sola scowled, trying to push herself off of Bianca. However, the big woman was far from done with her, rearing back with a clothesline directed straight at her upper chest!
"Hhhngh!" Sola grunted, taking that thick arm straight across the chest! The Latina street fighter rolled with the blow, falling backward and tumbling with the strike. Wrapping her arm across her chest, Sola winced and took deep, ragged breaths from beneath the bottom rope!
With a haughty chuckle, Bianca casually flipped her hair sideways as if this degree of dominance was achieved with relative ease on her behalf. "Well well, looks like yet another foolhardy female stepped into the lion's den without a clue of what she was getting into~" Bianca decided to add a bit of salt to the wound, planting the base of her foot against Sola's corpulent chest!