Name: Griffon Lefort-Von Richter
Age: 23
Hair Color: Silver (naturally light-brown)
Eye Color: Hazel
Height: 5'6
Entrance Music: Not Decided
Alignment: Face
Nationality: German-Canadian
Bio: Griffon was born out of a tryst between Camille Lefort and Liam Von Richter, the head of the Von Richter family. Griffon never even knew of her father until the age of seven when after her mother was sent to a rehabilitation ward, her father appeared for the first time to bring her to Germany. Dealing with both culture shock and transitioning from common girl to someone of privileged proved to be a lot for the young Griffon to handle, yet she found comfort in her new older sister, Artoria, who took it upon herself to help Griffon settle in. As such, Griffon clung to Artoria and grew up with the same iron-will and competitive spirit that the family were known for. Watching Artoria travel the world and challenge the very best inspired Griffon to do the same.
Griffon found her passion in Kyokushin Karate and quickly took to the art like moth to a flame. As Griffon was an illegitimate child however, she grew self-conscious over not wanting to bring shame towards her family so while Artoria basked in the limelight, Griffon found strength in the shadows. Outside of legitimate competition across Europe, Griffon competed in various street fights and private martial arts tournaments ran by the bored privileged using her maternal family name, Lefort, instead of her paternal family name to draw less attention. Griffon soon started to visit her mother more often in Canada and recently moved back to Quebec to make up for lost time where she also took up a job as an karate instructor at a local dojo.
Personality: Initially quiet and aloof, Griffon is often evaluating a person before she even speaks with them and that's only if she finds them interesting enough to start a conversation. While not as cold or as calculating as her older sister, Griffon will often judge a person through combat and should she find them satisfactory, that's when she'll begin to open up. Within her calm and graceful demeanor lies an unbending confidence that never wavers.
Wrestling Information
Preferred Matches:
Karate gi

Wrestling Attire
Coming Soon!
General Stats
Power: 8/10
Technique: 10/10
Endurance: 8/ 10
Submission: 3/10
Speed: 7/10
Aerials: 2/10
Signature Moves
Not Decided
Not Decided
Friends: Brise "Napalm" Kuhn
Rivals: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Crushes: N/A
Random Trivia
- Griffon is a third-degree black belt in Kyokushin Karate.
- Despite being the middle child, Griffon is the shortest of her two siblings and is relentlessly teased about it to the point where she was given the nickname "Hobbit" by her younger sister.
- Griffon regularly visits her mother back in Canada who has since opened her own coffee shop and often tries to send money to help support her.