Scuffle through the 7th Heavens (For Anime)

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Scuffle through the 7th Heavens (For Anime)

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Re: Scuffle through the 7th Heavens (For Anime)

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Tiffany was working behind the bar counter tonight as one of her employees had called in sick , and she would have to fill in behind the bar for now.Now what she wore was not what her employees would wear as the German woman is the one who deals with the trouble makers as she was wearing shoes with steel noses , a white shirt , black skirt with dispenders and gloves with a metal plate on them as she notice someone taking a seat near the bar.

Walking towards this person she would just smile friendly as she said ''so can I get you sometime to drink miss , and would you like to see our menu as well?''

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Re: Scuffle through the 7th Heavens (For Anime)

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Waiting to get anyone's attention she wasn't waiting super long before she heard a voice speaking to her. Looking up she saw a rather tough looking chick asking for her order. For a second she thought the girl could be a anther fighter, Law usually employed girls in the area like here but then she felt she would have seen her before. Of course she didn't know everybody so that could be why.

"Oh huh..just a water for now, and yes I would. Trying to celebrate some good news so looking for anything good tonight." She said looking at the menu for anything she might like.

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Re: Scuffle through the 7th Heavens (For Anime)

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Tiffany would write down the order as she hand over the menu as she had the feeling she knew this girl.Now sadly when she had that feeling it usual means bad news ever since LAW had started.So trying to get the costumer's name the German would would say ''sorry for asking but are you famous as I got the feeling I know you from somewhere?'' as she would wait for the Japanese girl to reply.

When she got the reply she would grab a Carafe , and fill it with cold water. After that she would grab an empty glass and place both the Carafe and glass on the costumer's table as she then ask''did you decide on what to order miss?''

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Re: Scuffle through the 7th Heavens (For Anime)

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Kyoko raised an eyebrow. "Havent heard of me? Names Kyoko Akan, the Belly Queen and the holder of this." She gestured to her belt. "Which proves I have the strongest stomach in LAW or anywhere really." She said confidently flexing her stomach as she let Tiffany go do her own thing while she looked at the menu.

Getting her water she nodded in thanks before she was asked about her food. "Hmm..oh screw it wont kill me. Can just get two burgers to have here. Been awhile since I had one." She asked handing her menu in as she did so.

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Re: Scuffle through the 7th Heavens (For Anime)

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Tiffany would not react to the name she just received as she got the Carafe and an empty glass. Still when she wrote down the order she would just smile as she replied ''that's a good choice miss Akan , and it a pleasure to serve a champion in this establishment''.

After that she walked back and told the chef about the order as she had to wait a few minutes until it was done. In the meantime she would check out what she could about Kyoto , and what she found was interested as the belt the wrestler was carrying around was not part of the LAW titles according to the information she found.After the chef was done with preparing the two burgers , Tiffany would take the plate and deliver it to Kyoto as she said ''enjoy your meal miss''.

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Re: Scuffle through the 7th Heavens (For Anime)

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"Thank you. And I'm glad you recognize things like that." Kyoko said proudly as she leaned in her chair and waited for her order to come out. Thankfully the wait wasn't too long before she found her coming back at her and with her food. Points for fast service on that end. It looked delicious too, granted that could be because she's been cutting back on junk foods for the past few days while she was seriously working out but even so if it tasted as good as it looks it would be worth what she was paying.

"Thank you. Say if you don't mind me asking do you keep up with the wrestling here at all? Some don't thinking its bad for business but others embrace the kind of company it can bring." She said as she grabbed one of her burgers and took a bite after a few seconds. Points for good food as well, or at least good burgers.

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Re: Scuffle through the 7th Heavens (For Anime)

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''Well we are honored that you choice us miss.Still sorry if this seems bolt , but why does your belt not appear with the other ones on Law's website''replied the German woman as she wondered how the wrestler would react. Still that came the quistion she was fearing as Tiffany was conflicted about LAW as on one hand they were good for the community and toerishm at the moment.But the constand fights that happened between wrestlers while in her bar made her wish they just leave.

''Well if all wrestlers are as police as you miss Kyoto then I doubt you won't be surprised when I add a en rule.All wrestlers from law can eat for free at the bar.''replied Tiffany while keeping her distance.

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Re: Scuffle through the 7th Heavens (For Anime)

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Kyoko looked up at Tiffany as she mentioned her belts..less then official rankings. "Well for one, there aren't any belts in LAW at the moment. For one there still deciding the inaugural champion for some. I made this one but that's because I'm the best. Its as official an any of there belts will ever be. Trust me in time people will be talking it like its the real deal. They might make it an official one eventually who knows." Kyoko said proudly about her belt as he gave Tiffany a better look.

"Wow, that would be a nice rule. Though honestly I don't expect it to last, no offense but some of those girls don't know manners, locker room can get crazy." Kyoko said honestly as she took another bite out of her burger.

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Re: Scuffle through the 7th Heavens (For Anime)

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''So your belt means nothing then since it not official''replied Tiffany as she thought only belts giving out by the company were worth anything.Still the moment it became an official one she would keep her word as she hoped that by treating the champions right , that they in return would control their co workers .

''You got no idea''mumbled the German woman when she heard Kyoko mention that some wrestlers got no manners as she was still made that the camera she had installed yesterday was destroyed the same day during a brawl.

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