Karen S. Vs Dana A. - Right In The Face

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Karen S. Vs Dana A. - Right In The Face

Unread post by Devilish53 »


Standard (Impromptu) Match
Fall Via Pinfall, Submission Or KO

Mere weeks after a promotional moment by Karen had led to a direct match with one Kyoko Akan, the same thing happened again with the renegade amazon. Face to face with a woman whom she couldn't help but want to tear apart, Karen was already in her stance as an official clambered into the ring; the match being made once more at the shortest of notices, between her and the woman before her.

A woman who, in a rare turn of events, had attacked Karen. Not the other way round.

With the ground work already set tonight, and it being made more than apparent that the two were going to clash, either woman was happy with now over later as the bell was rung. Karen's head couldn't help but perfectly recall that prior mentioned moment then match with Kyoko Akan, though this moment had one important factor different from the last.

Dana was the one Karen was after. And the one she was ready to near break.
Last edited by Devilish53 on Sat Nov 16, 2019 7:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Karen S. Vs Dana A. - Right In The Face

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Dana smirked at the younger woman as she placed her hands on her hips, looking amused by the whole exchange. She tilted her head as she watched the other woman, already hearing the sound of the bell, which signified the start of the match. Now that the match had started, Dana would then get into position, putting herself into a stance as she would watch Karen carefully, hands held out in preparation for a lock up with the younger woman who seemed eager to face the veteran.

Skidding to the side, Dana would then rush towards Karen, looking to lock up with her in a grapple, or at least that was what she seemed to do. Instead of locking up, Dana was planning to slip past Karen, moving to her back so that she could catch her off-guard with a forearm smash to her spine, hoping to deal some damage early in this match.

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Re: Karen S. Vs Dana A. - Right In The Face

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Karen was all too eager to lock up, her figure poised and her curves jiggling as she bent forward. Her hands up with open palms, Karen had every intention of starting this encounter off as she usually did. With a test of strength or sorts, usually in the hopes her foe would realise just how much they had screwed up in challenging one such as Karen. Dana would be no different, even with her size.

Shooting in with her eyes to her foes hands, Karen found herself completely wanting, as she instead clutched at air. Eyes to a foe no longer there, as Dana saw fit to chop her in the back after moving around her. The amazon sent stumbling forward with a growl, and a look of utter annoyance as she realised how easily she had walked into it.

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Re: Karen S. Vs Dana A. - Right In The Face

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The forearm smash to her back was enough to send Karen stumbling forward, which amused Dana as she would prepare herself for her next move. Hoping that she could make her next move before Karen could prepare herself, Dana would rush towards the younger woman, looking to grab her from behind, wrapping her arms around her midsection as she would pull her back towards the center of the ring.

At the center of the ring, Dana would then exert her strength, making use of her own body as a fulcrum as she would try to heave Karen's body up before throwing her behind with a German suplex. Karen herself was heavily-built, being a heavyweight, but Dana would try to heave her opponent up and throw her behind with the move, looking to deal some damage on her in the meantime.

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Re: Karen S. Vs Dana A. - Right In The Face

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Before Karen could even think and register her failure, Dana was back on her, hugging her waistline tight with the intention to hoist Karen up and over onto both shoulders. Achy but far from done, Karen kicked both feet out as to make her heavy figure just that more difficult to lift, as her left hand came down to the grip to fiddle with it. All the while, she reared her right arm forward, before pointing out an elbow.

One that would soon enough come back, ideally into Dana's warm side.

"Get off me...you fuck!"

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Re: Karen S. Vs Dana A. - Right In The Face

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Dana was about to hoist Karen up and bring her down with a German suplex, but the younger woman managed to hit her at her side with her elbow, which disrupted her move. "Ghh!" Still, Dana would try to salvage this situation, considering that she still had her arms wrapped around Karen's waist. Exerting her strength, she would try to lift Karen up again, but this time, as soon as she managed to get her opponent off the mat, she would shift her hold on Karen's body before bringing one hand onto one of her legs so that she could open her legs.

She wouldn't need a solid hold around Karen's waist as she would then try to drop her onto her knee, hitting her with an atomic drop, landing tailbone first.

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Re: Karen S. Vs Dana A. - Right In The Face

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Dana didn't seem to get the memo, again trying to lift the woman who was absolutely livid at the mere thought of being lifted. Though, thoughts weren't merely going to help with this foe, as Karen again prepped to swing her arm in, only to find Dana had no intention of lifting her that high. Distracted with her own intentions of busting Dana's sides with another elbow, Karen's arm didn't even make it all the way, as it went limp amidst a flurry of pain.

For Dana had opted to bring Karen's rear and tailbone straight down onto her thick leg, making the woman howl out at the shock of the pain in her system! Eyes wide and mouth wide, as almost a cartoonish yelp was let loose!

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Re: Karen S. Vs Dana A. - Right In The Face

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Dana smiled after bringing Karen down onto her knee with an atomic drop. Seeing that her opponent was in pain, Dana would push Karen off her knee, looking to bring her down onto the mat, belly first. Then, she would walk around her downed form before performing her next action, which was to leap up and drop her elbow right into the small of Karen's back, hoping to deal more damage on the younger woman.

Dana was planning to systematically dismantle her opponent through all those attacks, weakening her up to the point where she could no longer fight. It was her most favorite method to deal with people like her, and she thought that such a thing would never get old.

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Re: Karen S. Vs Dana A. - Right In The Face

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Dropped down without a chance in hell at fighting back, egg was on Karen's face as her acceptance of this challenge followed by her immediate domination made her look a fool and then some. Said domination only continued as Dana dropped down, driving her weight into Karen via a pointed elbow, one in which Karen could do nothing against given it was against her spine. Body jerking yet again as she groaned out, fist banging into the canvas before she tried to somewhat shuffle her frame away.

All the while taking in the agony that was filling her frame, with more than a few profanities muttered under her breath.

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Re: Karen S. Vs Dana A. - Right In The Face

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Driving her elbow into the small of Karen's back, Dana would then pick herself up, satisfied with her work. Still, it looked like her opponent was still pretty lively, and she wasn't quite done dismantling her. So, she thought that she might as well continue chipping away at her strength in order to weaken her.

So, with Karen still on her belly, Dana would then sit on her back while the younger woman was trying to crawl away, stopping her from moving. Then, she would grab her by her arms and drape them over her knees, restraining them. After that, the veteran would reach out to Karen's chin, clasping her hands together under her chin to trap her in a camel clutch.

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