Izzia Oskevic "The Polish Princess" vs Fumi "Fox" Inari

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Izzia Oskevic "The Polish Princess" vs Fumi "Fox" Inari

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Submission Match
Win by Submission only

Izzia could feel her nerves jangling as she waited backstage, preparing to take to the ring for just her second match in LAW. The Polish Princess stood clad in her maroon belly top and skirt, long fingerless golden gloves and a pair of black trainers; bouncing from foot to foot as she tried to keep herself calm.
Izzia Oskevic
Her entrance music, "Yeah Right" boomed from the speakers and the young Pole put on her most confident facade, strutting out into the lights with one hand on her swaying hips, the other waving enthusiastically to the crowds. She blew kisses as she went, making her way down to the ring in a leisurely manner. She mounted the apron and turned, laying her arms across the top ropes and posing there for a moment, putting on a winning smile for the cameras.

Then she turned, ducking between the top and middle ropes and swaggering into the middle of the ring to await her next opponent.

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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Re: Izzia Oskevic "The Polish Princess" vs Fumi "Fox" Inari

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In contrast to her opponent, the woman that Izzia would be facing tonight displayed no signs of nerves at all, the masked woman known as Fumi Inari standing backstage, calmly watching her opponent make her way down to the ring, the only sign of emotion from her being a sly smile on her face. Still, in short order, she would join her opponent in making her way out from the backstage area, appearing on the ramp with a smile and her eyes firmly fixed on Izzia, the fox luchadora making her entrance!
With a smirk on her face and a look that practically caused trouble all on it's own, the mischevious woman would slowly make her way down to the ring, climbing onto the apron with a smile and looking over towards her opponent, scanning her with a smile!

"Well, aren't you just the cutest little thing... this'll be fun." Fumi murmured aloud as she slowly circled her opponent, looking the girl up and down as she did so. However, Fumi's show of interest would eventually end as she slowly made her way back to her corner, leaning up against the post and eyeing her foe as she waited for the bell to ring!

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Re: Izzia Oskevic "The Polish Princess" vs Fumi "Fox" Inari

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Izzia couldn't take her eyes off the masked wrestler as Fumi made her entrance, the other wrestler dripping with self-confidence with every step she took. The Polish Princess couldn't deny the allure of the woman as she moved down the ramp and mounted the apron, staring Izzia down every step of the way.

She folded her arms, attempting to look unconcerned as the Fox began circling her, taunting her, clearly not expecting to have a difficult match. However, despite her nerves, Izzia knew her own skills, and knew that in a submission match she had a good chance of getting the better of the masked woman. She met Fumi's gaze as the luchadora took up her position in the corner.

"I'm sure it'll be fun for one of us," the Polish Princess quipped. "But somehow, I don't think it'll be you, Foxy."

As the bell rang, Izzia immediately went on the offensive, racing forward and attempting to grapple with her masked opponent. Hoping to start with some simple, easily executed moves to get into the match, Izzia would attempt to twist out of the grapple and catch her opponent in a painful standing armbar

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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Re: Izzia Oskevic "The Polish Princess" vs Fumi "Fox" Inari

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With a bit of pre match banter between the two women, Fumi would smirk, her words having easily provoked Izzia despite not being out and out negative, but it was not quite true that it was simply harmless talk, as Fumi was indeed all too ready to taunt her foe! Still, as the match started, she would have to get serious, at least for a moment, as immediately her foe would rush her, darting to lockup with Fumi right away, twisting the fox's arm into a painful standing armbar!

"Aaah! Nnngh... somebody's eager..." Fumi groaned out as her arm was bent in quite the painful fashion, Fumi being held at her opponent's mercy for the time being, though she didn't wish for it to stay this way! And as such, the luchadora would lift her leg up before attempting to throw a kick in her foe's direction, trying to hurt her and try to escape from her grip!

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Re: Izzia Oskevic "The Polish Princess" vs Fumi "Fox" Inari

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Izzia bared her teeth in a smile as she bent Fumi forward into the arm-lock, holding the masked woman painfully in place as she exerted early control over the match.

"Just eager to win," Izzia quipped back as she wrenched the hold harder, tingling with excitement as the crowds cheered her on. However, it would clearly take a lot more than a simple arm bar to knock the fight out of Fumi. Her opponent raised a leg to kick out at her.

"Unnff!" Izzia grunted as the Fox threw out a leg, catching her in the side and knocking her off balance. No longer with enough leverage to keep the arm bar locked properly, she attempted to transition out of it, twisting around in front of Fumi and gripping the woman's arm with both hands. If she managed to change position she'd attempt to pull the masked wrestler into an armdrag, hoping to throw her to the mat before she could counter!

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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Re: Izzia Oskevic "The Polish Princess" vs Fumi "Fox" Inari

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With her arm being held hostage, Fumi had few ways of getting out of the polish woman's grip, though she was able to do so by suddenly raising her leg and throwing out a quick kick to her foe's stomach, driving the wind out of her and easing the hold! Still, Izzia wasn't about to let go of Fumi's arm, and while she did transition out of the standing armbar, but while she didn't have the submission still locked in, she would be able to grab Fumi's arm and pull her over for an arm drag that sent her to the floor!

Uugh!" Fumi grunted as she hit the mat hard, losing a bit of air as she impacted the canvas, leaving her scrambling to get back up to her feet to try and stop Izzia from following up!

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Re: Izzia Oskevic "The Polish Princess" vs Fumi "Fox" Inari

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After managing to toss the Fox to the mats, Izzia's confidence was starting to build and the crowd was starting to get behind her. The young Pole didn't waste time trying to press her advantage as she sent Fumi rolling.

Bouncing back, she bounded off the ropes and raced back across the ring towards her opponent, hoping to catch Fumi off guard as the masked beauty began to stand. With a whoop, Izzia would try to land a clothesline on the other wrestler, hoping to send her straight back to the mats once more!

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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Re: Izzia Oskevic "The Polish Princess" vs Fumi "Fox" Inari

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Despite her ability to get out of Izzia's first hold, the Polish woman would continue moving as she suddenly managed to throw Fumi over her and onto the mat, sending the fox rolling a distance away before pushing herself back up to her feet to recover! Only, as Fumi was rising back up, she would soon discover that her foe would not be letting her off that easily, rushing to close the distance between the two of them and slamming Fumi with a clothesline, sending her crashing back down to the mat!

"Uugh!" Fumi cried out as she was left flattened out on the mat from the clothesline, hissing and holding an arm over her chest as she attempted to sit up and catch her breath!

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Re: Izzia Oskevic "The Polish Princess" vs Fumi "Fox" Inari

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With Fumi down on the mats Izzia could feel that she was getting control of the match, and swiftly opted to keep up the pressure on the masked beauty. She darted around behind the Fox, dropping to her knees behind her.

"What's the matter, Foxy?" she crooned, speaking in a sultry voice into her opponent's ear. "Too quick for you?"

Before Fumi could respond, she would then hook her opponent's arms up, attempting to lock her into a sitting full nelson submission hold!

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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Re: Izzia Oskevic "The Polish Princess" vs Fumi "Fox" Inari

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

Fumi was none too pleased to be put on the defensive this early on, and that feeling only grew when Izzia would slip her hands up and under the fox's arms, her hands coming up to Fumi's head to lock in a tight full nelson, trapping the fox! Fumi growled at Izzia's comment, squirming against the Polish woman in an attempt to free herself, her arms trapped but able to kick her legs, trying to get her feet underneath her and force both herself and Izzia up to a standing position!

"Nnnngh... We'll see about that..." Fumi hissed, squirming and wriggling up against Izzia, though noticeably wiggling her butt against her foe in an attempt to distract her! If that worked, Fumi would attempt to suddenly throw a shoulder forwards, trying to flip Izzia over herself and onto the mat to escape the full nelson!

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