Dana Ashford vs. Natasha Rostovik - Domination Galore

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Dana Ashford vs. Natasha Rostovik - Domination Galore

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Standard Match
Victory Conditions: Gained by either pin, KO, or submission from the opponent.
Normal rules apply.

Dana Ashford was slated to have another match for tonight, and this time it was against a Russian gal named Natasha Rostovik. This time around, Dana decided to make it a surprise to herself as she did not study what her opponent was like beforehand. She decided that it would be more interesting to see this woman with her own eyes rather than through recordings or stuff like that.

Already clad in her usual strapless wrestling outfit, Dana would make her entrance, making her way out to the ramp as her music was played, blaring from the loudspeakers. As expected, she received a mixed reaction from the crowd, with more cheers than boos. Donning her signature motherly smile, she made her way to the ring where she would wrestle with her opponent soon.
Dana Ashford
As soon as she arrived, she would climb up the apron and entered the ring. After doing some light stretches, she would go towards the corner where she would wait for her opponent to arrive. She directed her gaze at the entrance so that she could see her opponent making her appearance in the arena. She was curious what this Natasha was like, and she hoped that this would be an interesting match.

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Re: Dana Ashford vs. Natasha Rostovik - Domination Galore

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Natasha had made some serious errors. Ever since her tag partner left Japan, the Russian's frustrations boiled over into a series of erratic behaviour and challenges. Therefore, this match booking came as no surprise. Even though Natasha was a skilled wrestler, she was taking on a far bigger rival and that could prove to be a step too far

The Baltic wrestler was however confident. As she made her way to the ramp, wearing her usual Russian red gear and matching boots, the sounds of her ominous theme rumbled across the arena.

As soon as Natasha emerged she had a huge grin on her face, and in her hand was a microphone which caused a loud groan from the audience. Natasha walked to the ring and raised the microphone

"This is a joke right? I mean this match..."

She climbed the stairs and stepped through the ropes she gave Dana a disrespectful shake of the head.

"Can you believe this company, not only do they book me against the supposed LAW Open Champion... Yeah I am ruining storylines again, sorry writers. But they book me against someone so old that it isn't even a contest. Now Dana, shouldn't you really be looking to form a tag team with I dunno... Alaina the Amazon?"

The crowd gave a huge pop for Alaina's name.

"You could be the Grappling Grannies?"

Natasha laughed mockingly as she continued

"OK let's get this over with, you lay down, I sit on your face for the pin, and you don't get utterly squashed, deal?"
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Re: Dana Ashford vs. Natasha Rostovik - Domination Galore

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Dana narrowed her eyes as she listened to the Russian girl's rant as soon as she arrived. Well, she never had any shortage of seeing this kind of people in the past, though it certainly was an interesting one, this girl. Dana retained her smile despite the sheer disrespect Natasha was giving her, and once Natasha was done, Dana shrugged.

"My, aren't you just disrespectful? Well... let's see who'll squash who..." Dana said as she would prepare herself for the match. She rolled her right shoulder as she prepared herself for the match, and soon, the official joined them into the ring as the bell was then rung, signifying the start of the match.

"Come on, show me what you got, girly..." Dana said, beckoning Natasha to come to her so that she could see what the Russian woman was capable of. Hopefully, this would be something interesting that she would thoroughly enjoy.

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Re: Dana Ashford vs. Natasha Rostovik - Domination Galore

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Natasha for all her skill and suspect charms tended to rely on her promo game as much as her in ring ability. Getting a rival flustered or frustrated was half the battle. So when Dana retained her cool polite exterior, it made the Russian think. Not only that but it annoyed Natasha slightly.

As she moved out to meet her much bigger rival, she wrinkled her nose at the comment

"Girly? Do I look like some silly little girl you stupid old hag?"

She stomped in hard, shooting her hands out to link up for a grapple. It was perhaps not the smartest move given the size difference but the Russian was determined to show she wasn't some push over. If she could Natasha was going to power on her considerable thighs to try and bully Dana back toward the ropes or corner
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Re: Dana Ashford vs. Natasha Rostovik - Domination Galore

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Dana had to refrain herself from laughing upon hearing her opponent's retort. And then, once the match began, she saw Natasha stomping forward, preparing to lock up with her in a grapple, which she happily accepted. She would lock up with the Russian girl before her, and she could feel her push, but Dana was heftier between the two, and it should be obvious enough as the veteran started exerting herself.

Planting her feet against the mat, Dana would try to push against Natasha, looking to bring the Russian girl down onto her knees, as if trying to showcase the difference of power between the two of them.

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Re: Dana Ashford vs. Natasha Rostovik - Domination Galore

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The Russian had already broke out in a sweat from her struggles against the much bigger rival. Natasha recently was picking all the wrong rivals and matches without her tag team partner to keep her level. As she pushed, she locked eyes with Dana, it was clear that she wasnt going to move the bigger wrestler back, even with all the Russian's desire.

As she dropped to one knee, Natasha growled and looked up, noticing Dana's considerable assets and her dangerous curves. The crowd certainly appreciated the Russian being out on the back foot so early in the match. Natasha however, was not to be beaten so easily. She snarled again and gasped,

"Nice try granny but..."

Natasha reared her head back and threw it forward, looking to headbutt Dana right in the tummy to try to slow the bigger girl down
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Re: Dana Ashford vs. Natasha Rostovik - Domination Galore

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The difference of power was already made clear as Dana managed to bring Natasha down on one knee. From there, there were lots of things that the veteran could do, but before she could do anything, the Russian suddenly threw her head forward, ramming her head into her belly with a headbutt, which stagger the bigger woman a little. "Ooff...!!!" But it wasn't enough to leave her losing her breath as she would quickly recover, and from there, she saw an opportunity that she wouldn't get elsewhere, and a chuckle escaped her lips.

Without saying anything, Dana would seize Natasha's head and try to bring her face first between her ample breasts, looking to smother her with her tits. The crowd would be delighted by this if Dana managed to pull it off, and she would make sure that Natasha's face would remain trapped between her cleavage with her arms, preventing her from receiving air.

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Re: Dana Ashford vs. Natasha Rostovik - Domination Galore

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Natasha drove her head forward with the idea of breaking out of the grapple and laying a beating on her bigger rival. The Russian had some tough matches recently, and was determined to win, to show she was still a top player despite her recent run of bad luck. As the blow landed she smirked, but that soon changed as Dana rode the pain and stood firm.

"Ah shit....!"

The Russian could see this wasnt going to end well and brace for something painful. A knee, a kick, anything...


Natasha blinked as her face was surrounded by soft, warm pillow like flesh. She went red instantly and struggled, hands pawing at Dana. Such was their height difference, that Natasha had to go on tip toes and could barely get a foothold. She was running out of air and out of ideas, unable to really see anything except the inviting bosom of the experienced wrestler.

It was humiliating to be womanhandled like this but that didnt stop Natasha's squirming and struggles getting more frantic. Now she pawed at Dana, aiming for where she felt the woman's face was. Anything to get free of the smother
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Re: Dana Ashford vs. Natasha Rostovik - Domination Galore

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Dana chuckled as she felt Natasha's struggle. The Russian had her face buried between her ample tits, which would deprive her of precious oxygen, and the veteran would keep it this way to make her lose her breath. Still, the struggling made it hard for her to maintain the breasts smother, so she decided that she might as well change things up for a little.

After smothering the hell out of Natasha for a while, Dana decided to free her from the smother, thinking that she was sufficiently weakened by the lack of air. Then, she would try to send her running towards the nearest corner with an Irish whip, hoping that she would hit the turnbuckle back first so that she could follow it up with a running hip attack right at the corner, smashing her ample backside right into her body to knock the wind out of her some more.

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Re: Dana Ashford vs. Natasha Rostovik - Domination Galore

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Natasha was getting humiliated and frankly squashed, much to the delight of the crowd who urged Dana on to make it a literal squash and leave the Russian flat.

Things were a blur for Natasha, between those wonderful breasts taking her air, and Dana taking control, the Russian risked melting into putty for her rival to do with as she saw fit.

The corner pads offered no comfort as she slammed into them. Natasha slumped and looked like a boxer who had gone one round too many. Dana however followed.


The Russian slumped down to her rear as the air was driven from her. She knew this was the worst possible position to be in and so she attempted to sink to a laying position. If it worked and was quick enough, she could play a page from the classic Natasha playbook. The Russian was looking to escape under the bottom rope and get some space

Many of the crowd roared to alert Dana and catch the Russian before she slid away like a snake.
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