Ducky W./Karen S. - Never Ending Brawl

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Re: Ducky W./Karen S. - Never Ending Brawl

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Karen's response to the massive ass on her frame was about as energetic as it was to her frame being stripped, as Karen's hands flapped about in the breeze. Feeling Ducky's crushing thighs once more upon her sides, Karen's hell would become all the worse as Ducky this time opted to add to it. Despite the fact her waistline was fresh from pain and rather durable as was, the heavyweights stamina was far from healthy, as her barely opened eyes were forcibly shut with where her head was soon pulled!

Hands clawing at Ducky's sides with revitalised energy for but a moment or two as the hold was locked in, with her efforts at pulling free dying down extremely quickly, what with that dual hold utterly depriving her of wind!

Sweaty cheeks tickling across Ducky's modest bosom, as her head shook back and forth!

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Re: Ducky W./Karen S. - Never Ending Brawl

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With Karen down and stripped of her clothing, Ducky would act quickly in order to really quiet the heavyweight woman, sitting down on Karen's midsection and wrapping her legs around her foe once more, this time locking in a tight bodyscissor on the amazon! And with that locked in, Ducky would lean forwards and press her breasts to Karen's face, burying the heel woman's face in her boobs as she began to smother her foe, while crushing the air out of her at the same time!

"Shut up down there... you're better off just giving up and passing out again!" Ducky hissed as she wrenched down on Karen's waist with her thighs, rubbing her breasts on the struggling heavyweight's face!

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Re: Ducky W./Karen S. - Never Ending Brawl

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Karen was barely with it anymore, despite her fury building up. The amazon could not get a word out with that dual hold, the breath utterly squeezed from her, and then met swiftly with a firm and modest bosom. Karen's hands were still yet limp, her body dangling forward in Ducky's dual hold as she felt the blondes warm ass heat up her thighs. The only movement now that the amazon could even give, was a little jutter and spasm, purely from pain and oxygen deprivation, as Ducky once more worked the amazon to the ends of her tether.

This time, with all the strain visible on her barely clad frame!

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Re: Ducky W./Karen S. - Never Ending Brawl

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Karen was in a bad way now, with Ducky's legs coiling around her waist and the blonde's boobs smothering the amazonian woman, Ducky crushing Karen as tightly as she possibly could, leaving Karen a struggling, sweaty mess underneath her own curvy frame! Ducky held tightly as Karen bucked and struggled, simply responding by flexing her legs against the black haired woman's thighs, completely crushing the air out of Karen and leaving her struggling and suffering on the floor!

"No wonder you're LAW's favorite stress ball... squeezing you just feels great!" Ducky taunted, wrenching hard on the figure that lay squirming beneath her, really putting the screws to Karen!

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Re: Ducky W./Karen S. - Never Ending Brawl

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Ducky was nothing more than a straight jacket wrapped around Karen; a jacket far too small for a woman of Karen's build, as her figure simply couldn't move! Eyes rolling in amidst Ducky's modest bust as the air once more left her frame, Karen had nought to say, even with her whines lessening up. Only a mild whimper would be heard every few seconds or so, as Ducky put the big gal out of it yet again through pure desire to never let go!

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Re: Ducky W./Karen S. - Never Ending Brawl

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With thick thighs clamped tightly around Karen's waist and her bust on the larger woman's face, Ducky would be putting Karen through hell as she worked to crush the heel woman once more, teaching her a lesson that she wouldn't soon forget! And with Ducky clamped on tight, it was only a matter of time before Karen would succumb to the crushing of her waist and the denial of air that Ducky's breasts on her face brought, leaving her passing out yet again on the gym floor!

"That's about what I thought... all bark, no bite..." Ducky said as she slowly rolled off of Karen, feeling quite tired but still smugly satisfied after she had KO'd Karen twice now! Ducky would slowly move to sit up, attempting to collect herself and get back to her feet, wanting to be done with this impromptu fight she had gotten into!

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Re: Ducky W./Karen S. - Never Ending Brawl

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Limp as could be, Karen had nothing but splutters coming from her now, as the air filled her lungs and she propped herself up just a little. She could see in the corner of her eye Ducky happily take her time in dusting herself off, seemingly content with having rag dolled the amazon out cold twice now. Karen needless to say, was furious. But she was more of aware of the fact that if she simply goaded the blonde straight away, she'd have a third knockout to deal with. Luckily, she already had something in mind, as she slowly began crawling forward, to a particular spot.

"You...fat little bitch..." She'd groan, as she slid her top heavy frame across the gym floor, in a direction somewhat away from where Ducky was. Though only by chance.

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Re: Ducky W./Karen S. - Never Ending Brawl

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Standing up and letting Karen free from the constricting squeeze that she had been subjected to just moments before, watching as Karen slowly crawled across the floor of the gym, hissing and groaning after having woken up from her KO! Ducky had knocked out Karen twice in a row now, and the amazon was seemingly looking for yet another as she continued to fling foul words in Ducky's direction, cursing and drawing Ducky's attention to her yet again, something seemingly quite bad for Karen!

"Sorry, what was that? Do I need to crush you a third time?" Ducky turned to face Karen, walking towards the woman as she crawled away helplessly, slowly pursuing her! Ducky would eventually attempt to plant her foot on Karen's back, trying to stop her from crawling further and forcing the amazon to realize how helpless she was!

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Re: Ducky W./Karen S. - Never Ending Brawl

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Karen knew full well that the smallest of excuses would have lead to Ducky pouncing her again. After all, if the roles were reversed, Karen would be on the blonde again for considerably less!

With such in mind, Karen's body was making slow yet directed motions towards a particular point indeed. Hoping only to rise at the last moment, namely when she had both reached her destination and when Ducky was back upon her, Karen's right hand would reach to grab a hand full of a substance yet unseen.

One that would make its presence known the moment Ducky pulled at Karen; with the amazon seeking to turn the moment she did, and blow into her hand. Aiming to get the weight lifter's chalk she coated her hand in airborne, right in the direction of Ducky's face. And her eyes!

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Re: Ducky W./Karen S. - Never Ending Brawl

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

Pursuing Karen as she continued to bark out insult after insult at the blonde, Ducky would make her way towards the downed and stripped woman, walking slowly over to her before moving to put her foot down on Karen's back, pinning her down to the floor! However, Karen was a devious wrestler, and while Ducky was looking to crush her with simple skill, the amazon was not above foul play and after grabbing a handful of of the chalk nearby, before turning and flinging it into Ducky's face!

The glasses that Ducky wore would protect her from getting a large amount of chalk in her eyes, but instantly, her vision became a cloud of white, and she stumbled backwards, unable to see!

"Augh!" Ducky wailed as she stumbled backwards, wiping her face with her hands as she attempted to clear the chalk off of her face, wiping at her glasses and her eyes in order to see yet again! However, as Ducky did this, she was almost entirely blind, leaving Karen with an opportunity to recover and get some measure of revenge!

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