Chelsea Forster vs. Raquel Masters

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Re: Chelsea Forster vs. Raquel Masters

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Raquel got back up to her feet and saw Chelsea out of it, sitting up as she missed the leg drop. Raquel ran to the ropes and looked to bounce off, building up momentum as she ran straight back at Chelsea. Raquel used the speed and momentum to leap at Chelsea leading with her knee as she tried to crush Chelsea's face with a shining wizard! Raquel was trying to get back in the match and ride this momentum all the way to a win if she could help it! She had to blitz Chelsea and take her down all while trying to think of a way to account for Molly at the same time...

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Re: Chelsea Forster vs. Raquel Masters

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Chelsea had hoped that Raquel would stay down after being thrown onto her neck, but she was having no such luck there. It was now that the Englishwoman was beginning to feel how the battle of high-flying intensity this match had become was really a double-edged sword. Sure, both of the women were aimed at escalating things to new heights - figuratively and literally - in the hopes of keeping one another down. But when they wiped out, they wiped out hard - and this was no exception for Chelsea.

She hissed and groaned as she rubbed at her leg, trying to dull the pain enough for her to be able to get back on her feet. But just as she was raising her leg, she had offered Raquel a platform to jump off of in order to hit her with another shining wizard! If Chelsea thought taking one of these was bad before, it was no easier the second time, as she was thrown back into the mat with a groan. She was definitely going to be feeling this come the next morning, all right.
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Re: Chelsea Forster vs. Raquel Masters

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Raquel smashed Chelsea in the head again and watched her hit the mat in a heap. She glanced up at the top rope again and pumped a fist in the air. She was going to try to end this one again with more high flying fun... although she had to be more acrobatic than before! Raquel ran towards the corner and jumped up onto the top turnbuckle once more still facing away from Chelea. She wanted to jump high, and spin in the air more than before as she glanced back at Chelsea over her shoulder. Taking a deep breath raquel leapt into the air trying to come crashing down on top of Chelsea with a big top rope corkscrew splash!

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Re: Chelsea Forster vs. Raquel Masters

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Getting hit by one shining wizard could take a wrestler out of a match, and Chelsea was lucky to have gotten away with it - though, of course, her "luck" was aided in no small part by the machinations of her manager. A second one, though? That really hurt her chances. Molly knew that as much, wincing at the sight of her sister collapsing, and seeing Raquel turn to the ropes to climb back up again. Between two strong blows to the head and what was sure to be a hard-hitting move given how much Raquel had been escalating the action, Molly was sure this would be the end of things for Chelsea, if she didn't have a say in it.

But, of course, she did. Molly had been messing with this match well enough already, but she figured the third time was the charm. Anything to keep Chelsea in the game. She was starting to get into place when Raquel went off top rope with a powerful splash, one that sent the crowd gasping, and left Chelsea reeling and gagging as the brunette landed atop her. That was all Molly needed to know to figure things were bad. With Raquel atop her sister, it seemed she was in prime position for a pin, and it could well be a pin Chelsea couldn't escape her! Even before the ref began to count, Molly hopped up onto the apron to do the first thing she could think of. Though, having been unable to intercept Raquel, her plans were limited to the first thing that came to mind in a situation like this, and that was to try and distract the official! "Hey!! Over here!" Molly called, not really having much planned beyond that.
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Re: Chelsea Forster vs. Raquel Masters

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There she was.... Chelsea's manager rearing her head as she interfered again! Raquel got up off Chelsea and knew she had a very limited window of opportunity to act as Chelsea would not stay down forever. Raquel ran at Molly as she stood on the apron and jumped up, trying to leap and dropkick her in the chest to knock her right off the apron!

Raquel would bolt right back towards Chelsea after sending Molly flying, laying across her chest as she hooked a leg with an arm. "Come on ref hurry up and count! She is done and won't get up anytime soon!" Raquel said as she covered Chelsea for the pin!


This had to be it, Raquel could feel it. She was going to win this one, no more lightweight division nobody for her! This was her starting to make it she just knew it....

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Re: Chelsea Forster vs. Raquel Masters

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Molly was winging it here, and she didn't have much of a plan in mind, other than to get in the referee's face. All she knew was that she needed to sway the outcome of the match in her sister's favor, and fast - or else Chelsea was really going to be in trouble! She couldn't even be sure how well Chelsea would be able to wrestle if she recovered, but it was still a chance she was willing to take!

But this time, Molly didn't get very far in her attempted intervention, as Raquel was already getting wise to her tricks - and she had a response to them. Just as the ref looked over to her, so too did Raquel - and Raquel was quick to come running up to her with a dropkick that landed square in her stomach! With a scream, she was flung back off the apron, making a loud thud on impact with the ground.

With a landing like that, Molly wouldn't be in any place to get back up any time soon; and that meant it was Raquel's moment to go for the pin! Chelsea was still groggy when she returned, groggy enough for Raquel to hook her leg and bring her shoulders up against the mat. The referee, too, was apparently getting tired of how many times Chelsea had narrowly evaded defeat, and the count came in fast!


Molly, meanwhile, was starting to recover from where she had landed. Her whole body was sore, and it ached to move - but her sister was down, and she needed her more than ever, now that the ref was counting! Fighting through the pain, she rose to shaky legs and tried to run back to the apron...

But just before she could get up on it again, the final count came as the ref slapped the mat with a call of "THREE!" The bell sounded then and there, proclaiming Raquel's victory!
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Re: Chelsea Forster vs. Raquel Masters

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Raquel heard the bell ting, hopping to her feet as she held her arms high in victory! "Yeah! That is how that is done! Wooooo!" Raquel called out as she strut around the ring in triumph, taking in the cheers of the crowd. She managed to win even with Molly doing her best to sabotage her.

Raquel couldn't help but feel as if things were going to start turning around for her!

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Re: Chelsea Forster vs. Raquel Masters

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Slowly wearing off of the pain, Chelsea started to come to her senses - just in time for her to see Raquel strutting around the ring in celebration, a sight that drew an irate grumble from her. She sat up, crossing her arms. She had tried as hard as she could to win the match, hoping to humble Raquel in the process when it became apparent that both high-flyers were fighting to outdo each other, but in the end it had all been for naught. Raquel had gotten a devastating finishing move in on her, and not even the intervention of her sister-cum-manager-cum-tag partner could salvage things for her.

Molly, indeed, did come back into the ring, regardless of the ache where she had been struck by the full force of a dropkick. Although she hobbled towards her fallen sister's side, it was too late - the match was already over, and Raquel was already celebrating. Chelsea shot her a glare as Molly helped her back to her feet. "'dat plazzy cunt jus' got jammy, like..." she muttered, raising a fist. Molly, however, pulled her back. In Chelsea's current state, she was worried that she would hurt herself if she kept trying to fight back, and there was no use in fighting it now. "Whoah, whoah, hey-! The match is over...we can't do anything about that."

"Doesn't make it any easier, like," Chelsea muttered as she straightened herself to unsteady legs. "I swear, she's gonna get was' comin' ter 'er, some dee." But despite Chelsea's invective, Molly, having no intentions of prolonging this any further, was helping her out of the ring and towards the locker rooms. This was a fight they were going to have to concede.

Winner by Pinfall: Raquel Masters
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