Hikaru vs. Layla

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Hikaru vs. Layla

Unread post by Highfly »

Match Type: Standard
Victory Conditions: Pinfall. Submission, DQ, Count Out

Hikaru was already dressed I bet wrestling attire, tugging on the back of her yellow and black swimsuit to make sure it fit just right. She was starting to slip back to her old losing ways but she was determined to stop that tonight!

As her music began to play she came out all smiles as she walked down the ramp waving to the cheering crowd who backed her despite her less than stellar record. Hikaru walked up the ring steps and climbed through the ropes into the ring, standing near the center. Hikaru jumped up and down in place looking back up the ramp as she waited for her opponent for the evening.

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Re: Hikaru vs. Layla

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Layla stretched out her arms and legs backstage as she waited for her entrance to begin, ready and willing to get stuck into her next match in LAW. The black-clad Canadian brawler adjusted her tight wrestling shorts and pulled her fingerless white gloves tight before settling in to wait.
Layla Colt
Entrance Attire
Her entrance music Burn Halo: Save Me exploded from the arena speakers, and in a moment she was out from behind the curtain and racing to the top of the entrance ramp. She paused for a moment, posing with hands on hips, before jogging down to the ring, collecting high-fives from the fans as she went.

She reached the ring and neatly vaulted up over the top rope to land in a roll, before coming to her feet facing her next opponent! Shrugging off her grey hoodie, she tossed it to the referee, revealing the single-strapped black crop-top of her upper body attire. She met Hikaru's gaze, the other woman clad in a garishly bright yellow swimsuit. She knew her opponent didn't have an exactly stellar record, but Layla tried to put that thought out of her mind. Overconfidence was a surefire way to earn yourself a nasty surprise!

Accordingly, she crossed the ring towards Hikaru and stuck out a hand. "Hikaru, right? Name's Layla. I sure hope you're up for this!"

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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Re: Hikaru vs. Layla

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"It is nice to meet you Layla, but we will have a very good match and it is one I hope to win!" Hikaru said as she stretched out waiting for the bell. As soon as it rang Hikaru moved in, reaching out to grapple with Layla! Hikaru wanted to establish herself early, jockeying for position as she uses her footwork to dictate the pace of the grapple before crouching low to flip Layla over her shoulders with a fireman carry toss! not the most devastating offense but it would draw the first blow of the match and Hikaru was determined to try to really establish herself early in order to control the tempo of the match!

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Re: Hikaru vs. Layla

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As the bell rang, Hikaru came straight towards her, arms extended for a grapple, moving so quickly that Layla barely adjusted her footing in time to meet the hold. The pair battled for position for a moment, before Hikaru manged to get into a better position and hook and arm over the top of Layla's head, pulling the Canadian brawler down. Without the leverage to resist, Layla had no option but to move with Hikaru as she was launched into a fireman's carry toss.

"Unnff!" Layla grunted as she was flipped end over end, taken a little off guard by Hikaru's swift offense. Her body thumped into the mats, accompanied by a cheer from the fans! Cursing inwardly, quickly flipped over onto her front and pushed off the canvas with both hands, hoping to propel herself back to her feet before Hikaru could press her early advantage.

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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Re: Hikaru vs. Layla

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Hikaru knew that as Layla rose up she would be in a compromised position. To that end Hikaru zeroed in on her foe and swung her leg around trying to connect with her first heavier offense of the match. Hikaru aimed a spinning heel kick right at the face of Layla as she rose up knowing that if this connected she was going to feel some sort of daze in the aftermath of a strike of that nature! Hikaru wanted to start off hot and roll early, doing all she could to establish herself and set the tempo of the match to a pacing she could thrive in. She didn't want to play catch up or be defensive as that usually led to Hikaru being the one laying flat on her back at the end as the bell rang.

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Re: Hikaru vs. Layla

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Layla was most of the way to her feet when she saw Hikaru attempting to deliver the spinning heel kick, a move that, if it landed, would certainly do some damage! The Canadian wrestler only had an instant to react. With no time to consider any real counter to the move, she simply leaned back sharply to avoid her opponent's foot, heaving Hikaru's heel to whistle past her face.

Done in haste, the maneuver left Layla leaning backwards off balance and she was forced to fall back. She hit the mats and shoved herself into an awkward backward roll to put some distance between herself and Hikaru, getting out of the other wrestler's striking range.

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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Re: Hikaru vs. Layla

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Hikaru missed but she had Layla on the run! Hikaru gave chase, reaching out to try to grapple with Layla as she got up! Hikaru was feeling good and hoping to continue her fortunate start. She tried to knee Layla a couple times and keep hold of her hoping to pull off a vertical duplex to send Layla crashing hard to the canvas! Hikaru knew she wasn't overly good at any one aspect of wrestling but she had at least made herself competent across the board. If anyone wanted to take her lightly she was happy to make them pay for the error of their ways!

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Re: Hikaru vs. Layla

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Layla managed to dodge the heel kick, but by the time she rolled back to her feet, Hikaru was already upon her, launching into a fresh grapple. Layla only just adjusted in time to lock up with her opponent, but before she could react, Hikaru's knee smashed into her exposed midriff twice, doubling her over!

From that position, she couldn't stop the follow up, and seconds later she was slipped head over heels in vertical suplex and smashed back into the mats!

"UNNGH!" Layla gasped as she was pasted against the canvas by the impact, her face screwing up in pain. So far Hikaru was doing little to warrant her poor record in LAW. Cursing inwardly, Layla tried to ignore the pain in her spine and roll away towards the rope, needing to buy some time to stop Hikaru's swift assaults.

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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Re: Hikaru vs. Layla

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Hikaru saw Layla rolling towards the ropes, and Hikaru was trying to stop that from happening. The Japanese wrestler tried to chase after Layla in order to grab her by the ankles, pulling her back away from the ropes. Hikaru was intent on putting Layla in a Boston crab hold, doing her best to pull back and try to put all the pressure she could into the hold. Hikaru wanted to keep pressing and taking advantage of Layla while she was at a disadvantage. Hikaru knew that she didn't want to give up the momentum, and this hold was going to be key for her!

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Re: Hikaru vs. Layla

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Layla made it halfway to the ropes before she felt Hikaru grab her by the ankles. With a yelp of dismay she found herself dragged bodily away, fingers scrabbling at the canvas as the safety of the ropes was taken away from her. Then she felt Hikaru's grip shift and a growing sense of dread filled her when she realised what was coming...

"Arrghh!" she cried as she was bent painfully into the Boston Crab submission, her eyes screwing shut with the pain as Hikaru pulled hard. Gritting her teeth, Layla tried to flip her body sideways with all the strength she could muster. Hopefully Hikaru would be forced to either let go, or be flipped over by the force and end up flat on her back with Layla's legs on top of her!

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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