The Demon Prince Debuts! || Lucius [D] vs Black Swan, First to 3 Falls POW Match!

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The Demon Prince Debuts! || Lucius [D] vs Black Swan, First to 3 Falls POW Match!

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First to 3 Falls POW Match
Points are earned via Pinfall or Submission
The winner of the match gains ownership of the loser for 24 hours.

Wrestling, at its core, was, is, and always will be a volatile business. For every sucess story, there's dozens of examples of failures. Many in the past have put in the work, went through rigorous training for what seemed like ages, and never ever got their shot. Of the ones that manage to make it far enough to wrestle their official debut match, they never made it to their second. Be it through injury, humiliation, feeling completely overwhelmed, or even just straight up... not being meant for the ring, nothing is ever guaranteed. For most rookies, the time spent backstage before their debut match was some of the most nerve-wracking, anxious moments of their life.

Lucius, however, certainly wasn't like most.

The Demon Prince spent his time backstage before the match completely in his element: leaned up against the wall in the darkest corner he could find, eyes closed. His mind was completely clear. He didn't have any sort of anxiety about his upcoming debut, why would he? All he had to do was show up, make an example of his opponent, and then leave. He spent much of his past fighting and humilitating various opponents for free, so the opportunity to be paid to do just that was just icing on the cake.

He stayed there in his zen, almost trancelike state, up until a small voice snapped him back to reality:

"Um, excuse me, sir? You're up next..."

His red eyes snapped open and he glared over at the source of the voice, a small blonde girl carrying some sort of heart-shaped wand. Who did she think she was, some sort of magical fairy princess or something? A tense silence lingered between the two as he stared her down, before he simply nodded and walked off to the entranceway, leaving without a word.
Lucius' Theme Song
Meanwhile, In the LAW arena, the lights went down, enveloping the crowd in darkness. The opening keys Lucius' theme began to reverberate through the arena, while the entryway began to fill with thick, purple fog. Spotlights began to scan around the arena, enveloping the crowd in red light before panning back to the stage, revealing Lucius standing there!
Lucius, the Demon Prince!
The Demon Prince took his time, gazing out at the crowd with a look of utter disdain as he walked down to the ring. He didn't want to do any dumb poses or entrance routines to impress the crowd. In fact, he could care less what they thought. They were about to witness him and his dominance, whether they liked it or not.

As he got to the bottom of the entrance ramp, he took a moment to glare directly into the eyes of a fan in the front row, smirking as they eventually looked away to break eye contact. He then rolled under the bottom rope, traveled to a corner in the far end of the ring and leaned up against the turnbuckle, awaiting his opponent.
Last edited by CosmicStarr on Sun Jul 14, 2019 1:54 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Demon Prince Debuts! || Lucius [D] vs Black Swan, First to 3 Falls POW Match!

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

While her opponent backstage reflected on the volatile of nature of wrestling and such lofty thoughts, Swan's own mind didn't wander far from the match itself that she was going through tonight, as there was something quite special about this match that she was going to undertake! Namely the fact that in her career at LAW so far, this would be the first ever time that she faced a male in the ring, one on one, something that was actually new to the luchadora, the only time she'd fought men before being in mixed tag matches with her partner Ducky! And what's more, this was a POW match! The idea of some guy getting to take Swan home for a whole night surely must be something that any fan would kill for, but the luchadora herself wanted to see if this guy was worth toying around with should she win!

Was he gonna be big and strong, a picture of masculinity? Or smaller and more slender, perhaps someone of a more feminine physique? Swan knew that while men had been around LAW for some time, the mixed division itself was still new, at least in official fashion. Still, the luchadora never shied away from anything new, and she was in fact quite excited for this, eager to face any kind of new foe!

And soon enough, one of the backstage officials would come back to retrieve the luchadora, letting her know that she was expected to be out soon, Swan taking one last look in the mirror to ensure that she was ready before coming bounding out of the locker room, a smile on her face as she practically skipped down the hallway!

The luchadora didn't even skip a beat as she arrived at the curtain separating the back room from the arena, bursting through it and making her entrance for her match tonight!
"Helloooooooooooo Japan! Who's ready for some FUN tonight?" Swan cried out with a smile on her face as she made her way down the ramp, smiling and waving to the fans, reaching out to high five some folks in the front row! The luchadora was given quite the warm welcome as she made a quick lap around the ring, before finally turning and slipping into the squared circle, standing up and taking a position across from her opponent, looking him up and down in plain view!

"Ohooooo... Tall, handsome... and I dig the purple. You're off to a pretty good start buddy boy!" Swan said with a smirk, her tone playful and teasing, already turning up the charm to see how much it'd effect her foe!

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Re: The Demon Prince Debuts! || Lucius [D] vs Black Swan, First to 3 Falls POW Match!

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As he waited for his opponent to arrive, Lucius took a moment to look over and shoot a menacing glare to a fan that was jeering his hair colour. He paid no mind, though, because he was confident that once all was said and done tonight, they would defintely know his name and just how unwise it was to cross him.

It didn't take too long for Swan's music to hit, however, and Lucius tilted his head back to the entrance ramp. From the roar of the crowd to Swan's upbeat, high-energy entrance, there was an undeniable shift in energy in the arena. It was quite intriguing, to say the least. However, once the Demon Prince got a clear look at who he was going to be squaring up against, he couldn't help but smirk.

She certainly was attractive, no doubt about that, and her ring gear definitely fit in all the right places. However, she was also nearly a foot smaller than he was, and he had no doubt in his mind that she wouldn't be able to stand up to him in a direct battle of strength.

Looks like his debut was going to be much more fun than anticipated....

When she slipped in the ring, he met her in the middle of the ring, standing across from her and stared her down. His red eyes locked with hers, but before he could say anything, he found her eying him up and down and casually flirting with him! He couldn't help but smirk as he gave Swan the same treatment, looking her up and down as well!

"Heh. Cute outfit. Seems like Black's more your speed, hm?"

He took a step towards her, flashing a devilish grin.

"I can already tell we're going to have a lot of fun together. Just don't get too discouraged when I crush you in three straight falls, got it?"

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Re: The Demon Prince Debuts! || Lucius [D] vs Black Swan, First to 3 Falls POW Match!

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

Slipping her way into the ring, Swan walked with an undeniable confidence in her step, her chest pushed forwards as she entered the ring, knowing that all eyes were on her and being quite happy about the fact, though she was quick to shift her own attention to her foe! Lucius certainly seemed like quite the interesting character, and in no time flat, Swan was throwing a few sweet words his way, her eyes tracing over his masculine (and yet somehow surprisingly curvy at the same time) physique!

And her words seemed to inspire a smirk from her male opponent, Lucius taking the opportunity to look over her curves as blatantly as she had done to him, not that the luchadora was opposed to such behavior! In fact, as Lucius's eyes scanned over her, she took the opportunity to lean forwards slightly to show off a fair amount of cleavage, before turning around and bending over to give him a healthy eyeful of her thick, round ass, a smirk on her face as she showed off!

"Ya got me! Black's sorta my thing! Hope it doesn't put you off, since I think black and purple work reeeal well together..." Swan said with a smile as she stepped in even closer, close enough to wrap her arms around Lucius's waist! His promise to go three straight falls drew a smile from Swan, but she quickly covered it up as she leaned in close!

"Oh, sounds good to me hot stuff. Just promise not to be too gentle... I like it rough." Swan said, raising up slightly on her toes while her hands moved down to Lucius's rear end, groping his butt as she brought her lips ever so close to his... before giving his cheeks a squeeze and sliding her hand over to his crotch as she suddenly backed off, teasing the action of a kiss only, backing away to see how flustered she could make him!

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Re: The Demon Prince Debuts! || Lucius [D] vs Black Swan, First to 3 Falls POW Match!

Unread post by CosmicStarr »

There was certainly nothing to dislike in their short pre-match interaction thus far, but Lucius couldn't help but smirk even wider as Swan blatantly began posing, showing off her curvaceous body as he looked her up and down! If this was meant to be some sort of distraction tactic, she was about to be severely disappointed, but Lucius couldn't deny that he was enjoying the view.

He was about to respond to Swan's comment about Black and Purple going well together, but he soon found her with her arms wrapped around his waist! He smirked, pressing his hips forward a bit as she did so, juuuuust enough for him to brush himself up against her and give her a hint at how much he was enjoying this.

Just as Swan reaffirmed to him that she liked it rough and began to pull away, he reached down and gave her booty a firm, rough spank and a quick grab before letting her back off.

"That's how you want to play, huh?" He asked, his smirk growing ever wider as he took a step forward, reaching out and resting his hand on Swan's cheek. "I'll just give you a fair warning, though." He grabbed Swan's wrist with his free arm and manouvered her arm around his waist again, resting her hand on his surprisingly juicy rear end. "You'd best be careful what you wish for, lest you get what's coming to you..."

Suddenly, his soft caress on her cheek turned into him roughly grabbing her chin as he leaned in, dragging his teeth against her neck before stopping right at her ear.

"And don't worry..." he murmured in her ear in a low, almost husky timbre, his voice almost seemingly dripping in venom. "After this match, and after I take you for the next 24 hours, you'll have an entirely different perspective on what rough is..."

Continuing to breathe against her neck, he slowly moved her hand from his bottom around his waist, forcing her hand up against his crotch -- if there was somehow ever any doubt how much tension there was between the two of them already, his growing bulge was sure to drive the point home.

He held it there for a few moments, leaning his head back so he could gaze directly into Swan's eyes -- she could see a fire in his confident gaze and his devilish smirk. Then, having proven his point, he simply let her go, giving her a gentle push backward as he backed into his corner, getting ready to start the match.

If you want to set something up I'm always open to talk! Feel free to PM me here or on Discord (pm me if you want my tag)!

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Re: The Demon Prince Debuts! || Lucius [D] vs Black Swan, First to 3 Falls POW Match!

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

As she stepped away from Lucius, Swan found that he wasn't so willing to give her the last word, as when the luchadora tried to step away, Lucius would first throw a quick spank to her thick rear end, causing her butt to jiggle after he did so! And not only that, but he would step towards her to close the gap between them once more, a hand moving to caress Swan's cheek as he gripped her wrist with her other hand, yanking it around his body and forcing her to fondle his thick rear end once more!

And Lucius would really push the sexual tension up a few notches as he leaned in very close to touch his mouth to her neck, his teeth grazing her pale skin until he moved up to her ear, whispering softly to her!

"Mmmmmm... I am so looking forward to this match, you have no idea... Putting studs like you in their place is a favorite pastime of mine..." Swan whispered back in a low tone, a smirk on her face as she gave a little extra fondle to Lucius's rear, showing that she was not going to be intimidated at all by what he had in store!

Even when the purple haired male slid Swan's hand from his behind to his crotch, Swan gave him a wry smile as she cupped his bulge, fondling it softly with her fingers, the luchadora liking what she felt! And as if to prove to Lucius that she would indeed do anything to get the final word in, she would slip her hand just down his pants enough to stroke a singular finger along his length!

"You and I are gonna have some fun tonight, so how about enough of the foreplay, eh?" She said, both of them breaking away from one another and heading back to their corners, Swan giving a nod to the ref that signaled that she was ready to begin whenever!

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Re: The Demon Prince Debuts! || Lucius [D] vs Black Swan, First to 3 Falls POW Match!

Unread post by CosmicStarr »

Swan definitely didn't seem to want to let Lucius go without getting the last word in, but it was apparent from the Demon Prince's body language that he certainly didn't mind. He even ended up leaning into Swan's fondling, keeping eye contact and flashing that oh so devilish smirk of his. He might as well let her have this one little victory -- she certainly wasn't going to be as successful once the match started, after all.

As soon as the referee signaled for the bell to start the match, Lucius stepped out from his corner, holding out his arms to Swan like they were going to meet up in a Collar and Elbow tie up. Once he got close enough, however, he suddenly jerked forward, aiming a quick knee thrust to Swan's stomach! If successful, he would grab her arm and attempt to catch her in a tight hammerlock, grinding himself up into her hips in the process!

If you want to set something up I'm always open to talk! Feel free to PM me here or on Discord (pm me if you want my tag)!

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Re: The Demon Prince Debuts! || Lucius [D] vs Black Swan, First to 3 Falls POW Match!

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

With their pre-match shenanigans finally ending, Swan and Lucius would separate as they got ready for the match to officially begin, Swan flashing him a wink as they heard the bell, officially starting things off between the duo, both of them getting ready to go! And as soon as they could, Swan and Lucius would make their way towards one another, Lucius raising his hands and offering a lockup to Swan, the luchadora happily raising her hands up and moving in to accept!

However, while she did so, Lucius would spring into action, quickly throwing a knee up into Swan's stomach to wind her, using the opportunity to slip around her and lock in a quick hammerlock! Swan was unable to stop Lucius from sinking in the hold, and she quickly felt his hips grinding up against hers, his manhood grinding up against her plump buttcheeks, with the luchadora deciding to taunt him a little based on his pre-match talk!

"O-oh noooooooooo! You're just toooooo stroooooooooooong!" Swan moaned loudly, bending over and wiggling her ass against Lucius's crotch, greatly playing up her despair in obviously hammy fashion, looking to mock Lucius as he held tight to her!

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Re: The Demon Prince Debuts! || Lucius [D] vs Black Swan, First to 3 Falls POW Match!

Unread post by CosmicStarr »

Though he had the clear size advantage, it was apparent from his actions that Lucius clearly wasn't above playing dirty. After deceptively goading Swan into a lock-up attempt, he deked forward, smirking as he caught her off guard with a quick kitchen sink to the stomach! Not one to stop there, he grabbed Swan by the arm, slipping behind her and locking in a quick hammerlock. Given the position and their pre-match shenanigans, it was quite easy for him to grind up against her, looking to tease and taunt her as he wrenched in the hold.

It didn't take very long, however, for Swan to show him just how effective his plan of attack actually was, as she ended up bending over, openly teasing him and hamming it up, making a mockery of him to the crowd!

Ugh, seriously?!

Incensed, Lucius grabbed Swan by the hair and yanked her head back, lifting her back to a standing position as he leaned in, his warm breath brushing against her neck.

"I'll just warn you once..." he growled into her ear, tightening the grip on her hair. "If you're not taking this seriously, I suggest you best start real soon"

He then brought his arms down and wrapped them around her waist, giving her another grind up against her ass before whipping backwards, attempting to throw her in a release german suplex!

If you want to set something up I'm always open to talk! Feel free to PM me here or on Discord (pm me if you want my tag)!

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Re: The Demon Prince Debuts! || Lucius [D] vs Black Swan, First to 3 Falls POW Match!

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

Lucius was quick to begin this wrestling match by attempting some actual wrestling, slipping behind Swan and twisting an arm behind her back in order to lock in a tight hammerlock on the luchadora, but the masked woman was anything but willing to play ball! Instead of attempting to reverse or escape, Swan immediately began to bend over and grind her rear on Lucius's crotch, a smile on her face as she loudly and quite hammily cried out in pain, taunting Lucius as he held her close!

The mockery of his offense was sure to bring a smile to her face and the crowd seemed to quite enjoy it, but Lucius was far from amused, reaching out and snagging Swan's hair to pull her upright!

"O-ooowww! Hey, easy on the hair buddy!" Swan groaned as Lucius pulled her upright, leaning in close to whisper a threat into the luchadora's ear, warning her that she ought to be taking this seriously! And with that, Lucius would attempt to demonstrate his point by wrapping his arms around her waist, grinding his cock against her cheeks one last time, before throwing her overhead with a release german suplex! However...

"I don't think so!" Swan cried as she flipped through the air, tucking her body in order to perform a full backflip, hoping to land on her feet and immediately retaliate by leaping up and aiming to come down on a now floored Lucius with a buttdrop to the face!

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