Normal match
Win by pinfall ,submission or count out.
Finally it was time as the blunette had bin looking forward to this. As after having to compete in hentai matches it was finally time for Prudance to show her stuff in an real wrestling match. As the English wrestler was confident this would go better for her then having to compete in an hentai match. That her opponent had more experience then her did cause her to be an little nervous , but she still believed she had an good chance of winning as she got dressed. As her attire for tonight consisted off sandels , white shorts and an blue vest that would open up to reveal her yellow bra.
Taking an look into the mirror she noticed her blue hair kept covering her eyes as she grabbed the orange with red dots ribbon she took with her to keep her hair in place as she was considered herself ready . So she would walk out of the dressing room , and make her way to the gorilla position as she arrived their with time to spare as she was able to watch the match that was currently going on. Once it was finished she would be told to get ready as an few seconds later Jump up Superstar by Pauline as she walked onto the entrance ramp.
The reception she got from the fans was not as good as she had hoped. As her earlier preformances had not gotten her the fan support she hoped for , and her more modest attire was likely not helping as she made her way to the ring. Halfway their she would hear the announcer say ''Now entering from Banbury, England.Weighing in at 109ibs , Its Prudance Hall'' as the blue haired teen would climb into the ring as she was ready to show what she could do in an real wrestling match.