Karen S. Vs. Alaina S. - End Of The Line

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The Ominous Future
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Karen S. Vs. Alaina S. - End Of The Line

Unread post by Devilish53 »


Cage match
Fall Via Pinfall, Submission, KO or Escape

Well. This was it.

The end of the line.

With this match coming up, there was nothing more to do between Karen and Alaina. The two had fought before LAW, during it, behind it, and throughout it.

A Q and A between the two mere weeks before did absolutely nothing in terms of quelling the tension between the two, as Karen looked more furious than ever. Her figure contained within that dark attire of hers, Karen's eyes would be skyward as she set her pair on the cage. This was to be her first time in a cage, but she did not threat. If anything, it was simply sterner walls in which she could bounce Alaina Sanders off of. Not to mention the fact that neither woman could back away from the other beyond a few feet. This was perfect.

Her figure sliding beneath the bottom rope, Karen found her corner quickly enough after a little pace back and forth to get the blood flowing. She had already somewhat warmed up backstage, but there were to be no mistakes in this encounter. Regardless of the outcome, Karen felt this was to be the full stop on hers and Alaina's rivalry, at least for now. There was always the possibility of the two coming to blows yet again regarding a championship or two, but beyond that, Karen was more than happy to put things aside after this encounter.

Given she was going to win it, of course.
Last edited by Devilish53 on Tue Nov 03, 2020 1:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Karen S. Vs. Alaina S. - End Of The Line

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Backstage Alaina was pacing. She wasn't nervous, she was so eager to get out there that she couldn't sit still. After a few moments she was given the signal as her music began to play leading to her entrance out in to the arena! The crowd cheered her appearance as she came out all smiles, high fiving fans all the way down the tanp as she exuded confidence with every step!

The amazon entered the ring, more than happy to be in a cage with Karen. No more running, no more games. Karen had no escape. "I hope you realize what a mistake this is Karen." Alaina said coldly as her glare never wavered, focused on the other muscle bound woman.

Alaina kept focused, waiting for the bell to ring as a smile crept across her face.

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Re: Karen S. Vs. Alaina S. - End Of The Line

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Given their relationship, it was an amazing feat of self control on Karen's part that she didn't lunge for Alaina there and then. Such a tackle could have been avoided however, not only by Alaina seeing it a mile off, but by the fact the elder woman could simply back away out of the ring.

That latter option soon enough was taken from Alaina however, and Karen both, as the darker haired amazon raised her head to once more stare at the cage. This time, it being in motion.

"I'm ending your career tonight Alaina..." Is all Karen would say, as she'd soon enough plant her eyes sternly on Alaina's own. The final checks being made in the corner of her vision, to ensure the cage was down securely, as in Karen's mind, this match could not start quickly enough.

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Re: Karen S. Vs. Alaina S. - End Of The Line

Unread post by Highfly »

"Please, I have heard that before and it hasn't happened yet." Alaina said with a grin. As the cage lowered and Alaina heard the clanking on steel on the ground she rushed right at Karen as the bell rang! Alaina was not holding back, looking to leap upon Karen and smash her to the ground with a Lou Thesz press!

Alaina wanted to subsequently pound Karen's head I to put if she could, her fury previously hidden under the surface quickly bubbling out as the match had begun!

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Re: Karen S. Vs. Alaina S. - End Of The Line

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Karen was as ready as Alaina, but it was the older of the two who started things off, as she jumped atop Karen with intent to cave in her skull!

The busty amazon taken completely aback as she was put to the ground, a good few strikes would be given at that close range before she fired back!

Throwing both arms around Alaina's wide hips, she'd seek to push with that insane strength to roll them over, and take the top spot! Arms slipping the moment she was fully atop of her foe, before firing back savage punches of her own!

All aimed square at Alaina's noggin', just as those Alaina strikes had been against Karen!

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Re: Karen S. Vs. Alaina S. - End Of The Line

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"Oomph! Areegghhh!" Alaina went from hammering Karen to having her own face punched silly! A few rock solid hits jarred Aalina before she got her guard up although Karen was fighting with unbridled savagery! Alaina groaned and tried to work her legs between them attempting to further free herself by monkey flipping Karen off of her!

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Re: Karen S. Vs. Alaina S. - End Of The Line

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Neither woman was holding back in this blood-feud, as the referee almost considered trying to treat the scenario like a clinch against the ropes, and separate the two! Despite feeling she held the right to do so when their bodies were being treated like human punching bags, she withhold for the sake of a good show, and because in the long run it would do next to nothing. Had she pulled one off the other, they would have simply gone at it again, like two rabid dogs!

Uninterested in where her punches landed so long as they did, Karen could feel her arm begin to burn from the exertion, before feeling Alaina's legs slide up in an effort to kick her off.

"You little..fuck..!" She'd roar, feeling the pressure build as Alaina looked for quite the spectacular shove over the top of her, with Karen opting otherwise. Carefully bringing herself back in stern fashion, she'd opt for a clean release aided by Alaina's feet shoving her, as opposed to being sent flying!

The amazon coming to a stand a good metre or so away from Alaina, as she rolled her right arm to try and get some life back into it.

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Re: Karen S. Vs. Alaina S. - End Of The Line

Unread post by Highfly »

Alaina got up, grateful for having gotten Karen off of her. As she saw Karen readying herself Alaina moved in again this time spinning and sending a spinning backfist strike towards Karen's face! Alaina was jot put to be graceful or tactful merely to use her energy to outlast, out punch and out slam her hated rival!

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Re: Karen S. Vs. Alaina S. - End Of The Line

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Lunging at Alaina the moment her arm had feeling again, Karen couldn't be stopped it seemed, except by a stray back fist that damn near knocked her teeth out. With adrenaline pumping this fiercely however, the amazon was not to be too massively dismayed, as she was but dropped to a single knee side-on from her nemesis, with her hand already rubbing her swelling cheek. Legs straightening out, as it became apparent such wouldn't slow down Karen more than a second or two!

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Re: Karen S. Vs. Alaina S. - End Of The Line

Unread post by Highfly »

Both women were full of fire, and the only thing for sure is that by the end of this both of them would barely be moving afterward once everything caught up to them! Alaina saw Karen slump to a knee and tried to keep going at her. She jumped forward again, raising her foot up and trying to smash Karen in the face with a big boot! Alaina was out to destroy Karen, to show that once the two were in a cage where no one could run, hide or pull any sort of back stabbing attack that the old amazon was true to her name. Alaina was out to win this regardless of what it would take to fell the mighty, vile Karen Starring! While she had longer histories with other women like Victoria Faraday and Dana Ashford there had never been anyone she faced in her long career who got her blood boiling the way Karen did.

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