Karen Starring wanted to hurt someone. Karen Starring needed to hurt someone.
Yet today, thanks to the higher-ups, she'd be deprived of just that.
The amazons massacre at the hands of six deadly women before the masses was still fresh in near enough every fans mind, so much so that a conference of sorts had been called between Karen and the instigator of said beat down. Alaina Sanders.
Karen wanted to do nothing else except near break the elder amazons neck, but with security at the level it was this day, she likely couldn't even get close. Tables and chairs set out, with cameras all pointed at the front of the LAW conference room, Karen and Alaina would make their entrances at similar times via opposing entrances, with both frames promptly making their way to opposing ends of that long table.
"Thank you, thank you all for attending..." Muttered a spokesman and PR rep for LAW, whom had taken to the podium in the centre to try and reign in what was surely going to be quite a promotional event.
"The following event is nothing more than a Q and A from you lovely ladies and gentlemen, in anticipation of the upcoming grudge match between one Karen Starring, and one Alaina Sanders. As discussed prior, all of your questions shall be delivered in strict order, but can be given to either of these lovely women or to both. Now, let us begin..."
A motion from the spokesman would signal to the first whom stood in the crowd, already equipped with a microphone and a badge that suggested they represented a local wrestling production company.