To smother one another- Gail vs Ducky!

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To smother one another- Gail vs Ducky!

Unread post by SubtleRoar »

"Ducky...wait, what?" *The petite pulverizer seemed particularly perplexed by the name, but her personal morale was at an all time high. Gail was beginning to tug her jumper up to the edges of her shoulders while continuing to ruminate over such an odd name.* "Huh. It's probably just a pseudonym or something. Still, she does..well..look like a Ducky. Does that even make sense?" * While the name may have been odd, the match she found herself participating in was even odder- A smother competition, where the winner is determined by depriving their foe of oxygen by way of their assets.* "Seems like she wants to skip dinner and get to the good part. I'm down with that~" *She mumbled to herself before realizing she was a little behind her expected appearance time!* "Oh crap, oh crap, crap, crap, crap!" *Rapidly tossing her boots on before hastily lacing them up, the miniature monsoon dashed down the hallway, inadvertently knocking someone against a brick wall in the process!* "Sorry! Blame father time!" *She called out behind her before finally reaching the obsidian curtain.* "Alright, let's get this party started!"

*The lights dimmed for a brief moment before Gail's theme dropped, ushering her out into the vacant spotlight. The rush of applause hit her hard, and the welcoming feeling she experienced was something she could get accustomed to.* "Huh, no wonder Kieda loves this so much." *She mumbled through her teeth while feeding into the crowd, pumping her fist into the air in a rhythmic motion. To her astonishment, they reciprocate, giving Gail the idea to make this her new ritual.*

*After placating to the audience for a bit, Gail eventually trotted up the steps and slipped her slender body through the ropes.* "Alright, let's see what this...Ducky can do." *Still unable to grasp the concept of addressing someone by such an absurd name, Gail propped herself up against her neutral corner, keeping a solitary fist raised while patiently awaiting the appearance of her opponent.*

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Re: To smother one another- Gail vs Ducky!

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"Gail... like a tornado! I wonder if she's ever heard that one before..." Ducky mused to herself as she finished up her preparations in the locker backstage, the two competitors musing on one another before the match would begin. However, soon enough Ducky's thoughts turned to another facet of tonight's showdown that had been weighing on her, that being the fact that she would be facing off with her opponent in a smother match! Ducky was quite adept at smothering, and usually the blonde was known for smothering in matches that didn't even require it, but when it came to smother matches themselves... there seemed to be a slight issue.

"Just don't think about it! Maybe she won't even use her butt, who knows! ...Agh, come on Ducky! Of all the things, why do I have to get myself in matches that do this!" Ducky mused to herself, having gone on a noticeably slump when it came to the smother matches she had been engaging in recently, thanks to something she tried to keep secret... a fetish for having her face sat on!

Ducky couldn't let this keep her from competing, and with a silent hope that her foe wouldn't catch onto her, she would get up and head for the entrance ramp, pausing for just a moment before popping out onto the top of the ramp!
"Who's ready for a show?!" Ducky cried to the fans, a smile on her face as they gave a cheer for the fan favorite wrestler, Ducky heading down the ramp and offering greetings and high fives for the crowd! And upon reaching the ring, she would hop up onto the apron and slide through the ropes, pausing to give the crowd a view of her thick rear, before slipping fully inside, ready to meet her foe!

"So, you're Gail, huh? Hope you're ready!"

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Re: To smother one another- Gail vs Ducky!

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*Feasting her eyes on the attention magnet making her way to the ring, Gail's initial impressions of Ducky were rather flattering- She had a charismatic aura about her that seemed both genuine and undeniable, as if it propelled her forward, wether it be in the midst of an agonizing loss or an arduous victory. Gail could certainly respect that, but on the flip side, she was committed to seeing the downfall of this affable personality, come hell or high water!*

"Heh, this is going to be entertaining to say the least." *She reassured herself, folding her arms while waiting for the blonde bombshell's lavish entrance to finally come to a close. Once her presence had been firmly established, Gail ambled towards the center of the arena to get the introductions out of the way.* "To answer your question, I'm certainly ready for a show. Be sure to make it a memorable one." *She took a quick glance of her attire, scanning her from head to toe.* "Also, wicked outfit. You and Kieda would really hit it off."

*However, the formalities would be cut short due to the rude interruption of the starting bell!* "Ding ding ding!" *And without wasting a single second, Gail decided that the most effective method of gauging her foe would be with an old fashioned test of strength.* "You seem pretty stacked, but I'm curious to see if there's any muscle tucked away in that body of yours." *Gail shot herself forward, locking hands with Ducky while attempting to push her backwards!*

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Re: To smother one another- Gail vs Ducky!

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Greeting her opponent with a smile on her face, Ducky and her lightweight foe Gail would stand across from one another in the ring, the blonde eyeing up the cute green haired girl that she found herself facing off with, keenly inspecting her! While smaller than Ducky, Gail seemed to be a lightweight mostly because she was lacking height, and not at all because of her figure, since she had a decently sized bust and some quite curvy hips, a curvy frame that also had noticeable muscles!

"Well thank you! You've got a pretty cute outfit yourself!" Ducky replied to Gail with a wink, getting ready to face off with the smaller woman once the bell rang, starting the match between them! And immediately, Gail would close the distance between the two of them and bring her hands up to Ducky's, beginning to shove back in a quick lockup, trying to force the blonde backwards!

"Nngh... I like to think I don't skip on my workouts... but I do like to wrestle smart, not hard!" Ducky said, attempting to suddenly break the lockup and slip behind Gail! If successful, the blonde would try and snake her body around the lightweights and lock in a tight abdominal stretch, going for a submission to wear Gail down!

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Re: To smother one another- Gail vs Ducky!

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"Well, cute wasn't really the intended idea behind it, but thanks." *Gail chuckled under her breath, continuing to inch herself forward while locking horns with the busty bombshell. Before long however, she would abruptly stagger forward as Ducky managed to maneuver around her for a vicious body stretch!* "W..wait, how did...?" *More befuddled than confused, Gail could have sworn Ducky was right in front of her a moment ago, but before long, her inability to track Ducky would be the least of her issues!*

"GGRRHH!" *The Emerald Typhoon gnashed on her teeth while trying to mitigate the misery, slanting her eyes shut as the encroaching pain crawled up her body!* " did even move that fast? Did you turn cheat codes on or something?" *She muttered through her teeth, all the while trying to wiggle her petite frame out of the hold before it became too much for her to handle.*

*By this point, the audience was starting to get more invested in the exhibition, with the majority of them clapping their hands and starting to show their support for the superstar they preferred.* "Hit-Woman! Hit-Woman!" *Were the chants you could hear from one side, while the other side was boisterously shouting* "Tor-Na-Do! Tor-Na-Do!" *To try and encourage Gail to break free from her prison!*

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Re: To smother one another- Gail vs Ducky!

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Darting forwards to close the distance between them, Ducky was able to suddenly slip in behind Gail and wrap her body around the lightweights, wrenching back on a tight abdominal stretch to really work her foe's body to start things off! Even in a smother match, the basics of wrestling couldn't be ignored, and Ducky fully intended to use her submission prowess to wear down her wriggling foe, feeling Gail's curvy body squirm against her as she held tight, a smirk on her face at the tornado's words!

"Heh... Oh yeah, super speed, infinite lives, I got all the cheat codes." Ducky said with a smirk, wrenching back just a tad to lock on the hold even harder, letting Gail wriggle against her!

"But now that you puzzled me out I'll have to punish you! Can't have my secrets getting out there after all..." Ducky chirped with a devious smile, bringing her free hand up behind Gail to pat her plump rear. Right before pulling said hand back and throwing a series of quick slaps to Gail's butt, spanking the lightweight while holding her captive!

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Re: To smother one another- Gail vs Ducky!

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"H..hey, how am I supposed to win then?!" *Gail retorted, a fair amount of playfulness emanating from her voice. She was starting to establish a healthy level of banter with the buxom blonde, which was strangely soothing for her. However, just as she was on the precipice of dropping her guard, Ducky did the unthinkable- With the flat of her palm, she spanked her corpulent rear in front of the entire crowd! Suffice it to say, Gail certainly didn't appreciate being embarrassed with such ease!*

"Yipe!" *She piped out, squirming a little while being entangled inside of Ducky's submission lock.* "W..why the hell would you spank my butt?!" *She threw her head back to try and lock eyes with the overzealous woman, who appeared to be reveling in the fact that she was in full control.* "I'm going to get you back for that!"

*Wriggling her way out of Ducky's unflinching grasp, Gail managed to maneuver her body sideways while slipping a solitary arm underneath her opponent's hip.* "And this is what you get for violating me without buying me dinner first!" *She chortled while using a vestige of her momentum to throw Ducky to the ground with a wicked hip toss!*

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Re: To smother one another- Gail vs Ducky!

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

Holding onto her abdominal stretch with a smile on her face, Ducky would surprise her foe by bringing her hand back before delivering a few quick slaps to Gail's thick rear end, spanking the lightweight wrestler as she held her in the hold, teasing her foe! And as Gail proceeded to squirm and react with surprise, Ducky let out a little giggle as her foe reacted to her teasing, this time lightly patting Gail's rear end as she went to answer, all to eager to get playful with her opponent!

"Sorry, sorry... kinda! But you can't just expect me not to get a feel for what I'm up against!" Ducky said with a smirk, giving a slight pinch to the girl's rear end! But all playfulness on the part of the blonde was ended as Gail suddenly got a good grip on Ducky, and while twisting her body, would suddenly throw the blonde up and over with a hip toss!

"Waaah! Oof! Oooww... not cool..." Ducky groaned as she landed hard on her back, groaning and blinking her eyes as she tried to get some of the air back that she had just gotten knocked out of her!

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Re: To smother one another- Gail vs Ducky!

Unread post by SubtleRoar »

"Tch. That's kinda what you get for trying to fondle me~" *Gail rolled her curvaceous body in a clockwise motion, trying to smooth herself out after Ducky wrenched against her body. After a moment of limbering up, Gail subsequently concocted the perfect way to repay the bubbly blonde.*

"Now, hold still. I promise I won't be gone for too long."
*The Emerald Typhoon wagged her index finger towards her downed opponent, quickly spinning on her heels while rushing towards a vacant corner. After scrambling to the top, she perched herself atop the highest point, launching herself towards Ducky for a body splash!*
"THUMP!" *Went the diminutive missile of a woman, exploding across her foe's supple surface while sprawling out to cover her entire body!* " it's my turn~" *Gail muttered, burying her face against Ducky's cleavage to coax out a sensual reaction from her!*
Last edited by SubtleRoar on Mon Oct 21, 2019 1:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: To smother one another- Gail vs Ducky!

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

Down on the mat after Gail had managed to muscle Ducky off of her, the blonde woman gave a low groan as she shook her head, trying to gather her wits before she would make her way back to her feet, perhaps giving Gail too much time for her own good! And sure enough, Gail would turn and rush away from Ducky in order to climb up the turnbuckle nearby, before launching herself off of it and landing hard on Ducky with a body splash, squashing the blonde wrestler underneath her!

"Aaugh!" Ducky let out a loud grunt as Gail's body crashed into hers, the lightweight hitting Ducky with a body splash that left the air fleeing from Ducky's body! And quickly afterwards, Gail shifted to plant her boobs right on Ducky's face as she pinned her down!

"Mmmph!" Ducky let out a groan as Gail's breasts covered her face, the blonde girl shifting and squirming under her smaller foe, though the splash had done quite a good job of taking the fight out of Ducky for a moment! However, soon as she could, Ducky would try and bring her hands up to Gail's shoulders and attempt to push her off, looking to break free of the breast smother as early as she could!

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