Basic Info:
Age: 20
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5' 0"
Weight: 116 lbs
Ring Name: Sumiko
Full name: Nicole Sumiko Dreamer
Nationality: Half Japanese/Half American
Alignment: Face
Entrance Music: Sora Ni Utaeba (English Cover)
Slams/Power/Strength: 3.75/5
Strikes: 3.5/5
Submissions: 3/5
Aerials: 3/5
Technical/Counters: 3/5
Stamina/Endurance: 4.25/5
Wrestling Style and Background:
Sumiko is a go-getter. She pursue goals and opponents undaunted by obstacles and circumstances that would stifle or spur hesitation in others. Driven by little more than her own resolve to do her best and be the best, this young firecracker will do what she can to constantly and consistently put on a pique performance whenever she's in the squared circle. Sumiko does this with the belief that either wrestler giving their opponent anything less than their best would be doing a disservice to each other and the fans. And she applies this principle to life, as well. Even in the most dire of circumstances, no matter what the situation, if she's committed to seeing something through, she doesn't let up until she's satisfied with having met her goals.
In the ring, Sumiko has a diverse move set with a tendency to use power moves and slams when she can. Despite being a smaller girl, she's stronger than she looks and will go out of her way to throw larger foes if she finds or creates an opening. Although that is her preferred manner of offense, Sumiko is smart enough to fall back on hold, aerials, and other categories of moves in her repertoire when she knows powering through certain adept for massive foes just isn't an option.
Dreamer has wrestled in small independent promotions in her home state of California for a year an a half prior to joining up with LAW. She had a rough start due to being stubborn about wanting to overpower foes at first, earning her a short losing streak with a heavier woman that she remained rivals with for some time. Several months into her indie run, Sumiko wised up and stopped getting in her own by earning the experience, move set, fitness level, and overall ability she needed to rise up the ranks. Her quest to honor her opponents by striving to be the best has led her to seek employment at LAW, where she intends to weigh her skills against those in the Japan's newest premiere wrestling federation!
Despite being named Nicole, she prefers to go by her ring name "Sumiko", her middle name given to her by her mother of Japanese descent. Sumiko's habit of being stubborn in her ventures is prevalent throughout most aspects of her life. She gets bull-headed about things she's committed herself to doing. Despite being stubborn, often times confrontational, she almost always means well. Sumiko commits herself to training regularly to maintain her high athletic ability while competing and prides herself on being willing and often times able to rise to any occasion despite any adversities.
While Sumiko's willingness to meet people and tasks head on is one of her defining characteristics, she does find herself being sweet and encouraging in her own ways when given the chance. She's on the lookout to meet new friends at foes in this leg of her career, and she's pledged to do so with maximum effort and gusto. Sumiko enjoys sweets and is bad at cooking, so she'll often eat out.
Finishing Moves:
-Fisherman Buster

-Front/Running Powerslam

-Cobra Clutch

-Somersault Neckbreaker

LAW Achievements/Accolades: None yet