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Tina quietly made her way into the gym, the usual confident stride and smile of the soon to be 21 year old completely absent. She went through a meteoric rise to the top only for the fall to feel absolutely crushing. She lost cleanly to a vile, violent woman whom she had no respect for... but Lillian did flat out beat Tina, proving she was the better woman in that cage so in that regard Tina had to hand it to her even if Lillian was a total bitch with zero redeeming qualities as far as Tina could tell.

She changed in the locker room, emerging in a white tank top and black spandex short shorts along with a pair of sneakers. She kept her head down, making her way over to the treadmill in order to warm herself up for a few minutes before getting back to it. She knew she couldn't wallow in self pity. If she wanted to make her way back to the top she had to work harder than she ever had. She was going to do all she could to keep her spirits high even if it was proving to be the hardest thing she had ever done.

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Re: Aftermath

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The gym had become the usual hangout of one redheaded brawler as of late. Emerging from the locker room in a pair of black shorts and a green sports bra, Erin stretched her back out before getting ready for one hell of a workout. It had been a while since she had lost her title match but ever since Erin had been hard at work, training for her chance to take it back. Feeling like she had improved quite significantly, Erin was just trying to push herself slightly further before taking on Tina again.

Out of the corner of her eye Erin saw a familiar face. It seemed her chance to make a move had come more quickly than she had anticipated. Suddenly the redhead froze. There was so much she wanted to say but now that Tina was right in front of her she couldn't think of any of it. That was fine though. Erin was never one for plans. She just started walking towards the other woman hoping that she'd think of something by the time she approached.

Finally Erin was right next to Tina's treadmill. While she hadn't intended to work on cardio today, she still hopped on the treadmill next to Tina's. "Hey!" She called out, turning her head. "I hope you haven't gotten any scratches on that belt of yours. Cause I'm gonna be wanting it all pristine and such." The redhead blurted out.
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Re: Aftermath

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Tina was in the zone, trying her best to focus on her workout instead of her title loss. That lasted for less than a minute. She heard Erin of all people hop next to her which wasn't bad in and of itself. However what she said left a bit of a bad taste in Tina's mouth. She looked over at Erin for a moment and raised an eyebrow. "You weren't watching a couple nights ago were you? Lillian Byrne is the middleweight champion now, not me." Tina said as she tried to focus a bit more on her workout. She realized Erin likely didn't mean anything by it. She wasn't the trolling type.

Tina looked back over at Erin and tried to smile, even though it really looked a bit out of place given her mood recently. "So.... what have you been up to?" Tina asked, knowing that the last thing she wanted to do was to blow Erin off. She did actually like the lady, its just that Erin probably caught her at the worst of times.

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Re: Aftermath

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It took a few seconds for Erin to process the words. She had indeed not been watching many matches. At first it just didn't make sense. Thinking herself pretty tough, Erin didn't quite understand how it was possible for someone good enough to beat her to ever lose themselves. For a few moments her jaw just dropped until she regained her senses a bit. "Wh...what?" Was all she could get out while giving Tina the blankest of stares. She would soon continue with a response much more fitting of her usual demeanor. "The hell do you mean you're not the champ anymore? I was supposed to take that belt from ya!" She cried out.

Finally the redhead realized that she was perhaps being a bit insensitive. Thinking back to how she felt after she had lost to Tina, she couldn't help but feel a little bad for her now. "Sorry...That was probably pretty shitty of me to say." She mumbled. Tina flashed her a quick smile which even Erin could tell was fake. She would try not to press the issue too much. "Well to be honest...I've kinda been spending all this time training to kick your ass." Erin replied with a slight chuckle before sticking her tongue out at the other wrestler.

"But yeah I can understand if you're not feeling up for a rematch know." Erin said, her usual grin now replaced with a more somber expression. "Don't tell anyone but I know after our match I." The redhead started and hesitated for a moment before continuing. "Well let's just say I sulked in the gym for a while and leave it at that. But totally wasn't back to 100% til after my next two matches."
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Re: Aftermath

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Tina was quiet as Erin spoke. She understood all too well what it felt like to lose a match along with a title now. It made her feel hollow. After holding a belt her career seemed empty. However, she knew a lot of women who had titles, lost them, won other ones and kept on going. That is what she was out to do herself. "I get it. I get it." Tina managed to finally say. "I said I owed ya a rematch and I want to follow through with that. Name the time and place. We will make it happen although I want ya to know how much I appreciate you understanding where I'm at right now." Tina said as she glanced over at Erin, offering up a small nod to her.

"I wish it was you who took the title instead of Lillian. I just... I hate that woman. I hate her." Tina added, reflecting on everything Lillian had done leading up to the match, including the big blow to Tina's pride that was struck by the loss inside that cage.

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Re: Aftermath

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The redhead nodded and would show off her signature wide grin to Tina. She wasn't sure if she could really cheer the woman up right now but at the very least she could try to act nice. "Haha yeah yeah shut it you. I just don't want to fight you if you're not one hundred percent." Erin teased and would give the woman's shoulder a light punch. "So how about I give you a week huh?" She asked, wondering if that was an appropriate amount of time.

Erin soon heard a phrase she hadn't expected. "Huh? Oh umm...well I guess me too." The woman responded with a chuckle. She had came over intending to just harass Tina for a little bit and really didn't expect the woman to be acting this way. It had taken Erin a bit off guard. "Well how about this? First I beat you. And THEN I'll kick Lillian's ass for you alright?" The redhead said with a cheeky grin, hoping that might get a bit of a rise out of Tina. "Then we can call it even?"
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Re: Aftermath

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Tina laughed a bit as she looked at Erin. "One week. Sure. I will see you in the ring in one week and I'll show you that I am better than I was before. Be careful what ya wish for Erin." Tina said, not sounding threatening but surely sounding serious about business. She did indeed want to show the world.... and herself... that she would be back to a top tier level in no time, that the loss wasn't going to break her. Facing a lady like Erin would prove that and then some given how good Erin is. This was just what Tina needed.

"The only way things will be even in my book is me getting gold around may waist but I guess I appreciate the offer." Tina said before her focus began to return to her workout.

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Re: Aftermath

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"Pfff oh please. You don't look any different. Eh maybe ya lost a little muscle? Me on the other hand, I bet I got so much better you hardly recognized me." The redhead teased, poking her tongue out at the blonde. She just couldn't resist the urge to tease the other woman a bit. Already Erin couldn't wait to get in the ring with Tina. Had it not been for the extenuating circumstances she would have been ready and willing to take her on immediately.

"Sorry to burst your bubble. But that ain't gonna happen. I'm taking it and keeping it until I retire." Erin finally responded to Tina's last comment. If anyone was going to be the next middleweight champion it was going to be her.
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Re: Aftermath

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"Heh... you are a funny one. I thought that same thing about never losing the title. You may get it but someone will come along and put you in your place. It happens to everyone." Tina said as she looked back over at Erin. "If you will excuse me I have to get back to my workout, and when we see each other again I will be victorious just like the first time." Tina added as she shift her focus back to maintaining a tough pace for the cardio portion of her workout.

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