Kumi Akamatsu vs Tina Meyer

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Kumi Akamatsu vs Tina Meyer

Unread post by armandi »

Match Type: Standard Match, Debut Match
Rules: Victory is determined by Pin Fall, Submission, Knock Out, Count Out or Disqualification

Tina Meyer


Kumi Akamatsu
Finally the day came when Tina will be able to debut on LAW. Preparing for the fight, Tina moved nervously in the room waiting for the instruction that she could go out into the ring.
On the table in the corner of the room where the players were waiting for the entrance to the ring was a bottle of water. Tina grabbed her and drank some. She was nervous even though she had already fought in many matches before and defeated many wrestlers, even much larger and stronger than her. In the end it got ... Time to go out to the ring. She heard the music: "Just Close Your Eyes"

She put on a black sweatshirt and ran down the hall toward the ring. Along the way, she saw several fans reaching out to her. Running, she touched those hands, greeting her supporters. The audience cheered, but these were not the cheers that the audience in her country raised, because Tina was not yet a player known in LAW. In the distance you could also hear the sounds of "buuuuuuu" and dissatisfaction.

Tina reached the ring and slipped under the rope and then running through the middle of the ring headed to the corner, went to the corner waving her hand, greeting the audience, then took off her sweatshirt and twisted it several times and threw it towards the audience. Then she jumped off the corner and headed to the center of the ring. She made a perfect split, and then tightened her biceps wanting to show how athletic and muscular she is. She thought: let the audience see that a strong and athletic wrestler will appear before them.

At this point, the announcer said: "Ladies and gentlemen, in today's fight will appear before you debut in the LAW federation wrestler from Europe from Germany, weighing 195 lbs and having 6.1" TINAAAAAA MEYERRRRR ... "At this moment, Tina quickly rose from position twine and grabbed the microphone. It was her first fight, she thought that it was good to say something.

She said: "Hello, my name is Tina, I'm from Germany from Berlin, I came here to win" Then you could hear the crowd cheering in the audience, but you could also hear: buuuuuuuuuu and dissatisfaction.
Last edited by armandi on Sun Sep 22, 2019 4:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Kumi Akamatsu vs Tina Meyer

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Kumi Akamatsu was waiting for the ring. On the monitor, she saw her opponent run into the ring. The moment Tina greeted her and said, "I came here to win." Kumi thought: Don't be so sure bitch, today I will win and you will come back lost home.
At this point, the announcer grabbed the microphone to announce the next wrestler. Tina stepped back to the corner. You could hear the music of Sky's The Limit

At the same time, Kumi Akamatsu appeared in the distance, who went into smoke. She entered the stage at a leisurely pace. The crowd cheered. She entered straight into the smoke and was not visible to fans. The lights would turn blue and darker. When Kumi reached the ring she was only visible to Tina. Then she walked slowly down the ramp along the large stairs.
Kumi thought that she would easily beat Tina because she had already beaten many players in her life who were much bigger than Tina. After all, she fought in the WWWL league and was successful. She defeated Lucifer Rei who was a powerful wrestler. When she entered the ring she looked sneeringly at her opponent who was standing in the corner.
The announcer began: "Ladies and gentlemen before the state for the first time in LAW wrestler with a height of 5.8" and weighing 185 pounds ... coming from Japan KUMIIIIIII ... AKAMATSUUUUUUU ... ".

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Re: Kumi Akamatsu vs Tina Meyer

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Both wrestlers were standing in their corners. The bell rang and the wrestlers turned to the center of the ring. Tina said to her opponent, "We'll see how strong you are," and stretched out her arms towards her to try the strength test. Tina's nervousness slowly passed, finally she came here to fight and show her opponent her power.
When her hands closed and the armwrestling began, Tina felt her opponent was a strong athlete. However, she did not show this to her opponent and clenched her teeth, sneered and began to press harder and harder on Kumi. Tina started using all her energy to move Kumi back an inch. Then the bodies of both gladiators began to push against each other. The wrestler's breasts in tight one-piece swimsuits first rubbed against each other and then pressed harder and harder. Tina's feet pressed deeply into the ring mat and Tina pressed her body against Kumi. During this Strong test, the muscles tightened harder and stronger, showing her athletic body and the beauty of the muscular girl.

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Re: Kumi Akamatsu vs Tina Meyer

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Kumi, standing in the corner, watched her opponent and wondered what tactics to use to defeat her.

She decided to wait and see what first move her opponent would make. When the bell rang, the two wrestlers headed to the center of the ring. Kumi accepted the challenge of checking who is stronger. She said, "Do you think you are stronger? You are so wrong. ”She stretched out her strong hands to grab the hands of the opponent and you can say that the duel - The test of strength has begun.

Kumi noticed that Tina is using a lot of her strength to push her. She also noticed that Tina's effort did not move her even an inch back, so she gathered all her strength and decided to push her rival towards the ropes.
She clenched her teeth, then firmly rested on her legs and began to push her rival towards the ropes.
However, she noticed that it would not be easy, because Tina had so much energy in her to stop her.
The duel continued, the crowd cheered, and two powerful bodies tried their strength test.
Who will win today, who will be better, who will beat his opponent, Tina or Kumi ?, Kumi or Tina?

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Re: Kumi Akamatsu vs Tina Meyer

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Tina pressed everything she could against her opponent. For some time, both women were locked in the middle of the ring. No move and no woman gave up freely.

It was beautiful to see two powerful women trying their strength test and the winner of the duel is not visible. It looked like two powerful bears fighting in the woods to death and life.

But after a while, Tina felt her feet begin to slide over the mat. Slowly first, but then faster. Her breath was getting shorter and faster.

Tina wanted to gather all her strength and prevent her from backing away. He thought: "I am heavier and stronger than this bitch."

She flexed all her muscles, screamed loudly in anger, doing her best to stop this movement, trying to resist and stop Kumi.

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Re: Kumi Akamatsu vs Tina Meyer

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Kumi suddenly felt that victory in this duel would belong to her.
She noticed her opponent falling from strength and started to act.
She gathered all her strength and began to push Tina harder and harder. Tina slowly began to move backwards and then faster and faster.

Kumi thought, "Ha, Ha, Ha, and who won this duel? Shout out, baby, it won't help you, ha, ha, ha. "

A mocking smile appeared on her face. In contrast, Tina's body leaned against the ropes at that moment. Kumi saw that Tina did not expect this situation. She decided to use this moment and wanted to let a powerful blow to Tina's stomach ...

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Re: Kumi Akamatsu vs Tina Meyer

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Tina was surprised, she did not expect such events, she felt her body leaned against the ropes and then began to squeeze into those ropes.
There was a characteristic sound of rubbing the body against the ropes. The crowd cheered. The performance has just begun.
Surprise and bewilderment of this situation caused that Tina had her stomach exposed and at that moment she felt a great pain, it was Kumi's blow directed straight into the exposed and unstressed stomach muscles wreaked such havoc.

Tina did not manage to prepare for this blow, she did not have time to draw in air, flex her stomach muscles and clench her teeth.
Her muscular body squeezed into the ropes again.
Tina cringed, coughed and spat, and began to moan in pain.
She did not expect such an event. Then she felt Kumi grab her hand.

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Re: Kumi Akamatsu vs Tina Meyer

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Kumi was pleased that the beginning of the fight belonged to her. It paid off not to take the initiative and start with a strength test.
After a powerful blow to the stomach of her opponent, Kumi grabbed her opponent's hand and sent her opponent to the ropes on the other side of the ring.
While running, Tina bounced off the ropes on the other side of the ring, returning she met her opponent standing in the middle of the ring, who was going to use Michinoku Driver II.
Kumi tried to catch reaches between his opponent's legs with their right arm and reaches around the opponent's neck from the same side with their left arm. They then lift the opponent up and turn them around so that they are held upside down, before dropping down into a sitout position, driving the opponent down to the mat neck and shoulder first…

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Re: Kumi Akamatsu vs Tina Meyer

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Tina was grabbed by the hand and pulled hard. Then she ran towards the ropes on the opposite side of the ring.
Everything was happening so fast that she didn't have time to react. In addition, she felt still powerful pain after hitting the stomach.
When she bounced off the ropes on the other side of the ring, she noticed that in the middle of the ring stands Kumi, who grabbed her with one hand between her legs and the other hand embraced her neck.
Suddenly Tina was at the top.

She only managed to shout: "Oooooo noooooo ...."

She was thrown onto the mat with impetus. She fell with a loud bang. She screamed loudly in pain. She didn't know what was happening to her. She couldn't collect her thoughts. It was hard for her to think about taking any further action.
The crowd in the audience cheered. The blow was so powerful that the ring began to shake.
Tina was writhing in pain. Then she noticed that Kumi was trying to lift her to his knees ...

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Re: Kumi Akamatsu vs Tina Meyer

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Kumi was proud of herself. The victory was getting closer.
She decided to take advantage of this situation, lifted Tina to her knees and then tried to turn her over to apply Camel clutch. Kumi decided that she would sit on the back of the limp Tina and then grab Tina's jaw and start pulling hard up and back.
In this way, he will give his opponent a huge dose of pain and deprive her of energy and will to fight.
She thought: "You are so muscular baby, and you fight like a novice, I can do whatever I want with you ..."

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