An Argument Between Two Ladies

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Re: An Argument Between Two Ladies

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Being struck in her womanhood was something that she had felt only once before since coming to LAW and that was at the hands of Regina Ravenwood herself. She would shake her head as she held her crotch, suddenly feeling her hair being grabbed by the redhead and then that punch from Regina smacked her right in the side of her head!

Snapping Luviagelita's head to the side, the blonde would stumble back a step and grunt out. Closing her own right fist, she would try and fight back by trying to send an uppercut up into Regina's solar plexus! Trying to smash the air out of her lungs!

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Re: An Argument Between Two Ladies

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Regina had just delivered another punch as she would walk towards the blond as she yelled ''come on you weakling. I thought you were better then me , but you are getting your ass handed to you by your superior. As this is just the natural way of things as members of the Edelfelts will always be beneath anyone who come from the superior noble family of Ravenwurggggg''when she walked right into an uppercut to her solar plexus as she stumbled backwards trying to breath as all the air she had in her lungs was pushed out of them.

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Re: An Argument Between Two Ladies

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Luviagelita was happy that she managed to shut Regina up with that uppercut, watching the redhead stumbling backwards as she tried to gather her breath, the Edelfelt lady knew that she had to attack and keep being aggressive, biting through the pain, she would charge at the breathless Regina and try and smack her arm right into Regina's neck as she aimed to take her down onto her back with a lariat!

" What nonsense are you spewing you cretin!? A pathetic excuse for nobility such as yourself won't defeat me!" Luviagelita cried out as she tried to nail that lariat and take Regina down a peg.

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Re: An Argument Between Two Ladies

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Regina was stumbling backwards after being hit with that uppercut as she had not seen that coming.Still that lowlife did not even give her the chance to regain her balance as she got taken down with an Lariat as the blond's arm would connect with her body as the redhead ended up on her back as she cried out ''thought I already beaten you in an match''

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Re: An Argument Between Two Ladies

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Luvia huffed out as she drove Regina down with a brutal lariat right across the chest, sending the vile redheaded woman down onto her back. She would turn on her heels and face the downed woman. " As I said, Miss Ravenwood. Such a blatant act underhanded way of winning is not something that I shall acknowledge." Luviageltia spoke out as she would try and drop down on top of Regina.

She aimed to straddle the woman, as the blonde would try and send a harsh slap to the buxom redhead's pretty face! Following it up with a backhanded slap right after.
Last edited by Devastated on Mon Sep 16, 2019 6:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: An Argument Between Two Ladies

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As she lay their on her back as she saw the blond standing over her as she continued to talk down to her. Making her victory not seem legit as she would groan as the Edelfelt sat down on her stomach with her fat ass. The slap that followed caused her to turn her head as she yelled back ''you just sound like an loser. I kicked your ass , and you can't handle the fact you were defeated by the better woman. Still you got your stupid rematch so just get your fat ass off me before I get really mad''

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Re: An Argument Between Two Ladies

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Luvia took a seat down on top of Regina and pinned the redhead down. Sending a slap to the fellow noble ladies face. Hearing Regina's words though, the blonde would move her hand back up and flick her hair over her shoulder. " Your uncouth act of starting this fight is almost rivaled by your patheticness in not finishing what you've started." Luviagelita spoke out as she glared down at Regina, she truly couldn't stand this woman.

After a second or so the security guards started to stomp into the hallway towards them. Where Luvia would simply rise up and step away from Regina. Showing that they had no need to grab at her, after all Luviagelita was a lady, and a lady shouldn't be yanked off of someone. They knew when to call it quits in a situation like this. " I shall relish in my chance to beat you in our upcoming match, Miss Ravenwood." Luvia said as she threw a ice cold glare towards her rival.

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Re: An Argument Between Two Ladies

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Regina was furious as she had never bin talked down like this before beside by her mother as she wished to send this blond bimbo to the hospital. However the sound of heavy footsteps was heard , and Luvia would get off her as the redhead had considered attacking her when she would turn her back.

However with the guards here all she could do was just get up as she yelled back ''your second chance will just end like your first one as in the end I will beat your pathetic ass. Still when that happens don't come crying to me for another match as you don't even deserve this rematch you worthless example of what it means to be part of the nobility of the world''as she quickly walked in the other direction with as much grace as she could while trying not to seem she was running away from the blond.

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