Jenner Sky V.S. Celeste Price: Beachside Hentai Boxing Match! (With Surprise Ref Rosetta!)

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Jenner Sky V.S. Celeste Price: Beachside Hentai Boxing Match! (With Surprise Ref Rosetta!)

Unread post by RocketShip1700 »

Win Condition: KO
Stipulation: KO's won't count until opponent has at least orgasmed once!

Celeste was feeling cautiously optimistic. Her last few matches hadn't exactly ended well, but considering her latest match was in a field she was fare more experienced in, Celeste was confident she could win. And regardless of if she won or not, it was a bright and sunny day outside and Celeste loved the beach. it already looked like there was a crowd building around where the ring had been set up and camera crews gearing up to see that action. Celeste would prepare herself and prepare to head out when her manager popped in, telling her to wait another 5. Apparently there'd been a hold up, the ref had called in sick last minute and the manager was looking for a quick replacement.

Rosetta had been having a lovely day at the beach when she'd heard about Celeste's up and coming match. She never really cared for the girl, but considering sunbathing was getting a bit stale, she figured she'd stop by, since she just down on the other side of the beach. What she did not expect was to be spotted by her ragged looking manager and pulled into being the ref. (With a cute ref bikini that barely fit her!!) Still, she had practically no experience in refereeing, and knew little about the sport of boxing. Nor did she want to actually get caught up in this mess, she'd just thought it fun to watch Celeste get her face pounded in. Regardless, she was ref now and would get in the ring to announce the fighters.

When everything resumes, Celeste heads down to the ring a she's called, in her signature gloves and her star bikini,
Celeste looks at Rosetta, shocked. "Yo, you ref?" Rose shrugs in response and shoes Celeste away to call in her competitor. Celeste waits in her corner, sure that this'll be an interesting match.

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Re: Jenner Sky V.S. Celeste Price: Beachside Hentai Boxing Match! (With Surprise Ref Rosetta!)

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Jenner soon arrived at the beach it has been an amazing day with the clear warm weather and amazing waters to relax in along with beautiful people around and some she would recognise such as Harper, Jem And Shego had turned up to watch in support of her first boxing match.

Thou she was more use to kickboxing where she would enjoy striking with her feet and hands but in the long it was not that much difference she would think to her self making her way to the changing room, where Jem was waiting to help her get ready Jenner would take a quick shower before heading out and sitting in a bench Jem would start by wrapping her hands but she would also wrap Jenner ankles and feet a bit just like she would for kickboxing out of habit.

Soon Jenner would go to pull her suit out she had picked and found it missing but of course, Shego had a new one "ready" that was much together and far more revealing to every one thou it was in the white colour just like her judo outfit.

Soon she would be walked to the ring by her friends Haper towing over every one as she would pick Jenner up placeing her in the ring thou the Amazon would also smile and check out the new referee flexing at her a bit with a cheeky smile before been "pulled" away by Shego.

As Jenner sat in her corner waiting Jen would be making sure she ready, Jenner would nod and receive a very loving kiss from Jem before her mouth guard was put in and she stood up ready and waiting.

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Re: Jenner Sky V.S. Celeste Price: Beachside Hentai Boxing Match! (With Surprise Ref Rosetta!)

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Once both girls had been announced, the bell would ring and Rosetta would back up to give the girls some space to start fighting. She'd casually lean on the ropes and watch the fight for any obvious misconduct. Celeste grins upon seeing Jenner enter the ring, obviously liking what she sees. When the bell rings Celeste moves forward to meet Jenner in the center of the ring and start throwing jabs at her larger opponent. It's obvious Celeste knows what she's doing, her footwork is pretty great and her punches are calculated.

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Re: Jenner Sky V.S. Celeste Price: Beachside Hentai Boxing Match! (With Surprise Ref Rosetta!)

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Jenner would move towards her opponent with a guard up but she would start to receive some hits that would break through her guard causing her to back up but she did try to hold her ground but with Celeste footwork, she was still causing Jenner to be in the back footing.

The fans would cheer and watch as the sun would go down a bit and music played as the match went on all of Jenner would shout and cheer encouraging her to keep going and get some strikes out, by this point Jenner would be used to blaming an axe kick down but due to the match type she waited for the right moment and would send a full force right hook to Celeste side followed by a quick one-two to her skull trying to stop Celeste advance and gain some ground back.

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Re: Jenner Sky V.S. Celeste Price: Beachside Hentai Boxing Match! (With Surprise Ref Rosetta!)

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Celeste had been so focused on putting on the pressure that she'd forgotten how important defense was. The instant she's left an opening she'd allowed Jenner a breakthrough, the other woman landing a full force right hook to her side! "UGHHH!!!" Celeste's onslaught would be further halted as Sky didn't stop there, throwing two punches to Celeste's skull, causing the seasoned boxer to backpedal. "Ngh! Agh!" Celeste would bring her gloves up to her face defensively, not wanting to let Jenner get anymore damage on her head. She knew taking too many hits there could mess with her later in the match.

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Re: Jenner Sky V.S. Celeste Price: Beachside Hentai Boxing Match! (With Surprise Ref Rosetta!)

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Jenner would start to push back a bit but not throwing fast punches with quick agility but instead punches with more power behind them in order to save energy for the long run of the match she would try find the weak spots on Celeste as best as she could.

Jenner would wait to see how Celeste would react and attempted to counter it but she was facing a seasoned boxer who had been fighting like this for some time and she could not resort to her usual tactics like she would kickboxing, the fans would still be cheering both fighters on as the sound of the glove hitting flesh would ring out into the night.

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Re: Jenner Sky V.S. Celeste Price: Beachside Hentai Boxing Match! (With Surprise Ref Rosetta!)

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Celeste was lucky Jenner wasn't a fast boxer, the speedy ones always gave Celeste some trouble, being a bit of a slow powerhouse herself. She'd get her defenses up and block and dodge her opponents powerful strikes and with a bit of focus she'd lunge in at the right time and throw a feint, hoping to catch Sky off guard and regain control. She'd feint a left hook to the torso, but would suddenly change the trajectory of the shot to Jenner's face at the last second. If that lands she'll press her attack and throw a flurry of quick but powerful punches in order to wear her tough opponent down, all the while throwing in a few more feints to keep her on her toes.

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Re: Jenner Sky V.S. Celeste Price: Beachside Hentai Boxing Match! (With Surprise Ref Rosetta!)

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Jenner would put her guard to try block off the strikes from Celeste she would grunt as some of the strikes would land she would realize she had to speed up her hits along with delivering a lot of power behind her hits agenst her opponent or Jenner would lose ground to Celeste, she was already sweating and feeling some light bruising on her body, She would take a few more hits before quick-firing some jabs back at a higher speed but with the same power behind them trying to push back against her the hits are getting louder as the fans would cheer enjoying the match as both fighters would go back and forth.

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Re: Jenner Sky V.S. Celeste Price: Beachside Hentai Boxing Match! (With Surprise Ref Rosetta!)

Unread post by RocketShip1700 »

Celeste's rapid fire of attacks was beginning to tire her out, her pace beginning to slow as she tried to conserve energy. But as a result Sky was given the chance to push back against Celeste. Celeste would begin to be driven back, left on the defensive, and despite her attempts to regain control, brought to the other side of the ring on the ropes.Now attacks were slipping through her guard, weakening the boxer. "Ugh! Ah! Ungh!!" Celeste would try to throw a wild haymaker out of desperation to drive Jenner back, but if she dodged it, Celeste would be tired and vulnerable against the ropes, ready for a thrashing!

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Re: Jenner Sky V.S. Celeste Price: Beachside Hentai Boxing Match! (With Surprise Ref Rosetta!)

Unread post by LawHell »

Jenner would keep her guard up as she would slowly close in on Celeste she seemed to be wearing out but the judo fighter did not wanna underestimate her this was her style of fighting and she might have more tricks then Jenner would know about.

As she got closer Celeste would throw her haymaker it was a brutal hit but that broke Jenner guard a bit but not enough to stop her advance she was able to shrug off the pain and feeling of the hit thou she dear to think how that would have felt if the hit fully landed on her, with this in mind Jenner would fire some hard shots to Celeste's side with some faints at her head but the last one of the comb it was a full-force hit to the woman's gut aiming to slow her down.
Last edited by LawHell on Sun Sep 15, 2019 6:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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