Oh stop being such a baby, it'll be fun have you even seen the matches today? Granted they could be so much better if I'm on them but that's whatever for now. You'll end up enjoying it then thanking me before this day ends Yang said with her head raised high as she patted her sister on the head. Yang was always the one for fighting, hell if she wasn't fighting herself then watching might be the next best thing.
I haven't seen the matches because I don't care about them. You always end up dragging me places. Ruby said crossing her arms pouting, she would then turn her back to her sister and mumble As if I'll be thanking you for what happens today. I'll thank you when I get home
Now it wasn't that Ruby hated being in the Law arena is was the sheer fact that at this point in time the girl just wanted to relax. And being in a place that is specifically made to beat the living stuffing out of each other isn't very relaxing. Even then what also worried her was somehow getting put into an impromptu match, with people just challenging her out of nowhere. Another thing, you probably wanted o come here because you are just itching to punch something huh? You are even dressed ready for a fight Ruby said trying to make her point clear. That's not fair I can fight in almost anything that doesn't mean anything Yang said in defense.
Yang you literally brought a bag with your wrestling gear... Ruby said pointing at her sister's bag which was on hand
Naw this is filled with... ummm... Water bottles and snacks for us. You know that the stuff they sell are expensive.
Yang and Ruby would stay mini arguing for a few moments in the large public area, it was a back and forth that was really going nowhere. At this point it was a matter of someone needing a win.
