Electro Alice [D] vs Yugito Shirone: An Electrifying Hentai Debut

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Electro Alice [D] vs Yugito Shirone: An Electrifying Hentai Debut

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Electro Alice vs Yugito Shirone
Hentai Match
First to Cum Loses
Electro Alice can't believe this is the kind of match they are going to start her off with. She did agree she'd do these kind of matches, but right of the bat. Her first match, a hentai match. Of course, they started her off this way. Well... She is just going to have win this match fast. There is no way Electro Alice is going to lose her dignity on the first match. Most people would go for some skimpy outfit for this kind of match, but Alice is going to wear her bodysuit. "This is definitely the big brain play! I would like to see my opponent get this off of me!" Alice congrats herself at what she think is the smart move. She smiles confidently, "I'm so going to win this!"

Alice enters the arena as her electro pop theme music plays. "Now entering the ring! From Seattle, USA. Weighing at 118lbs. Electro Alice!" Electro Alice runs into the ring, as the crowd excited to see a new wrestler. Once in the ring, Alice stretches in the corner to show off her nimbleness and wait for her opponent to enter.
Electro Alice

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Re: Electro Alice [D] vs Yugito Shirone: An Electrifying Hentai Debut

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Yugito was confident about her chances tonight since she be facing an debuting wrestler , and unless the other wrestler was an hentai protegy she would have an easy match all things considering. So after chancing into her attire which consisted of black stockings with one small and one slightly bigger yellow ring on the , a black leotard that covered her butt but left her stomach and most of her breasts uncovered. The only thing that was keeping part of her breasts covered were two straps below her breasts. Near her butt their was also a black tail attached to the attire. To finish the look she wore long sleeve black gloves and a headband that would make it appear she had two black cat ears.

Taking a deep breath the Japanese teen would leave the locker room as she went to the backstage area as she was just in time as it was almost time for her match to start. Hearing Payapaya Kitten by Hatsune Miku & Meiko start to come out of the speakers the white haired teen would walk onto the entrance ramp as she waved at the fans. From their she would walk to the ring as she heard the announcer say ''now entering from Tashirojima , Japan. Weighing in at 105ibs , It's Yugito Shirone'' as she climbed into the ring as she got an good look at her opponent as she thought to herself ''wait it allowed to wear something like that for an hentai match. Damn it if I had known I would have put on my usual attire instead of my hentai one''as she knew she was going to be at an disadvantage because of it.

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Re: Electro Alice [D] vs Yugito Shirone: An Electrifying Hentai Debut

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Electro Alice smirks watch her opponent enter. Yugito is wearing a revealing black leotard typical for matches like this. "Look at you! What a little slut! This is going to be so easy!" Alice taunts the girl infront of her. There is no way she can lose to an opponent dressed like that. She wasn't very experienced with this kind of stuff, but surely she can make this girl cum.

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Re: Electro Alice [D] vs Yugito Shirone: An Electrifying Hentai Debut

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Yugito would growl as this bitch was mocking her as she yelled back ''shut up you stuck up bitch. As you only got lucky as I did not knew you could wear your regular attire for an match like this''as she would have leaped forward had the referee not gotten between them.

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Re: Electro Alice [D] vs Yugito Shirone: An Electrifying Hentai Debut

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Electro Alice smirks as her opponents seems to get upset at her mocking. Yugito seems like she wants to just attack Alice, luckily the ref is between them. "There is no rules telling you what you are suppose to wear," the indie pop star continues her mocking, "Of course you didn't know that. You haven't read the rules, have you? Because you are dumb little slut, who probably likes to get fucked by strong dominate girls, like myself." Alice was not that strong, but her opponent didn't know that. She flicks her hair and gets ready for the bell to ring and match to begin.

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Re: Electro Alice [D] vs Yugito Shirone: An Electrifying Hentai Debut

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With the referee between them all they could do was talk as Yugito just growled as she replied back ''I did read the rules , but just went with what the others do. As nobody seems to dress as you do for an hentai match. Still had I known it was allowed I would have done the same , but still I suspect it because you need the advantage. As you don't look like an strong dominating girl to me whitey''as she walked to her corner after saying that to get ready.

As she would have to wait until the bell rang to get her hands on the other wrestler , and luckily did not have to wait long as the referee called for the bell as the cat loving girl rushed forward as she went for her finisher right away as she would leap up , and turn around as she hoped to slam her behind into Alice's smug face.

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Re: Electro Alice [D] vs Yugito Shirone: An Electrifying Hentai Debut

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"So you just follow what others do? What a dumb whore! Like you know what a strong dominate girl looks like." Electro Alice continues talking and smiling smugly as the bell rings for the fight to begin. "I bet all your opponents have been just as big of stupid slits as... Ooooof..."

The indie pop star is taken by complete surprise as she was to busy running her mouth to notice Yugito charging at her and jumping up. Yugito's bottom goes right into Alice's face and Alice fall to the ground. That attack both shut her up and wiped the smugness off hee face. Electro Alice lays on her side, as she processes what just happened.

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Re: Electro Alice [D] vs Yugito Shirone: An Electrifying Hentai Debut

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''Hmmm what was that you said earlier. About me not knowing what an strong dominate girl looks like ? As it seems to me you are the weakling between us''mocked Yugito as she had knocked the other wrestler down onto canvas. Her behind directly on top of Alice's face as she would begin to grasp the top of the indie pop star's attire as she tried to rip it open so that she could see if Alice wore an bra beneath her outfit.

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Re: Electro Alice [D] vs Yugito Shirone: An Electrifying Hentai Debut

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Before Electro Alice can realize what is going on, Yugito manages to rip a good tear into Alice's bodysuit, revealing one of her boobs. The bodysuit is skintight and she isn't wearing a bra, but she is covering nipple with dot shaped nipple cover.

After that, Alice came to her senses and attempts to push Yugito off of her. "Errg! Get off of me, whore!" Electro Alice screams lifting her hands and pushing.

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Re: Electro Alice [D] vs Yugito Shirone: An Electrifying Hentai Debut

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Yugito had manage to rip an tear into her opponent's bodysuit as she was surprised to find out the other wrestler was not wearing an bra beneath it. Still she did not get to enjoy the sight for long as she was pushed off soon after as she would hold onto Alice as she did not want the bitch to get on top as she yelled out ''so do you always step into the ring wearing nothing beneath your bodysuit or was this an surprise just for me''

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