"Amazon" Alaina Sanders vs. "3 Count Cowgirl" Dixie Clements II

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"Amazon" Alaina Sanders vs. "3 Count Cowgirl" Dixie Clements II

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Alaina couldn't decide if the promoter was giving her a shot at redemption or trying to embarrass her into retiring for good. She was sitting in the locker room, ready to face Dixie Clements again.

Dressed in her tiger print swimsuit Alaina stretched it out before heading out towards the ramp. She was quiet tonight and as she heard her music playing. Alaina normally high fived fans and bound down. Instead she had no smile, walking steadily down the middle of the ramp to the ring, climbing quietly onto the apron and through the ropes.

Alaina stood in the center of the ring, crossing her arms as she waited for Dixie to make her way down to the ring, staring up intently at the top of the rampm

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Re: "Amazon" Alaina Sanders vs. "3 Count Cowgirl" Dixie Clements II

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Dixie didn't really know how to feel about this, sure she didn't mind throwing down with most anyone...but this would be the second time officially that Alaina and her threw down, fourth time if you count unofficial bouts and the arm wrestling they did. At the moment she was 3-0 against Alaina. So in her mind it kind of started to feel like she was beating up on an older woman who was past her prime or something.

Though the higher ups in LAW seemed determined to at least give Alaina a chance at redemption, or perhaps this was to try and show off Dixie as the new talent around her? Someone who could break down the older more experienced wrestler. The Texan shrugged, she tried not to let it bother her, but her previous bouts against other women like Karen and Aisha had led the crowd to slightly turn away from her. That was what was bothering Dixie right now.

The Three count cowgirl was wearing her usual attire, the cow-print ass-less chaps, a white pair of underwear tights and her top that was tightened around her large chest. She stepped out onto the ramp and did her usual dance routine. Her hips swinging and her body grooving to beat of her entrance music.

She found her way down to the ring and stepped up into the ring. She'd march around the ring once and then up on the turnbuckle where she would wave her right arm into the air, trying to drum up some fan activity. She got some cheers, but not as much as she did when she first came to LAW. She clicked her tongue before dropping down onto the mat and would start to walk over towards Alaina. Placing her hands on her hips as she'd look over at the older woman.

" Looks like We'll get to throw down again, huh sugha?" Dixie spoke out as she would step in a bit closer to Alaina. " If you'd like, Ah can go easy on ya this time."

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Re: "Amazon" Alaina Sanders vs. "3 Count Cowgirl" Dixie Clements II

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Alaina watched as Dixie made her entrance and heard the crowd reaction. The first time they fought the crowd totally backed her. Now they cheered much more loudly for the amazon.

As Dixie stepped in Alaina didn't move. Instead of a verbal answer Alaina stared forward coldly and shook her head.

As the bell rang Alaina waste no time in getting started, howling as she stepped into punch after punch, aiming a barrage at Dixie's face, chest and abdomen as she tried to back Dixie up against the ropes to start things off!

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Re: "Amazon" Alaina Sanders vs. "3 Count Cowgirl" Dixie Clements II

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The cowgirl would tilt her head to the side and then shrug her shoulders as Alaina shook her head and stared coldly into her eyes. She would smirk lightly and then let out a soft chuckle. " Is it just me or did winter come early, brr~" Dixie teased and joked as she would playfully act as if she was shivering from Alaina's gaze.

The bell then rang and Alaina jumped into action. The Amazon stepped in and howled out before throwing punch after punch into the blonde's face and chest and abs. The assault came out of nowhere and forced Dixie to back up step after step with each punch until she was forced back against the ropes. " Ungh! Ugh! Ngh! Agh!" She cried out with each strike as she was then pushed up against the ropes, panting and coughing out.

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Re: "Amazon" Alaina Sanders vs. "3 Count Cowgirl" Dixie Clements II

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Alaina caught Dixie by surprise and the gamble seemed to have paid off! Alaina had Dixie reeling but knew doing the same thing would just give Dixie a chance to counter. It was time for Alaina's actions to speak louder than Dixie's words.

Alaina reached in to grab Dixie by the head, pulling it close to her body as she wrapped an arm around Dixie's neck. Stepping back away from the ropes Alaina tried to fall back, planting Dixie to the mat with a DDT!

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Re: "Amazon" Alaina Sanders vs. "3 Count Cowgirl" Dixie Clements II

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Dixie groaned out as those powerful punches came right at her, causing the Texan to wince out with each nasty hit she took. She had been pushed up against the ropes by and onslaught of blows, but when Alaina grabbed her head and pulled her into that frontal facelock, that was when the cowgirl put a halt to it.

She looped her right arm around the ropes and slipped her right leg behind them as well. Attempting to keep herself against the ropes and get a rope break from the referee as well as stop Alaina from pulling her away from the ropes.

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Re: "Amazon" Alaina Sanders vs. "3 Count Cowgirl" Dixie Clements II

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Alaina yanked on Dixie but had the referee grab her and pull her away! Alaina put her arms up, back I g off to the center of the ring as Dixie grabbed the ropes.

Alaina stood there crouching a bit and putti g her arms up signifying that she was ready for whatever Dixie wanted to throw at her. Again, Alaina stayed silent, wanting to let her performance do the talking. After hints came from the powers that be that Alaina had to start performing to keep her job losing was not an option.

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Re: "Amazon" Alaina Sanders vs. "3 Count Cowgirl" Dixie Clements II

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Alaina started to soon back up and as she was, Dixie would quickly attempt to try and drive her leg up into Alaina's abs! Trying to catch Alaina off guard as she was backing up. It was a move that would earn Dixie a fair share of boos from a few vocal members of the crowd. The Cowgirl tried to shut them out though as she'd quickly try and step forward after what was hopefully a doubled over Alaina Sanders.

Stepping in closer towards the Amazon as she would try and throw a hard uppercut into Alaina's chin to knock the woman up to a full stand and then try and raise her right leg up and send a quick big boot to Alaina's chest! Wanting to show the older veteran that even if she was more focused and serious than ever, she was still fighting the Three Count Cowgirl!

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Re: "Amazon" Alaina Sanders vs. "3 Count Cowgirl" Dixie Clements II

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Alaina was stunned by the firs kick, groaning as she doubled over. She stumbled a couple steps and shot back up as the uppercut sent her staggering back! Alaina was in a daze from the hard strike to her jaw, making her easy prey as Dixie's boot to the chest sent Alaina down to the mat hard! She laid on her back shaking her head as the cowgirl rocked her.

Alaina slowly stay up, trying to get back up to her feet as Dixie had seized the momentum of the match! Alaina didn't want this to happen but at the current time she wasn't able to do much about it in her situation!

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Re: "Amazon" Alaina Sanders vs. "3 Count Cowgirl" Dixie Clements II

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Dixie would be happy that she managed to down Alaina with that quick combo of moves, downing the older woman and with it getting herself a chance to to get back into this match. The blonde cowgirl would reach down and take a handful of Alaina's hair as the Amazon was trying to push herself up. She'd try and guide Alaina up to her feet and with it attempt to drive a hard knee into the abs of the tiger print clad woman.

Hoping that she had stunned the veteran, Dixie would attempt to haul Alaina up onto her shoulder, spine first on her right shoulder as her arms would be wrapped around Alaina's midsection like a vise. Tightly attempting to lock in a Canadian backbreaker rack!

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