After The Muddy Encounter! (Reiko & Candy)

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After The Muddy Encounter! (Reiko & Candy)

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Reiko ruffled her hair, making sure that she didn't have any clumps of mud still stuck in her hair as she was making her way home. Coming back from the beach, where she had a pretty heated match against Candy once again, Reiko's mood was a little soured when Candy brushed her off after the win. In the waning moments of summer, Reiko wasn't dressed heavily due to the humid air of Japan even nights could get hot. Wearing a black tank top and black jeans short shorts, Reiko had her long sleeve shirt of red tied around her waist as she had her bag hanging off of her arm.

She thought back on the match, thinking about the things she did that she could improve on, but all she could think about where the times she went blank and let her body move for her, which resulted in getting involved with not one, but two catfights with Candy in the middle of their match. And even more so, they were grabbing each other's breasts! Reiko couldn't believe she let herself get caught up with emotions like that to the point where she and Candy ended up topless.

The Zero Fighter placed her hands over her face, blushed with embarrassment as she walked without vision. Not the smartest thing she did as she was coming up on a corner...

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Re: After The Muddy Encounter! (Reiko & Candy)

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Candy Cane had realized after she had made her way to the locker room that she had forgotten her bikini top, thankfully she was given it by one of the officials after she had taken a shower. She had been a bit later than usual as she had been forced to rinse off her bikini top. Becky felt kind of annoyed to have lost to Reiko, but at least it was a close match and she had always hated mud much. Ever since Rumble Roses. She would pay Reiko back and pay her back for real, in a real match! That was what Candy Cane thought, though she couldn't deny that Reiko was a seriously tough had been one hell of a match.

The Canadian had a pair of heavy black boots, a pair of black jeans, the right leg missing the leg itself as it was cut off, the left leg was ripped up here and there. She had a chain bracelet on her right wrist and above it a leather strap bracelet with studs on it. Her hair in pig tails still, all rinsed off and clean to it's usual vibrant red color. She wore a white tank top and had a necklace, silver chain with a silver heart hanging side ways from the chain. She had a back-pack one strapped around her left shoulder, a well studded belt around her waist, and on her left hand was a typical black fingerless leather glove with studs around the wrist.

The punk-rocker stepped around a corner as she was lost in thought, trying to come up with how to challenge Reiko for a rematch...right when she turned the corner she bumped into Candy, their generous frames smacking into one another and their forehead's clanging! " Agh!" Becky yelped out in surprise, forced to stumble back as she almost fell down onto her butt. " H-hey! Watch it!"

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Re: After The Muddy Encounter! (Reiko & Candy)

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Reiko wasn't watching where she was going, thinking that there was no one else in front of her. That statement was true until someone walked in front of her around the corner she didn't see, due to her face being in her hands as she bumped into the modest figure as her hands quickly shot down. Even as she was taking a step, she knew that she was in the wrong walking blind like she was. "I'm sorry! I wasn't watching where I was-" she began, but quickly came to a screeching halt when she saw that it was none other than Candy who she bumped into!

"Candy!?" she let out shocked, she knew that they were probably both heading the same way, but Reiko made sure that they would be heading in two different directions, Candy probably taking the quickest way back to the LAW arena area while she herself took a more back road path to clear her mind. That wasn't going to happen any more. Reiko's eyes went from shock to a little annoyed when she remembered how Candy brushed her off. Standing straight up as she looked at her rival, her eyes looked up and down on her attire, it definitely was Candy's fashion.

"What are you doing here?" she let out, trying to be as courteous as she could but her annoyance slipped out in her words.

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Re: After The Muddy Encounter! (Reiko & Candy)

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Seeing that it was Reiko she bumped into the Canadian would widen her eyes, shit...she had taken a different route so that she could avoid Reiko but it had just turned into them crashing into one another. As she looked at Reiko she watched her rival up and down, eyes trailing and lingering a few seconds longer on Reiko's that she had seen them bare it was hard to get that image out of her head.

Soon as Reiko called her name, Candy Cane would widen her eyes and respond with the same surprised tone. " Zero?!" Candy spoke out as she took a step back. She would look over Reiko again, seeing the woman's choice of did seem to fit her rival, there was defiantly a thing between Reiko and booty shorts, there had to be. Maybe that was Reiko's personal fetish? Like how some people dress up as gimps and shit.

Candy Cane heard that annoyance in Reiko's voice, her eye twitching slightly as she would place a hand on her hip. " I'm walkin' back to LAW! Duhh!" The Canadian let out as she would move her other hand up to flick the top of Reiko's nose with her fingers. " Why did you take the long way around?!"

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Re: After The Muddy Encounter! (Reiko & Candy)

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Reiko's eyes was not crafty enough to hide the fact that they were staring at Candy's breasts, looking at them for a few more seconds than any other part. Much like how Candy was looking at her's without her knowledge, it was hard to forget a pair like that after seeing it naked and muddy like that. Crossing her arms across her chest defensively as she remembered Candy saw the same, though it was mostly out of her own embarrassment as she was completely oblivious that Candy was looking at her chest for a bit.

Reiko's mood was still a little sour and the flick to the nose did not help, flinching from the hit as she quickly brought her hand up to smack away the hand. "Because I like to walk! Why are you taking the long way around!?" she fired back the question as she was huffing and puffing, easier to peeve more than usual.

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Re: After The Muddy Encounter! (Reiko & Candy)

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They both shared glances at each other's tits, something that caused Candy to bring her arms up to cross them over her breasts after Reiko smacked her hands away. The redhead would shake her head and scoff at Reiko's words, shrugging her shoulder's a little bit. " Maybe I like to walk to! Ya know!" Candy Cane let out as she would turn half way to the side.

" You're acting awfully peeved for someone who just won!" Candy Cane let out as she would then turn their gaze at each other to an intense glare, her blow eyes staring into Reiko's eyes. The Canadian didn't like Reiko's teasing earlier, but this was even worse, she seemed almost annoyed that she had beat the redhead, maybe she thought it should have been more soundly and that annoyed Candy Cane the most right now. Reiko had been more fun in defeat than she was in victory to Candy Cane as even though she lost she had a better attitude.

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Re: After The Muddy Encounter! (Reiko & Candy)

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Reiko knew she was mad, she was so frustrated that she was pushing so hard because she wanted to beat Candy and have her recognize her skill and hard work. But with how she had callous brushed her off as she viewed it only frustrated even more! She wanted Candy to view her as the rival like she did!

She didn't like how Candy was so angry at her, why was she so mad? She shouldn't have the right to be mad like this! "I'm peeved because of you!" she shouted as she would let her emotions get the better of her, taking a step towards Candy before bringing up both of her hands to shove Candy by the shoulders. "I worked really hard to beat you! And you call my hard work luck!? How dare you! The nerve of you!" she shouted, letting up her bottled emotions of wanting to be accepted as an equal was spilling out. "And you just act like it doesn't matter to you because you only care about you winning!"

Mostly because of the pressure she had placed on herself more than anything.

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Re: After The Muddy Encounter! (Reiko & Candy)

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Hearing Reiko shout out like that cause Candy Cane to be struck by surprise, why the hell was she so mad? She had won the match, if anything it should be Candy Cane who has the right to be mad. She was the one who had been defeated, she was the one who had her top ripped off mid match by Reiko. She was the one who had been forced to do a stupid match like that damn mud match! When Reiko brought her hands up and shoved Candy Cane back, the redhead stumbled a step or so. She shook her head and glared back at Reiko, taking some rushed angry steps back towards her rival as she would shove her right back twice as hard!

" Of course it's luck!" Candy Cane shouted out as she would glare back at Reiko, her blue eyes fixed on her rivals hazel eyes. " You being so closely matched to me, it's only luck that can push you up to win!" Candy Cane spat out. " The fuck It doesn't matter! Why do you think I'm pissed!" Candy Cane barked out at Reiko as she would go in for yet another hard shove. " If it didn't matter I wouldn't be takin' the damn long way around to try and avoid you!"

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Re: After The Muddy Encounter! (Reiko & Candy)

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Reiko was so frustrated, so angry that her attempts to better herself into a better wrestler would go unnoticed and un-praised by her newest rival who she currently wanted to accept her as her equal. She wanted Candy to push herself as well, all that talent would be unstoppable if Candy put her mind to it, while Reiko knew that she had to work even harder to keep up with Candy. Telling herself this, was the reason why she wanted Candy's respect and admiration as much as Reiko gave her.

Candy's response was logical and understandable, but getting the shove back in Reiko's current mindset threw all of that out the window for the Zero Fighter, stumbling back a few steps. "Of course if fucking matters dammit!" She shouted, uncharacteristically cursing as she slammed her fists into the ground as she got back to her feet as she rushed at Candy. Her emotions were in such a swirl she couldn't even think straight as she really wanted to beat some sense into Candy, but at the same time she didn't.

So in order to join the two thinking, she attempted to grab on to Candy's shoulders and attempted to grapple her to try and push her up against the nearest wall as roughly, but not damaging as she could.

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Re: After The Muddy Encounter! (Reiko & Candy)

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Candy Cane heard the loud shout of Reiko as her rival then pushed up to her feet and came rushing over towards the redhead, she grabbed Candy Cane by her shoulders as the redhead's hands quickly went up to grasp at Reiko's wrists. There wasn't much she could do though, that suplex from Reiko earlier had her still a fair bit woozy and Reiko didn't have much problem wrestling candy Cane back into the nearest wall. " Ughn!" Candy Cane grunted out as she growled and glared at Reiko.

The Canadian punk-rocker would snarl out and kick with her feet a bit, she would try and then snatch a handful of Reiko's hair with her right hand, yanking on it to try and pull and turn them around as she'd try and get Reiko's back against the wall. " The fuck's your problem!" Candy Cane shouted out as she would try and take another handful of Reiko's hair as well and push the back of her head up against the wall.

" I just fuckin' told ya it matters! Now calm your ass down!" Candy Cane spat out as she would try and bang the back of Reiko's head against the wall.

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