Demona vs. Sakura Haruno (D): Strikers Showdown

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Demona vs. Sakura Haruno (D): Strikers Showdown

Unread post by godjacob »

A demon? Why is this monster allowed here?
Those words and more had been tossed Demona's way when she passed by a small fishing village in the east, mostly by a group of drunks at a bar who probably were too intoxicated not to realize that poking the proverbial bear...especially when that bear was a powerful demon walking the earth.

Still, mostly on account of her laid back nature, Demona didn't bother or care much of the voices of a minority or even the lot of the village as she passed through merely here to get herself some supplies and move on. Something which was a bit more difficult when shops refused her to enter, but thankfully their verbal objections were just as powerless as any physical ones they might have and sure enough she got some fish and new items for the quality discount.

However, this petty "thievery" would not stand as a group of those same drunks decided to teach Demona a lesson as they formed a little mob and one of them had tried to attack her from behind as they figured they could overwhelm the demon with numbers.

They were wrong.

Soon enough much of the village had been battle scarred, as broken weapons and broken bodies laid scattered along the main road as Demona made short work of them without a scratch to her name. She'd have killed them in just about any context there was, but she was reminded of lesson that her caretakers who raised her in the human world tried to teach her and showed some restraint.

"H-hey! Get back here you freak, you will not get away with this!"

Well, as much as she could anyway. But sometimes she felt she had situations where her hands were tied. Or merely her patience ran thing. So when the brave but short sighted villager charged with a blade the result proved predicatble. The normal sword snapped on impact of her dark coated back and as she turned she grasped his throat. And before long she was soon feasting on his soul having a little take out treat before she set off to leave the area.
Last edited by godjacob on Wed Aug 14, 2019 11:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Demona vs. Sakura Haruno (D): Strikers Showdown

Unread post by ragaz »


Sakura was moving through the forest, hopping from tree branch to tree branch so fast that she would appear as just a blur to a bystander. She was thinking about her mission - Sakura was supposed to track down a mysterious individual who was causing trouble throughout the whole Land of Fire. The thing was traveling and wherever it went, brawls, thefts, the damage added up over time and it could no longer be ignored. Normally, a team of genin would've been sent instead if it was just thefts and brawls. However, the problem was that the people were afraid. Sakura was tracking this mysterious person and was already in a few towns and villages that were visited by what people referred to as ''demon'', ''devil'', ''death''. The people said that the ''demon'' displayed the kind of physical might that they've never seen.

Sakura was starting to see why she was probably the best suited for the job and she knew that she'd eventually have to face the monster one on one, so she came prepared. She was wearing attire that was better suited for battle than her usual clothes and she made sure to fill her pouches with ninja tools like kunai, shuriken, bombs, food pills, poison and sleep gas in hopes for a swift takedown. All that along the necessities for the trip.
Sakura healed the people's injuries that they've suffered from this demon in exchange for information. They told her all they knew and from what they've said, apparently this demon was a muscular woman with blond long hair and was somewhere in her twenties from the looks of it.

At that point Sakura was surprised by the description because that was just a normal person, but then they told her other things such as that she was totally nude, but had various parts of her body covered in this black, demonic kind of substance or whatever. Also while her right arm was normal, the left one wasn't, it was demonic and disproportionate. They also said that they couldn't even scratch it. Fists, swords, hammers, you name it...
Well, Sakura really was going to fight a demon and with that in mind, she remembered how she said goodbye to her daughter, promising that she'll be back home as soon as she could and what worried her were her doubts of keeping that promise as few as they were.

However, Sakura steeled herself with determination to see this thing through and complete the mission. She arrived at the next town and took a walk on the main street. A bit of chaos quickly caught her attention and she saw damaged buildings, broken tables, fruits rolling on the street and a lady trying to pick them all up. By the looks of it, this happened recently, maybe 10 minutes ago... People were still writhing in a broken table, or behind broken doors. It looked like they were thrown a solid distance... There were also some weapons laying on the street, some in pieces...
There was also one person, who was clearly dead, but it wouldn't be the right word to describe it... Lifeless? Not that either... Sakura never really seen anything like it and her healing abilities didn't work either...

Sakura began healing the first person and asked him who did this and he confirmed it - it was that demon lady again...
Sakura had to help these people, but she couldn't let this woman escape when she was this close.
Sakura bit on her thumb and waved some hand signs before placing her hand on the ground.


A slug bigger than Sakura herself appeared and started dividing into smaller slugs. Leave it to me! The slug said and Sakura nodded before she ran off after the demon woman at great speed. Meanwhile the slugs crawled onto the injured people and started healing them quicker than any medicine ever could.

Just when Sakura reached outside the town, following the road, she saw a blonde woman in the distance and stopped. Upon a second look, she perfectly fit the description and Sakura immediately devised a plan - She used a transformation and took the appearance of a random village girl.
Oooiii! Wait!! Please wait! Sakura ran after the woman and caught up with her after a while. Sakura was panting heavily for a few moments before she could speak up. I don't know what your name is and I don't care what you are. I wanted to thank you for what you did there... The way these men treated me, I... I was their property. Anyway, thank you very much! Sakura said as she bowed her head before the demon. C-can I travel with you?

All of this of course was a load of crap. This was a plan to deceive and mislead the demon as Sakura would wait for the right opportunity to strike.
Last edited by ragaz on Thu Aug 15, 2019 10:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Demona vs. Sakura Haruno (D): Strikers Showdown

Unread post by godjacob »

It had not taken Demona long to notice that she was being followed, in fact due to her enhanced sense of sonar she picked up that a pair of individuals entered the of them quite large, before this other presence appeared to tail her. Demona stopped walking as she glanced to meet this little stalker of hers...only to glance down seeing what appeared to be a local little girl from the village.

Demona listened, bored expression on her face all the while, as the girl thanked her for dealing with that mob as she claimed that those in that mob group that made the careless choice to strike had treated her like property and used her. So she came here not only to thank her for giving them a piece of karmatic justice but also seemed to want to travel with her wherever she went. All this seemed to set up a nice wholesome adventure with a demon bonding with a young girl as they explored a country and learns to shed her cold exterior to become...

"Charming story. But I have no interest, I am sure you can find someone else who is happy to let you piggy back off them."

Predictably, Demona offered a decline as she had not been the least bit moved by the tale nor showed any interest as she dismissed the girl's request outright before she turned and began to walk forward again as if nothing happened as she was just prepared to leave the girl high and dry as that little scenario was best served for someone who actually cared. Naturally, seemingly oblivious to who this girl actually was or what her real intent had been to come and see her least to this point even if Demona kept in mind the two presence she sensed earlier though seemed to make no connection.

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Re: Demona vs. Sakura Haruno (D): Strikers Showdown

Unread post by ragaz »

Sakura was a little annoyed on the inside that this demon just dissed her like that, turned away and walked off, just like that. However, it all went just like Sakura expected. This charade left Demona completely unsuspecting of Sakura's intentions and was wide open with her back turned. Without a sound, Sakura slowly reached for the sleep gas bomb.

Sakura would just toss it on the ground, next to the butt naked demon where it would explode into a cloud of gas that would put an elephant to sleep in a second. Just as she did so, Sakura leaped at least 50 feet away from there. That kind of a leap was certainly not what a small girl could do and when she landed, Sakura revealed herself, undoing her transformation jutsu, waiting for the gas to take effect and disperse so that she could take the body and make her way home, fast and simple.
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Re: Demona vs. Sakura Haruno (D): Strikers Showdown

Unread post by godjacob »

As the bomb exploded and the sleeping gas covered the bare frame of the demon, Demona stood in silence as her figure was obstructed and she was seemingly stuck in the dazed mist; only a faint outline of her shadow was seen as it seemed to wobble slightly as if it was taking effect and it seemed she was moments away from toppling over on the spot.
Only for the figure to vanish, as Demona appeared behind Sakura in a flash having moved at blinding speeds to get behind the presumed unsuspecting kunoichi. Her bored expression showed not the slightest sign of fatigue as if the gas had not had the tiniest effect which Demona was quick to clarify in a bored tone.

"Not a bad plan, but if you came here to knock a demon out you were gonna need something a lot more potent than that. Now scram." Demona said, as she aimed to dispose of this would be attacker as she reared her fist back and in a flash fired what seemed to be a straight punch aimed for Sakura's head from behind as her goal it would seem was to knock this human's skull off with one strike.

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Re: Demona vs. Sakura Haruno (D): Strikers Showdown

Unread post by ragaz »

Sakura's little trick worked and Demona's figure got engulfed in the gas, Sakura could see her inside the gas cloud, but then suddenly the demon vanished... A moment later, Sakura gasped in shock and her eyes widened when Demona spoke, standing behind the ninja. ''She's fast!'' Sakura thought.

Sakura was frozen in place for a moment and that allowed Demona to finish her little speech and jab Sakura in the back of her head. Ah! She let out a quick yelp and fell silent to the ground, her body skidding through the dirt and bouncing a couple of times. Sakura laid motionless and was out of the fight, or so she would have you believe!


Sakura's body literally went up in smoke and revealed a plain log in it's place instead while Sakura herself appeared behind Demona this time.
You've surprised me for a moment... Sakura said as she held a poison tipped kunai knife in her hand, which she would attempt to stab into Demona's back. But I'm used to those kinds of tricks! Sakura would add.
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Re: Demona vs. Sakura Haruno (D): Strikers Showdown

Unread post by godjacob »

Demon seemed uninterested in Sakura as her body flopped forward. Seemed she restrained herself enough to not knock off her head, but her sharp senses seemed to scream something was wrong about this. However her eyes widened slightly as "Sakura" revealed herself to be a log and in a flash the pink haired woman appeared behind her with a poisoned knife as she aimed for a stab to the proverbial & literal back.

However, the unusual tattoo like substance that acted as "skin" coiled around and moved just where Sakura would strike along her back as red sparks shot out as the kunai cracked against the darkness as it provided a sort of slim armor that was enough to easily shatter the ninja tool. Demona glanced back with the same relaxed expression as her demonic arm shifted and grew slightly before she turned ready to try and take a swing.
Demona's aim clearly to try and smack Sakura aside with an even bigger blow.

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Re: Demona vs. Sakura Haruno (D): Strikers Showdown

Unread post by ragaz »

Sakura stabbed her knife into Demona's back and her eyes widened in surprise when she saw that the knife not only didn't penetrate the woman's skin, but also broke on contact with the black thingy that Demona covered the spot in.

Sakura grit her teeth and raised her arms up to block when Demona turned around and wound up her demonic arm and unleashed a swift and powerful swing at the kunoichi. Ghhah! Sakura yelped when the blow sent her flying into the nearby forest. Her back crashed against a tree and snapped it in two in an instant as Sakura continued to soar through the air until her feet touched the ground. Sakura skidded through the grass and dirt. Sakura then added one hand to the ground to help herself stop and the ground began to reshape itself, but that helped her to stop herself pretty quickly. Super fast, super tough and super powerful, this woman would be quite the challenge, but there was no backing down now, Sakura knew she had to stop this demon right here, right now.

Once they'd start fighting for real, it'd be kill or be killed for both of them and Sakura wanted to avoid that, but her attempts at a quick and clean takedown failed. Now Sakura had only one option left before she'd have to resort to brute force...

After being batted away, Sakura was at least over 100 feet away from Demona with the snapped tree laying in the middle. Sakura would quickly jump up onto nearby tree and leap from branch to branch and would stop on one of the branches when she was close enough to the blonde demon. Sakura would look down at her before she'd speak up. Listen, demon lady, you're wanted dead or alive in this entire country for numerous robberies, various forms of violence, murder to name a few... So, do yourself a favor and turn yourself in, otherwise only one of us will be leaving this place alive! Her fists were clenched, her voice was strict and she looked dead serious.
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Re: Demona vs. Sakura Haruno (D): Strikers Showdown

Unread post by godjacob »

As Demona smacked the girl away, she turned and prepared to leave as for most beings that blow would have been it. But her sharp sonar senses came to play and before she took two steps away she stopped and noted that the girl's figure did not flop down after crashing through trees. Demona stood in place before she heard and felt something move along the trees a hundred feet away as she turned and glanced up just as Sakura landed on the tree branch; not shaken by the blow in any significant degree.

Whatever this human was, she was strong. That much was clear.

Demon listened to the girl as she made her bold declaration; mentioning her "crimes" and making it clear if she did not surrender now Sakura would intend to settle this matter with a fight to the death. Demon's response? "I mean if you want to dig your own grave, you are free to. Doesn't rub any skin off my bones" Demon replied with a bored tone, but while she seemed uncaring she moved into a battle stance making it clear she had no intention to go quietly with Sakura.

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Re: Demona vs. Sakura Haruno (D): Strikers Showdown

Unread post by ragaz »

Sakura felt this demon's power from that blow, but she was confident that she could match it. Both of them were strong and it seems this will have to be settled in hand to hand. Sakura deduced that the fight would be decided by their skill and determination.
Sakura balled her left hand into a fist and punched it against her palm with a loud CLAP sound that was heard in the area.
You've made your choice. We'll settle this with our fists, then!

Sakura exclaimed before launching herself off the tree branch straight down towards Demona like a rocket at speeds that no human could track her. Sakura wound up her fist, ready to strike as she flew. Regardless whether Demona got hit straight on, blocked it or dodged it, there would be a massive disruption and fragmentation of the land below Demona's location. SHANNAROO!!
Sloth's Harem

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