A sense of Deja Vu

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A sense of Deja Vu

Unread post by Tiamat »

Yang Xiao Long, what can you say about her, Boxing star, Brawler, Gym rat. You can call her all of these things and it would make sense. Now Yang was in one of the Law gyms working out. She was supposed to meet her sister her, but she bailed out on her. Oh when I find Ruby I'm gonna give her more than a piece of my mind.So Yang was by herself in the gym, currently now she was resting on the bench. Considering she was hitting a heavy bag for some time. Now was good time as any to take a breather. If anything she was just in the gym because she had no matches slated and was bored to be honest. The thought came across her head to just punch someone in the locker room and go from there. I can't believe it, I will be the first person ever to actually die from boredom. Yang said as she leaned back. Now Yang was just hoping that someone and anyone would try something, or at least she gets scheduled for a match. Now the gym usually is normal but because the great Yang Xiao Long was there it seemed that all eyes were on her. Yang would be wearing a string black top showing off her muscles and tree trunks for arms. Going down to her abs were sculpted from a statue from the looks of a statue. Now she wore gold boxing shorts that completed the look by matching her hair. It was one thing also to be watched by so many people, but something that made it worse was that most of them didn't even approach her. Scared or something. The people that did even come up to her were just hopeless fans
Hey can you sign this for me, it's for a friend
Sure whats the friends name?
Umm just put Mike
Uhh huh, sure here give this to Mike then
Aww thanks I love it umm I mean he'll love it
Sure ok man
Last edited by Tiamat on Mon Aug 05, 2019 9:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A sense of Deja Vu

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Ruby would come into the gym as she felt like training to day after all the times Aoi asked her to train she made an excuse not to go. "hehe i know Aoi means well but if i train with her all the time i'll be to sore for my matches..." Ruby said to her self having ear buds on as she looked around to think on what she could do. Remember her friends advice to improve on things shes bad at and work on things she excelled at. "hmm either strength or normal punches...hmm " Ruby thought out deciding to work on her punching from. "she mostly relied on speed and kicks but Ruby thought know how to throw a punch would help a lot.

going over to the sand bags Ruby saw someone already there. she didn't like people watching her train much since they always critiqued her and told her that she was bad at some points. "please don't asked me to train with you.." Ruby beg to her self as she went to the bag next to her and would go into a basic boxing stance. her friends showed her the stance but ruby never got throwing the punch just right. she was told she needed to practice more. "yeah yeah Aoi don't just stick your arm out go slow at first to get the from right..." Ruby sighed as she threw a few punches at the bag doing her best to go slowly and work on her form.

"this is...pretty dumb." she admitted, however she's been losing alot of matches lately so she need to get better to not hold back her tag partners. Seriously how is Rebecca able to win and I'm not..." Ruby spoke to her self trying not to glance at the blonde next to her hoping very much that the taller girl wouldn't ask her to train with her.

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Re: A sense of Deja Vu

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Yang who was near the sandbags, she was back at them again but during one of her small breaks. There was this one girl who caught her eye for some reason. Yang couldn't quite put her boxing glove on it, but this girl reminded her of someone. Yang though still couldn't place it, regardless of the fact she saw this smaller girl hit the sand bags. It was something strange to say the least, not this feeling Yang was feeling but rather this girl's stance. It was wrong to say the least (She can't be serious with a stance like that, has she ever thrown a punch before?) Yang thought to herself. At first she was just going to let it slide because who was she to meddle, but as more time went on it bothered her even more. To the point that Yang had to say something, it was for her sanity. Hey you, short stuff. You are throwing that punch wrong, you'll break something if you keep punching like that.

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Re: A sense of Deja Vu

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Ruby would continue to be punching going slow at first she felt the punching was weird but couldn't put her finger on it. Hearing the girl call out to her and tell her she punched wrong Ruby sighed and looked at her pull off her head phones. "what do you mean im punching wrong? She asked and looked away. Of course i punched before.... and why do you care!" Ruby said yelling that last bit she hated gettting Critiqued on her fighting ability. she may want to do more standard matches but she didn't mind the lewd match either being a bit of a closet perv.

"just so you know my friend told me how to hold a boxing stance and told me how throw a punch basiclly i keep my feet abit spread out putting weight on one....umm...i think...honestly i wasn't listening....she was treating me like i was a little kid... " Ruby admitted since truthfully Ruby never listen fully on her friends advice on how to hold her stance and that she had to keep her weight even on both feet. While she was punching the bag she was actually putting more weight on her front foot. "anyways if you so good why don't you show me how to throw a punch just so you know i gotten by with what i been doing already i dont need someone's advice." Ruby said pouting a little bit. she really didn't like people pointing out her flaws.

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Re: A sense of Deja Vu

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Yang raise an eye brow to this smaller girl. She just came out the gates upset, and Yang thought she herself had a short temper. But just like the girl in front of her Yang also sighed Listen I only care because it honestly hurts me to watch you mess up. Not in like a friendly way, but in a way that makes it sound like you suck Yang said bluntly as she stopped the heavy bag in front of her. But As Yang heard this girls explanation she crossed her arms in amusement It seems like you weren't listening to your friend very well, and with the way you've been acting I can see why she treats you like a child. Yang just looked at this smaller person in front of her. Well I like to think I'm pretty good at punching, made a living off of it after all. Sure I can show you something Yang said as she took a normal boxing stance in front of her heavy bag and in one quick motion Yang let loose a punch that echoed in the entire gym. The heavy bag even went pretty far back but it came back slowly enough for Yang to stop it with her glove See? I think I'm pretty good at this stuff if you ask me, better than you obviously, then again thats not to hard to be better than you.

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Re: A sense of Deja Vu

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Ruby might have been annoyed but she started to wonder if she want to far. shaking her head she looked at yang. she would hear her say that she didn't like the sound of her punched and looked confused for a bit. "sound?" she asked. She would then blushed as she was called out about not listening to her friend. "hey! dont say that i gotten in a few matches already and won some of them..." Ruby said pouting and glaring at Yang but the glare looked more cute then menacing.

She would listen to Yang about how she was pretty good at punching and then saw her punch that sent the bag back almost effortlessly. she was taken back by it. her eyes were wide. "o-oh kay so you can throw a punch..." Ruby said looking away even though she was slightly impressed but was annoyed. "I bet i could take you in a match any ways..."Ruby said alittle loud even though it was supposed to be under her breath.

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Re: A sense of Deja Vu

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Yang would turn back to her smaller acquaintance at this point and give her a grin. Yang was proud of herself, even though granted she was just showing off. But before she punched the bag she heard the girl say that she's a had matches before? Matches? (Wait if she is saying all of that she has to be a fighter here. What? She barely looks any older than my sister, maybe even younger) Yang thought to herself, it was rather perplexing. But after that display Yang was ready to mentor this kid, at least to relive some boredom for today at least. That was when she heard something be said under this kid's breath. Yang would get close and bend down to the girl You wanna say that again short stuff? I couldn't hear you

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Re: A sense of Deja Vu

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Ruby would see yang look at her with a smile as if she was showing off. She saw something in the girl's eyes as she tilt her head after saying something under her breath and was heard by Yang. she leaned back hearing the girl called her short stuff and saw how close she was to her face. "Um well i said ....i could probably take you in match...." she said more like a mumble as she might have wrote her own death sentence. Ruby never fought bigger girls then her at all and she usually avoided the bigger girl's knowing they could beat her up easily .

however she didn't really know how to back out of this now. she was between a rock and hard place or there a cliff and a steam roller either way she went she was dead meat. "I- i mean i have experience in matches already and and i feel i could beat you if i gave it my all however i-it might be close match as well if your on a good day...." Ruby said chuckling awkwardly.
Last edited by Dragonofdarkness on Tue Aug 06, 2019 2:36 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A sense of Deja Vu

Unread post by Tiamat »

Yang would chuckle a bit Ohhh you can probably take me in a match. Interesting, hey short stuff I can guarantee that you aren't anywhere near my weight class. Yang says as she looks at the small girl up and down. Oh that's interesting because it feels that I am on a good day, so I think a match between you and me is a good idea. At least think of it this way it'd be the best way to teach you how to punch if you feel it. Buuuutttt, if you are so confident that if you can take me in a match so easily. Then you would be ok in taking me on in boxing? Yang said as she grinned at the smaller girl taking off her gloves. Hell we can throw down right here short stuff

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Re: A sense of Deja Vu

Unread post by Dragonofdarkness »

"y-yeah you look to be in ummm heavyweight im only a lightweight my self but i trained with the soon to be lightweight champion so o-of course i can take you..." Ruby said as she was trembling when the girl looked her up and down and said it was a good day for her. "h-ha yeah right seeing y-you're punch didn't look like it was a great punch i-i mean it only moved the bag a little.." Ruby said as she was putting more then her foot in her mouth and was digging her grave deeper and deeper. "I-I mean yeah i could show you a thing or to in the ring but ummummm i have training to do and you probably have training to wh-why dont we take a rain check but i doubt that management would even allow a cross weight match between use anyways." Ruby said gulping as she was trying to get a out form fighting this bigger girl.

"b-boxing? really i mean yeah it has it's merits but i don't box i wrestle and um and um....I really don't want to embarrassed you if i beat you at your element there's also the thing about what if management not okaying the match..." Ruby said as she tried to sound tough but at the same time she was telling her self screaming at her self to stop talking big and admit that yang could destroy you. she didn't know how to throw a punch and if she was in a boxing match she would probably have to write a will the day before cause she wasn't gonna survive a boxing match with the blonde girl in front of her.

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