Am Sure There's A Button Somewhere

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Am Sure There's A Button Somewhere

Unread post by TheSuitedOwl »

Chewing on a mint Katsu would start to go through his usual photoshoot checklist though unlike other times he was alone. The studio which normally would be packed with various skilled lights and camera crews was now empty except for Katsu. Who of course now had to do all of that plus a bit more though he didn’t seem to particularly mind. In fact he had actually volunteered for it seeing that it was an excellent opportunity to meet the newly made Loser’s Champion.

Although his colleagues didn’t seem to understand, nor should they. The job was a low priority for the department and Holly hardly had any influence in the company. One could even argue that she was just some company designated punching bag worth passing around. That thought though gave the young photographer pause as he finally finished his procedures and took a seat on the director’s chair waiting for Holly to show up.

“That’s probably not the right word for her though...”, Katsu mused to himself as his fingers drummed against his armrest, “Not that it matters, I’ll have to figure all of that out later.” He finished his thought as he let his gaze drift towards the ceiling.
Last edited by TheSuitedOwl on Wed Jul 31, 2019 7:41 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Am Sure There's A Button Somewhere

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Holly was dragging her feet as she went to her first photo session as the Loser’s Champion. The British Bombshell looked herself over in the mirror, up and down. Her ring gear was snugly fitted around her curves, looking good despite the curve of her bust spilling over her clothes and her thighs muffin-topping around the bottom hem. Holly’s hair was hanging over her shoulders and framed her face perfectly, despite her deep-set pout. On any other day, Holly might have felt comfortable about how she looked … save for the massive albatross strapped around her shoulder.

Holly gave a chest-heaving sigh, as she looked down at the Loser’s Championship belt. A black mark on her career, a sign of a career of pitiful performances and almost constant humiliation. The Brit bit her lip, trying to steel herself for the photo session. LAW management wanted pics of her with the belt, and Holly wasn’t ready to get fired for insubordination yet. Holding her head high, Holly stepped out of the dressing room and into the studio.

Holly was surprised to step into a photo studio with only one person. Back in the days where management believed in her a little more (or at all), Holly would have seen a full crew with the lights, the backdrops, assistants. Instead, there was one lone young man, fidgeting with his camera.

“Alright,” Holly said, hands tucked self-consciously behind her back. “I’m Holly, I, um, I suppose I’m your subject, today.” The Brit seemed nervous, not wanting to look the photographer in the eye. “I’ll try not to take too much of your time, today.”
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Re: Am Sure There's A Button Somewhere

Unread post by TheSuitedOwl »

Hearing the door open Katsu would go meet Holly by the entrance and as he listened to the busty woman greet him almost devoid of confidence. He would pop a mint into his mouth only to immediately crack it between his teeth. Which gave off a rather unnerving sound that many would find unpleasant. "Sorry to break it to you but in this particular instant my subject isn't you. It's this." Katsu answered matter-of-factly as he tapped the Loser's Belt a few times.

"Anyways I'm Katsu and whenever your ready we'll start. Just make sure to stare at the camera once we begin. Otherwise your going to make this a waste of time." The devious photographer would say in a nonchalant tone. As he gestured towards the backdrop and then made a beeline for his equipment. During which he would steal a few curious glances over his shoulder to get a better idea where Holly's head was at.

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Re: Am Sure There's A Button Somewhere

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“O-oh,” Holly said, in a small voice, “of course.” While the Brit didn’t really like photo sessions all that much, it still stung a little to hear that the ‘subject’ of the photo shoot wasn’t her, so much as that damned belt. The thing had taken over her life at this point, and now she felt like she was less important than the worst ‘prize’ in all of professional wrestling! Holly hung her head in shame, letting out a deep, chest-heaving sigh. Holly hoped that Katsu wouldn’t see her pout, as he went back to his equipment.

Holly stood in silence as Katsu made his way for his gear. She stood self-consciously, brushing her long hair back with both arms, trying to hold her head high. Holly tried to busy herself with adjusting her ring gear, making sure her snug singlet was fitting properly around her curves. Holly even tried a few poses, looking herself over in a nearby mirror. The pout on her face only deepened, however, as she couldn’t help staring directly at that big, humiliating belt around her waist.
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Re: Am Sure There's A Button Somewhere

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After seeing Holly hang her head in shame it was obvious to Katsu at this point that Holly lacked any pride in herself. After all his words had their intended effect but unlike most she hadn't bothered to defend herself. Which for a wrestler was quite an unusual thing to do. Since most of them would have at the very least given him a hard time for such comments. In other words, he wasn't wrong for attempting what he was about to do a thought that the devious photographer couldn't help but grin in the face of the irony of the situation. Though he made sure to hide it from the brit before wiping it away.

So as Holly practiced a few poses in the mirror. Katsu would begin to readjust his tripod while he gave a few sidelong glances. Only to quickly notice that the britsh woman had been staring at her belt with a miserable look on her face. "You know I always thought that belt looked kind of funky on Karin but on you I think it fits you like a glove. Not that I have anything against Karin, she’s pretty cute." Katsu finished as he unnervingly crushed another mint in his mouth.

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Re: Am Sure There's A Button Somewhere

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Holly pouted into the mirror, unable to shake off that feeling of misery that hung over her every time she had to leave the house with the belt. She looked over her curvy frame in the mirror, using her usual tricks to make herself a little bit leaner, to try and highlight her more impressive attributes, but her eyes just kept going back to that massive ‘Loser’ sign around her waist.

“I, what?” Holly said, caught off-guard by the photographer when he spoke. Katsu had seemed the quiet sort, and Holly didn’t expect him to speak. Holly blushed a little bit at the compliment, remembering Karin’s slender body and how intimidated she had felt when she even considered comparing herself to the former Loser’s Champion. Holly stood a little straighter, watching how the title hung over her hips. Then, a thought occurred to her, that she didn’t like.

“You mean, I look like a loser,” Holly said, shoulders slumping and chest deflating a little as she felt some shame. Holly pouted, thinking that must have been what the photographer meant. “Management must have thought so, too …” Holly said, looking around the studio. “So, um, do you want me to sit somewhere, or, ah, what would you like me to do?”
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Re: Am Sure There's A Button Somewhere

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"Well that goes without saying. Corporate loves playing mean girl to those they deem worthy of it but if that's what you think I meant then sure lets go with that, Champ." Katsu lied with a shrug though if Holly paid enough attention she would see him clearly amused that she had figured out the double entendre he had given her.

"Anyway this is going to be pretty straightforward. Even a child could do it. Alright, so I want you in front of this backdrop chest out, legs slightly apart, hands on hips but resting on the belt. Now you could either go with a stoic or defiant look but I'll leave that to you. Just make sure your facing forward but slightly to the left. And if you follow those instructions before you know it we'll be back out there making fools out of ourselves." Katsu finished laughing lightly at his own deprecating joke as he waited for Holly to take her position.
Last edited by TheSuitedOwl on Fri Aug 30, 2019 5:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Am Sure There's A Button Somewhere

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“Too true,” Holly said, nodding in agreement. Looking over, she could see Katsu’s amused expression, and knew that he wasn’t exactly sympathetic to her, despite his words. It was enough to give her already-on-life-support ego another kick. She was just clever enough to get picked on, it seemed.

Without saying anything, Holly simply took her position in front of the camera. Katsu’s comments about ‘even a child’ being able to do this got to her, too, but she still did her best to pose for him. Holly tried to stand with her legs spread apart a bit, like she imagined a superheroine would stand. She let her hands rest on the belt, her small fingers framing the centerplate that labeled her a loser. Holly squared her shoulders and tried to display her ample bust proudly, her breasts extending over the title belt, soft skin swelling over her singlet as she readied for the camera.

Holly’s face, however, wouldn’t obey like her body did. Turned to the left, Holly tried to put on a defiant face, like she had planned to. Show the fans that she didn’t accept this title, or this fate. However, with the belt around her waist and Katsu’s words in her head, Holly couldn’t help but pout. Wet red lip jutting out, eyes half-hooded, Holly posed for her pictures with shame and misery clear on her face, despite her best effort.
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Re: Am Sure There's A Button Somewhere

Unread post by TheSuitedOwl »

Waiting until Holly was ready Katsu would go back to his camera. Adding the last touches so that the picture would come out looking the way he wanted. However he would quickly find that Holly couldn't complete her pose. Try as she might she couldn't erase her deeply seated misery etched on her face. Which nicely contradicted not only the expressed subjectivity but the purpose of the picture.

Click. The camera went off with a quick flash of light. Before Katsu would quitely review the picture on his digital camera with a focus look of that a coroner conducting an autopsy and honestly It was a beautiful piece. That it even had gotten Katsu smiling. Just the manner in which Holly's troubled face perfectly opposed her heroic posture but help highlight the absurd spectacle of the loser's championship. It was truely a wonderful piece of accidental art but, either way Katsu still had a job to do and so just as quickly as he had started indulging in his artistic tastes he would move on.

"Great job on the pose Holly. Just try not to look so mmm... pathetic. No offense of course that's just how you came across. Alright, so lets try this one more time." Katsu directed and then waited for Holly to comply.

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Re: Am Sure There's A Button Somewhere

Unread post by Luncha_Libre »

Holly did her best to focus on her pose, to hold her shoulders back, thrust her chest forward and present her body proudly despite the massive, shameful sign strapped around her waist. Maybe she could recover some of her personal strength this way, she thought. Show the world that she wasn’t taking this new title lying down. So of course, when Katsu spoke up, it was to tell the British Bombshell she was doing it wrong.

“W-what?” Holly said, turning to the photographer. “Oh! Um, right, okay …” Holly took a deep breath, bust swelling against her singlet, then she shook her head and tried to get back into character. Push through the pain, forget why she was doing this photoshoot, just get it over with.

Shaking her head to toss her hair back behind her shoulders, Holly focused on the pose again. Holly kept her hands on her hips, kept her body presented chest-forward like she imagined a superheroine. Holly chewed her lip nervously, then tried to set it. To look defiant, proud, to put a brave face on things. The British Bombshell struggled to hold it together, though she could still feel tears starting to come, hoping the photographer would be satisfied before she cracked.
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