Cecilia Lombard vs. Torra Shinjiro [D]

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Re: Cecilia Lombard vs. Torra Shinjiro [D]

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All Cecilia needed was to bring Torra to the ground. After that it'd be easy. She would have him in the perfect place to follow through, to set him up for a submission and to reclaim the dominance she deserved. Even just to get him in a simple headscissor would be enough, she thought. At the least, it would weaken him for her to turn the tides.

But blinded as she was by her own rage, Cecilia failed to realize that her charge had only brought her directly into her opponent's clutches, as she threw herself in range for him to hit his finishing move! The girl gasped as she felt herself caught up in Torra's grasp, but even that was nothing compared to what she would feel when he came crashing back down onto her with his feet pressed into her back! She gagged and wheezed from the pressure of his feet pushing into her kidneys, and while she tried to stay up, her legs began to quiver underneath her, threatening to give out. At last, with her wounded leg getting the better of her, Cecilia fell to her knee, bowled over forward off of Torra's weight. Even still, she wouldn't give up just yet - not even with her arms wrenched over her head, feeling as though they could pop from their sockets at any moment. "The hell are...you doing-!?" she hissed at him.
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torra shinjiro17
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Re: Cecilia Lombard vs. Torra Shinjiro [D]

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torra just looked at her and said "my finishing more" he pulls even harder wanting her to fall

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Re: Cecilia Lombard vs. Torra Shinjiro [D]

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As Cecilia's arms were pulled harder, she screamed out with pain in her back, as it started to grow unbearable. She knew that she couldn't last in this hold much longer, and she needed to get out as soon as she could. But with her arms behind her back, that was going to be a tricky situation. Her face was growing red and her heart pounded in her chest. This was really starting to look bad.

In desperation, Cecilia tried to go for the nearest thing she could find, and looked back over her shoulder to gauge the position of the ropes. She stretched her leg back as far as she could, trying to hook the ropes to score a rope break. But they were just barely short of her reach, and her leg trembled in the air, hanging just so barely away from her salvation. Then, at last, she could bear it no more, and combined with the pain in her leg, Cecilia fell flat on her face with a wheeze. She stared up at Torra out of the corner of her eye, her chest rising and falling with strained and labored breaths, while her gaze fixed on his face with pure rage!
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torra shinjiro17
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Re: Cecilia Lombard vs. Torra Shinjiro [D]

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torra kept a grip on her arms and once she fell he knew he had won "you lost, good fight" as he said as he let go and moves to the corner

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Re: Cecilia Lombard vs. Torra Shinjiro [D]

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Cecilia was on her face now, as the ref came closer to check the scene. Even after Torra got off of her, she was laying flat on her stomach, groaning and in a daze from the strain she had been put through. It hurt to move. It hurt even to breathe too hard.

"Do you give up?" the ref asked. But despite Cecilia's pain, she still wanted to get up. She knew that she couldn't, but she wanted to. She couldn't submit to Torra and betray everything she stood for, to actually give in to someone like him. More than wanting to win, Cecilia didn't want him to be right. She tried to push herself off the ground on her hands and knees, only for her back to tense up. Letting out another scream, Cecilia dropped back down, laid flat against the canvas. At last, she realized - however begrudgingly - that there was no hope for her of getting back up. There was only one option left for her, as she tapped out on the canvas.

Seeing this, the referee signaled to ring the bell, before heading over to hold up Torra's arm in victory. "And here is your winner, by submission, TORRA SHINJIRO!"

Cecilia, however, looked up from the floor at him. She opened her mouth, about to say something - already forming some invective to spit back at him in order to undercut his success. To write it off like he just got lucky. But she stopped. She couldn't say that. Despite all else...Torra held respect for her, even now, even in victory. She had put him through all the pain and suffering she could wield against him, and yet he still congratulated her on her efforts and admired the thrill of the match. It seemed he just couldn't hold a grudge. Even Cecilia had to have some respect for someone like that. But now all she could do was sit there staring while she waited for the pain to go down.
Last edited by CaptainL on Thu Aug 01, 2019 2:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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torra shinjiro17
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Re: Cecilia Lombard vs. Torra Shinjiro [D]

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torra was beyond joyful, he did it he won, he had a good fight, the crowd was roaring in excitement and shock that this newcomer beated a expert he waved to the audience and politely bowing to them "thank you, thank you people" one person threw a rose at him, he caught it and smelled it and then he looked cecilica and gives a respectable bow then walks from the arena "i hope now she wont judge a book by its cover ever again"

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Re: Cecilia Lombard vs. Torra Shinjiro [D]

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Eventually, the pain wracking Cecilia's body began to subside. She looked back up from the canvas, her breaths slowing as she slowly rose back up to all fours. From the looks of it, Torra was doing the whole song and dance and playing to the favor of the crowd, and to Cecilia it was almost sickening how sappy he was. Her nose turned up with a huff, and it was almost enough for her to want to throw some insult back at him, to get the last word. Almost. But she stalled. As if, for whatever reason, she considered Torra with more respect than she usually would give her foes.

Granted, that wasn't much. But he really had done a good job against her, and still came away as a gracious and honorable opponent. Cecilia had to wonder how far he could go with an attitude like that. By all means, it was prime territory for opponents to take advantage of. But so far, it was working for him. Would that last?

It was nothing Cecilia cared for enough to ponder too long, in the end. As soon as she had recollected herself, she rose to her feet, turning to head out of the ring. It wasn't like her to get philosophical, after all.

Winner by Submission: Torra Shinjiro
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