Cecilia Lombard vs. Torra Shinjiro [D]

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Cecilia Lombard vs. Torra Shinjiro [D]

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Match Type: Standard Match
Rules: Victory by submission, pinfall, or knockout
Sitting in the locker room as she adjusted her boots, Cecilia thought about the match she had in store for her next. This was going to be a rare opportunity for her in taking part in an intergender bout. She'd fought a few men in her past on the indies here and there, but it was few and far between. Cecilia herself didn't give it much thought, however. Male or female, all her opponents went down just as easily against her. And she was sure the newcomer she was booked to face tonight would be just the same.

"Coming first to the ring, from Detroit, Michigan! At 5'5 and weighing 135 lbs., CECILIAAAAAAA LOMBARD!
Entrance Music
With her music blaring, Cecilia walked out onto the entrance ramp, lifting her fist in the sky as she rolled her head back on her shoulders and jerked her neck from side to side with an almost unnerving degree of flexibility. But this was just part of her style - she enjoyed messing with her opponents' minds in order to disturb them and weaken their defenses, and utilizing unnatural body language was just one part of that. As she continued down the ramp, more lights lit up her path, until she got to the ring apron and placed her hands on it to do a backflip up onto the ropes. From such a perch, she looked out into the crowd with a disinterested glare, shaking her head from side to side as she took a hair tie from her palm and tied her hair into a side ponytail. From there, she hopped down to the ring and proceeded to her corner. "Alright, alright. Let's just get this show on the road, shall we?"
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torra shinjiro17
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Re: Cecilia Lombard vs. Torra Shinjiro [D]

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torra was a young 20 year old man, he may not have alot of muscle but he does have speed and skill, he was personally invited to fight cecilla as a newcomer, he loves a good challenge so he accepted the challenge, as the crowd looked at him with confusion due to being new, he just waved to the crowd and climed up "hello there ma'am you must be cecillia" he said with a smile

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Re: Cecilia Lombard vs. Torra Shinjiro [D]

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She folded her arms, eyeing up Torra with a smirk. Great, she thought to herself. "This kid doesn't even know what he's getting into." He seemed so unprepared, to the point where it was as though he didn't even know who he was fighting, or what she was known for. Certainly, if he did, he wouldn't be engaging such a cruel and brutal heel with a greeting so...so naively cheerful. It was almost adorable how out of his league he was. But not enough for Cecilia to stop what she was about to do.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever," Cecilia muttered, stepping in closer. Although she seemed nonchalant, she had ulterior motives. She wanted to lull Torra into a false sense of security before she struck - after all, if he was new around here, it would do him well to learn what he could expect in a real match. Before the bell had even rung, Cecilia lashed out for him suddenly, aiming an elbow straight into his chest!
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Re: Cecilia Lombard vs. Torra Shinjiro [D]

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torra: somewhat surprised by her rude behavior but didn't let it bother him, people underestimate him due to his slender built but truth to be told he was fast agile and skilled to make up for his lack of muscle and strenth, he suddenly saw her elbow, with his quick reflexes he grabs it and pulls her close to elbow her face and jabs at her stomach

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Re: Cecilia Lombard vs. Torra Shinjiro [D]

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Seeing that Cecilia was going for a cheap shot, the ref signaled to ring the bell as soon as possible. This wasn't the first time she had done something like this, and knowing the kinds of dirty tactics she had no reservations about using, the officials had always been on guard when she was in the ring.

Cecilia herself was already convinced that her blow would land, and she was sure the results would be ones she liked. But to her surprise, Torra had better reflexes than she'd bargained for. Her eyes went wide as he grabbed her by the arm, countering her blow with a shot back at her face! With a cry of pain, she went stumbling back, her hands shooting up to try and shield her face - but in the process, she left her stomach unprotected for Torra to get a few more shots in. Going back towards the ropes, Cecilia was left trying to get the distance between the two. And when her hands left her face, all could see the glare of sheer rage Cecilia looked back with, her teeth locked in an angry grimace.

"You're...better than I expected, that's for sure," Cecilia calmly noted, her voice oddly tranquil behind her furious expression. "But it won't last!" She was quick to come charging back in towards him, arm raised for a clothesline!
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Re: Cecilia Lombard vs. Torra Shinjiro [D]

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torra was genuinely happy that he was successful his blows hit and now was a bit nervous seeing her raged face but he shrugged it off saying "thats how shes gonna play hmmn:p" he chuckled a bit. but soon that was replaced with fear when he saw her charging at him for a closeline, he would of got hit if he didn't think fast and jumped over her as shes running past him by the ropes once she came bouncing back torra took this opportunity to drop kick her with both feet "dont judge a book by its cover cecilia" he said playfully

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Re: Cecilia Lombard vs. Torra Shinjiro [D]

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Cecilia might have been mad. She might have wanted to strike back out and settle the score between her and Torra. But she was also convinced that she would be able to. It had just been a lucky start, a fluke on his behalf. Soon, though, she would be able to reclaim the dominance she so rightfully deserved. That's why she was so confident that her clothesline would take him down.

But once again, Torra proved quick on his feet, and he hopped over her charge. Cecilia's eyes opened wide as she realized she was left open - and she then took a dropkick into her side, causing her to cough and gag as she fell against the ropes. She was sore from the landing, her body slumped against the cables now holding up her weight. But when she looked back at him, it was with a cold and piercing glare. To think, he was actually taunting her now, the nerve! Cecilia wouldn't stand for such mockery from a foe so inferior. She was going to shut him up, one way or another!

"You have the element of surprise in you, sure," Cecilia said with a roll of her eyes. "But how long is that going to last you, once your opponent figures you out?" From her position in the ropes, Cecilia aimed a kick towards Torra's ankle to try and sweep him off his feet!
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Re: Cecilia Lombard vs. Torra Shinjiro [D]

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torra was pretty happy that his attack hit, but he saw the venom in her voice and rage in her face, for when she charged at him and attempted to sweep his legs, he didn't have enough time to react so he falls on his back on the mat "oof that was good" he said while on the mat

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Re: Cecilia Lombard vs. Torra Shinjiro [D]

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It brought Cecilia some relief to get Torra off his feet, and it showed with the smile creeping its way wider across her face. It was about time that she actually got some damage in; now everything was going the way it should be. Even Torra complimented her on her efforts, but Cecilia just rolled her eyes. She already knew she was great. She didn't need that reaffirmed by anyone.

"You just wait," Cecilia muttered. She pushed herself up off the ropes to get to her feet, before she then rolled forward to hit her downed foe with a leg drop!
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Re: Cecilia Lombard vs. Torra Shinjiro [D]

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torra was a bit creeped out by her smile and her ego . once he saw her running at him trying to give him a leg drop he acted fast and rolled to the side. dodging her "whoa close one"

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