Checking in on your enemy

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Checking in on your enemy

Unread post by xalex »

Samus would swing the door to moonyoungs room wide open.

The blond woman got a big smile on her face while she stepped into the room. “finally!” would the heavyweight said. She was wearing a white sweatshirt and a pair of black sport shorts while walking into the room. Her hair was tied together behind her head. Samus would walk into the room standing right in front of the bed of moonyoung and look at the woman for a few moments. “man they didn´t want to give me your room number because of the personal differences between us!” would samus say doing some air quotes. She would look at the other fighter with a big smile. “how are you doing?”

The big woman might have a big smile on her face but she was in constant pain. She just got released from the care herself, she got really busted up. Under her hoody she was wearing a few bandages and her forehead was banded up as well. Luckily she didn´t had any bad injuries. Still painful. This woman was a one girl wreaking ball on her body. But that was what made her so interesting for samus.

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Re: Checking in on your enemy

Unread post by ragaz »

Moonyoung was laying in her bed, resting and was borderline asleep at the moment. All of her injuries have been tended to and she still needed some rest. However, the pain will remind her of the match for weeks or months to come.

Soon Lee's sleep was interrupted, though as a familiar blonde opened the door to the room, not at all trying to be silent about it. Oh shit... Lee muttered when she opened her eyes and saw the big woman approaching. Well, the good thing was that this woman had no intention of starting any beef or so it seemed, at least. She was interested in the boxer's condition... Well... How do I look? Moonyoung would ask with a half pained, half tired look on her face while sitting up and revealing her attire - short shorts and a sleeveless shirt that said ''crush'' on her chest. Now that might've been one hell of a coincindence...

So how about you? You seem pretty fresh, aside from a few bandages...
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Re: Checking in on your enemy

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“you look beautiful as always!” would samus just answer directly without thinking to much about it. She would just smile at the other woman. “I know your tough and that our little tussle won´t hold you down for long. I am surprised that you’re not the first one to get out here to train!” Samus would say. She would lay her head to the side.
“about me… I am really worked up. The doctor said all these hits I took from a hammer could have shattered bones and that I was really lucky I got no inner injuries and no shattered bones. Seems like you went easy on me!” Samus would scratch the back of her head. “I must admit I never felt so bad after a match then ours but while feeling so good at the same time!” She would grab the end of the bed. “I was really enjoying our battle… I just wanted to thank you for giving me this match! I hope you had your fun too and enjoyed it as well!”

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Re: Checking in on your enemy

Unread post by ragaz »

Sammy sure was chatty today and certainly not lacking in compliments, throwing them left and right. Lee had a bit of doubt about their sincerity. You see, my motto isn't ''train hard'', it's ''train hard and smart''. Lee commented. She was too tired to do proper training and if she tried, she might just buy herself a ticket back to the hospital.

What a bummer, I was trying to shatter your bones, though... Normally, they do shatter when I put everything I've got into it. Say, you wouldn't happen to be a Saiyan or a Namekian now, would you? Even though it was a joke, Moonyoung asked in a relatively serious tone for the hilarity of it.

Lee just chuckled when she heard Sammy say that the boxer went easy on her. Well, you could say I enjoyed it as much as it hurt. I don't think
I've ever fought someone so tough, in the literal sense of the word...
There would be a bit of a pause before Lee decided to voice her thought on a different matter.

Funny thing is, I was considered rather big in my school. And now when I came to LAW, I've noticed that I'm smaller than half of the girls around here... I was considering on gaining a bit of weight and hitting the gym hard to increase my muscle mass for more power. Our match was a serious argument for this...
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Re: Checking in on your enemy

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“nah I am human, just really thick headed and stubborn so don´t worry! My mum always joked that she needed to chain me to something to stop me from doing whatever I wanted to do… as soon as I turned 12 that seemed to not work any more!” would samus tease the other woman.
Samus would look at the other woman for a few moments. “hm I think your perfect the way you are! I love the way you moved through the ring in our match, like a jaguar on the pray. Fast, almost impossible to follow with the eye. Your punches came in fast and dangerous, anyone with brain in his skull and not just air like me would have been knocked out fast from you. I don´t think you need to change so much at your style to stay top notch in law!”
Samus would smirk. “I know a wildcat carrying some gold right now, would love you two meet in the ring and find out who should really carry the cold around!”
Last edited by xalex on Sun Jul 14, 2019 4:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Checking in on your enemy

Unread post by ragaz »

Sammy was sure talking a lot, which was neither specifically good, nor bad, but she wasn't quite this talkative before the fight and Moonyoung was wondering what could've caused it. If she were to go by Sammy's words, then it could have been because she was impressed with Lee's performance. Sounds like a fun mom... Lee commented before Sammy continued with the flattery.

You're good at flattery, but I'm not arrogant enough to think that I'm perfect or that there is no one better than me. I strive to improve and hopefully I'll kick your ass the next time we meet in the ring.

When Sammy mentioned ''gold'', it caught Moonyoung's attention as it was something the boxer would like to posses when she felt it was time.
Hmm? Tell me more about that wild cat. I know Tina was the champ, but then there were some belt matches, tourneys... Sadly, I haven't kept up with them.
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Re: Checking in on your enemy

Unread post by xalex »

Samus would smirk, crossing her arms under her chest. “I think that you should change tina to a match as soon as you are fit and back to your best shape again!” Would the blond say, simple and dry. She would smirk.
“I think you are one of our best fighters able to go toe to toe with everyone and having a good chance of winning. I just got lucky in our match otherwise I think you would have knocked me out… after all they did carry me out of the arena after our match!”
Samus would lean forwards. “when you really want something you should work for it and you will be able to get it. I had to learn the hard way about the work for it part!”

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Re: Checking in on your enemy

Unread post by ragaz »

Maybe I will, someday. Right know it hurts just by thinking of fighting someone... Moonyoung replied, holding onto her aching neck.

Shtahp, you're making me blush. Lee said, turning away and blushing a little from all the flattery.
Before the Korean knew it, Sammy's face got pretty close and it was a bit awkward for her.
I've got something here... Moonyoung reached for the cupboard and pulled out a pack of chips from it.
It's about time for a snack! Lee would say as she'd open the pack and put a chip in her mouth.
Help yourself. Lee would hold the pack at Sammy, suggesting her to join in.
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Re: Checking in on your enemy

Unread post by xalex »

Samus would laugh when she would see the girl starting to eat chips right in front of her. She would back up and would lean backwards laughing a little bit. “your cute you know that!” The blond woman would walk though the room and would drop onto a chair leaning backwards. This was directly followed up by a painful groaning and arching. “bad idea…!”
Samus would look back over to the Korean girl, wearing her sweet top. “man I really wished that we had a pow term in our contracts. I would taken you like my princess peach, over my shoulder and off we go!”

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Re: Checking in on your enemy

Unread post by ragaz »

Bad idea? Don't tell me you've got 200 pounds on you by being on a diet. When Lee said that, Sammy was already a distance away. Suit yourself. She added.

Then Sammy mentioned POW and that reminded the boxer of one thing. Well, we didn't have an official POW agreement in the contract, but... Sigh... Lee sighed, because when Sammy mentioned POW, Moonyoung remembered that when the two were having interviews in the pre-match conference, Lee had promised that she'd be Sammy's for a day if the big girl managed to beat her. Moonyoung was trying to motivate herself, to give herself a reason not to lose, but it seems that it backfired... She could've just kept quiet about it, but it is important for her to keep her word and now that she mentioned it, there was no going back... You remember the pre-match conference, right..?
Sloth's Harem

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