An Sexual Debut . Gwendolyn Bones (d) vs Nicole Crawford

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An Sexual Debut . Gwendolyn Bones (d) vs Nicole Crawford

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Gwendolyn Bones (d) vs Nicole Crawford
Hentai match
First to be forced to an orgasm loses.

Gwendolyn could not contain her excitement at the moment as after spending what felt like forever in developmental it was time for her to make her debut. As the English native was checking herself out in the mirror as she wore her old school uniform with was basically a robe which she had modified as she had shorten it so her legs were on full display , and so that it showed some cleavage as she wore an an tie in the colors of her favorite house from her favorite franchise. Beneath her attire she only wore an g-string as to finish off the look she wore socks that covered part of her lower legs and shoes with steel tips to protect her toes.

Liking how she looked , and knowing it would give the people who were running her former school an heart attack when they found out what she was wrestling in , Gwendolyn would grab her prop wand she made as she walked out of the locker room. Walking in an rather quick pace she made it to the gorilla position with plenty of time as she went over the plan for her entrance. As she had requested that the lights would be turned off as soon as her music hit. Finally the theme of Harry potter began to play as the lights in the arena went dark as the HP fan girl stepped onto the entrance ramp. Holding up her prop wand she would yell loudly ''Lumos''as an spotlight appeared on her as she pressed an button to make the tip of her fake wand light up as she made her way to the ring.

Halfway to the ring she would point the wand at the ring , and with flick an another shout of ''Lumos'' another spotlight would appear as the announcer would be revealed. With the theatrics being done the announcer would do his job as he said ''now making her debut from London, Britain . Weighing in at around 128ibs , It's Gwendolyn Bones''as she would slide under the bottom rope as she waved at the fans before saying ''well it time for my opponent to arrive so accio miss OCB'' to an loud pop as now she would have to wait for her opponent to arrive to get the party started

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Re: An Sexual Debut . Gwendolyn Bones (d) vs Nicole Crawford

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Nicole sat in the back a beer at hand as she drank from it Nikolina blinked and was flabbergasted at the sight of her partner drinking a beer before her match. Nikolina looks at Nicole as if she was about to ask her question but stopped herself. There was no way she was going to ask her knowing full well that Nicole would just make a joke. Nicole was told that she was up against a debuting wrestler, but once again it was another English tart that was a Potter head looking to make her name on LAW. Well it just so happened Nicole had her own wand to counter Gwendolyn's. No matter it seemed she was getting ready to head to the ring. Nicole would finish her beer and head out of her locker room but as she did she saw someone for one reason or another left a yellow Vespa Scooter in the hallway and weirdly enough the keys were there. Nicole smirked at this knowing all to well what she was going to do.

Was Nicole really going to steal this unknown scooter just for a entrance? Hell yeah she was. She rushes back into her locker room and grabs her riding goggles, a black with a secret item, and two cans of beer. Nicole puts on her riding goggles and rushes back to the scooter, turning it on, and revving it up. Nicole then speeds off to the main stage. The stage hand watches Gwendolyn's entrance wondering where Nicole was so she wouldn't miss her cue. When Gwendolyn said, "accio OCB" Nicole would speed past the stage hand as Nicole’s theme started to play. As the theme got to the first "Love Shack!" Nicole shot out like a rocket from the back on the Vespa as Nicole would shout, "WOOOOOOOOOOO! OH YEAH!"

The crowd was cheering for OCB's antics and were loving it as she made it down the ring and started circling around the ring. Nicole stops in front of the ramp after two laps around the ring. Nicole then starts revving the scooters engine before turning it off. She takes off her driving goggles and places them on the vespa. Nicole slides into the and runs to the corner and climbs up to the second rope and yells out, "BANG! BANG!" Doing finger guns out towards the crowd still holding onto her black bag before turning back to Gwendolyn. She then jumps off of the second rope taking off in a sprint rebounding off of the ropes before stopping dead in her tracks in front of Gwendolyn and says in a fake English accent, "Ello are you opponent, this will be quite smashing!" She looks down at Gwendolyn's wand and says still in the accent, "Ah a wand. Well I have one of my own as well. Care to see it? Oh what am I saying of course you do!" OCB reaches into her bag and scrounges around for her "wand". "Its just perfect for matches like these!" OCB said before revealing that her wand is a Hitachi wand! She turns it on and presses it against Gwendolyn's wand and says, "Look I know they say not to cross the streams but I'm willing to make this one exception for you." Obviously getting the reference wrong just to mess with Gwendolyn.

Last edited by kite2014 on Wed Jul 03, 2019 10:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: An Sexual Debut . Gwendolyn Bones (d) vs Nicole Crawford

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Gwendolyn was resisting the urge to jump up and down as the fans were loving her entrance as she now just had to hope her opponent would play along. As the British wrestler could be left hanging if the other wrestler's music did not begin to play anytime soon after she had said ''Accio OCB'' as the fans awaited for the arrive of the other wrestler. Luckily it seems that Nicole would not make her look bad by not showing up as soon she would hear OCB's entrance music hit as the wrestler herself stepped or rather drove herself to the ring on an Vespa.

The sight of her opponent riding down the ramp on her scooter caused the fans to go crazy as even Gwendolyn herself was getting excited as she would just smile when the other wrestler doing do some finger gun pointing at the crowd after she climbed into the ring. However any hopes of getting along with her opponent were dashed the moment she heard that clearly fake accent that the classy broad was attempting to do.However that was only the first of many reasons she would begin to dislike her as for an second the HP fangirl got her hopes up when she mention she got her own wand before revealing it was clearly not the wand she had hoped for.

To make it even worse was that stupid movie reference she used as she whispered ''first that quote is from ghostbusters you idiot , and secondly can you stop ruining the English language with that pathetic accent you were using just now''as she would press her wand against the other wrestler's own as she pushed forward causing her breasts to press against the breasts of her opponent as the fans were enjoying the staredown at the moment.

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Re: An Sexual Debut . Gwendolyn Bones (d) vs Nicole Crawford

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OCB just smirked as she stood next to Gwendolyn, seeing the HP fanatic's face goi from excited to upset made OCB laugh. She stares the British girl down as OCB turns on her wand causing it to start vibrating against Gwendolyn's wand. The tart would soon push forward to OCB causing their breasts to meet and press against each other. It seemed OCB really struck a nerve of Gwendolyn's and would just laugh and says, "Well, well, well, listen here darlin' all this hocus pocus crap doesn't mean nothin'. Your little magical world is about to crash on down. Are you even sure you want to do this?! I bet you don't even understand the concept of what a hentai match is!"

OCB turns her wand off and tosses it to the side before reaching down towards Gwendolyn's skirt and flipping it up trying to reveal her g-string to the world. "I bet you ain't even slept with another person yet." OCB said with a evil smirk on her face before the ref would approach the girls forcing them to separate as she would explain the rules of the match. Once she got to the part about the stipulation OCB chuckled and says, "Well would you look at that. Looks like I get to deflower an opponent in the ring. I may not know about this here Harry Potter but I don't think there is a spell thats going to save you and your cherry tonight." OCB pats Gwendolyn on her head before taking a few steps back into her corner.

Once both competitors were ready the bell was about to ring but OCB charges right at Gwendolyn before it could and as it finally did OCB tries to hit Gwendolyn with a knee to her gut. If it had connected OCB would continue the assault by throwing in some punches trying to get a early lead by stomping a mud hole into poor Gwendolyn.

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Re: An Sexual Debut . Gwendolyn Bones (d) vs Nicole Crawford

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With each word that came out of her opponent's mouth the urge to just punch her in the face was getting bigger. As she wished the referee would just start the match already by this point when the bitch would reach down for her skirt , and flip it up causing an large group of the crowd to cheer OCB for this action. Since it gave them an perfect look at the g-string she was wearing as the HP fangirl was certain pictures of that moment would be posted online with seconds as she pulled her arm back to go for that punch.

However before she could the ref would separate them as she explained the rules as all the while the British wrestler would glare at her opponent. As she would patiently wait until the referee was done talking as she replied back ''will you shut up already. As I'm not an virgin alright , and the only thing that going to happen tonight you tart is that I'm going to first rearrange your face. As once I'm done with that I'm going to drive you crazy with my magic touch''as the whole time the bitch was patting her on the head as she needed to call on all of her will power not to just throw that punch already as she finally watched OCB walk away,

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Re: An Sexual Debut . Gwendolyn Bones (d) vs Nicole Crawford

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OCB just smirks as the ref would just stand between them but that wouldn’t matter to OCB she was going to embarrass this co-ed and pop her cherry in front of this crowd. OCB didn’t even listen to the referee all she did was smirk as she saw the anger welling up inside of Gwendolyn. Once the rules were explained the Brit would finally speak up and OCB would just laugh as she spoke. My goodness she really was going in deep into this Harry Potter magic girl stuff. Oh OCB knew what she was going to do with Gwendolyn’s wand, she wonders though if the girl would want her wand back after OCB sticks it in the Brit’s rear end?

OCB would start to walk back to her corner but as the Brit would OCB would turn back around quickly charging at Gwen and would send a jaw jacking right hook to the Brit’s head! OCB would continue the assault if it connected by kneeing poor Gwen in the stomach and slams both of her arms into the back of Gwen trying to force Gwen to her knees. The bell would ring as OCB’s fist would try to blindside the Brit starting the match. Finally, if the girl was on the ground OCB would start trying to stomp a mudhole into Gwendolyn’s stomach.

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Re: An Sexual Debut . Gwendolyn Bones (d) vs Nicole Crawford

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It was taking all she had not to punch that arrogant little bitch in her face as OCB was lucky the referee had gotten between them. Still as she listen to the referee she was already daydreaming about what she would do to her opponent. As one idea would love to do was force OCB to take her precious wand right up her ass. As the only negative of this plan at the moment was that she would have to use it for her entrances in future matches while knowing it had bin up Nicole's ass.

Still the HP fan made an huge mistake as she approached the other wrestler thinking they would lock up. Only to get punched in the jaw for believing that as she would stumble backwards. This was followed by an knee to the stomach , and then forced to her knees as OCB slammed both her arms into her back as she tried to crawl away as her opponent was just dominating her right now.

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Re: An Sexual Debut . Gwendolyn Bones (d) vs Nicole Crawford

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OCB smiled as the Harry Potter nerd would crumble to her sneak attack. OCB wold laugh as her punch connected with the nerd’s jaw. Just the shock alone was exciting. OCB would continue her assault by going to embarrass the nerd. The problem with wearing a skirt to a wrestling match meant that there was always easy access to one’s sensitive parts. “You know my daddy used to tell me back in his day that they would spank or paddle the kids if they misbehaved.” OCB said as she would sit down on Gwendolyn’s back and would attempt to slowly lift up her skirt to reveal her panties.

OCB would hold up Gwendolyn’s skirt giving the camera a good shot of the poor girl’s panties. OCB then looks down at the witch in training and says, “And well you are in a school girl uniform and you have been naughty. So time for your punishment!” With that OCB would attempt to start spanking Gwendolyn’s butt repeatedly and hard wanting to make her cheeks red and leaving a bright handprint on them.

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Re: An Sexual Debut . Gwendolyn Bones (d) vs Nicole Crawford

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Gwendolyn was dazed after she got punched in the jaw as she fell down onto her belly as she lay their for an bit. Still the bitch would not give her even an second to rest as she would mock her as she started talking about how they handled kids who misbehaved when her daddy was young. At first she wondered why , but when she felt Nicole sit on her back , and something was lifted up she quickly blushed as she yelled ''don't you dare do that to me or I am going to auwwwww'' when regardless of her threat she got spanked .

With each spank she would yelp in pain as the camera zoomed in on her panties as the fans were quick to either film what was happening on their phone or take pictures to share on their social media accounts as she tried to push up.

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Re: An Sexual Debut . Gwendolyn Bones (d) vs Nicole Crawford

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OCB smirks at every one of Gwendolyn’s yelps of pain, OCB just laughs as Gwendolyn’s butt cheeks started to turn a darker shade of red for every smack on her butt. OCB then rubs Gwendolyn’s butt and laughs. “Aw poor Gwendolyn, she is so sad that she got spanked in front of the crowd. Too bad nerd!” OCB said as she looks down on Gwendolyn’s panties and smirks evilly. This would be something so juvenile but it would fit oh so well with Gwendolyn’s whole get up and look. It was right there for the taking, how could OCB refuse not to try this?!

OCB looks right at Gwendolyn’s panties and just takes a hold of them tightly. She then looks down at Gwendolyn and laughs as she says, “Hey nerd, cute panties you have on. You mind if I get a closer look!?” And with that OCB falls back while pulling hard on Gwendolyn’s panties trying to lock the poor Harry Potter fan in an embarrassing atomic wedgie! OCB was trying to embarass and stimulate Gwendolyn at the same time with this attack!

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